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Jason A
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Does anyone remember Hypno Heat and know where I can get some?

The effect in case you forgot:
you take cigarette foil or a small peace of tin foil and role it in a small ball.
You put this ball in the spectator's hand and in seconds it get hot to the point where the spectator's hand gets so hot that they have to drop the foil.

The gimmick is a small stick made of this white substance.
You role on your fingers.
When you apply this to foil it get hot.

If anyone knows where I can get this please get back to me. It's been about 6 years I've been looking for it. It might be under a different name.

Thanks for your help.
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Profile of Spidey_magic
Yeah man!
this stuff was AWESOME! I do a lot of hypnosis and I love using "convincers" like that one... from what I remember they discontinued it and it was globally unavailable...someone should re release the darn was SO cool!
Kevin Connolly
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As I remember it, it had some bad health issues with the substance. Then it was discontinued.

Then again, I'm a collector. What do I know. Smile
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Profile of JVHarrison
The chemical is VERY dangerous, as it is absorbed through the skin and affects the nervous system.
Jason A
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Is there something else out there that gives the same effect ???

I did some research on it. and found out that the chemicals in hypno-heat is toxic....only if you eat it. the same thing with slush powder.
when I did this trick yrs ago I had wet naps with me and wiped the persons hand after doing it saying " this will help taking the burning feeling away "
the reason why its not sold in canada or the U.S is because it can be a fire hazard.
if it gets to hot and you put it in a trash can ( a piece of foil is touching the can and a piece of paper)it could cause a fire. the same as flash paper or cotton on your dash of your car in summer . the heat from the sun can get it to light. .. it happened to me ( lol )

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Profile of chrismatt
I believe the older effect used a compound , which was very toxic and dangerous, and could even be absorbed through the skin. I recall it being the subject of a major lawsuit involving brain damage to a child, resulting in its being removed from the market in many places.

There is a newer product, called Hypno-Heat II, which is advertised as being safer, but I don't know if the claim is valid and don't know the chemical(s) involved. I believe this newer product also requires that water be added to the foil.

If someone knows more, please post here.


P.S. These links might be helpful to you:
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Profile of Mehtas
I tried the older method just for fun.

Didn't use it on a person. I placed the silver foil on a perspex sheet and it melted right through.

The thought of doing it on someones skin even for few sec is beyond me.
Donal Chayce
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Profile of Donal Chayce
While browsing the dealer's room at Magic Live today, I noted that Collector's Workshop is selling Hypno Heat.
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Profile of michaelmagicart
The effect "Heat"originated in the 1950's and used a chemical in liquid form. I carried it in a pill bottle with a sponge to hold some of the liquid. At the appropriate time you simply pressed your thumb against the sponge and applied the liquid to the foil while rolling it into a ball and placed the ball of foil into the spectator's hand. I was a personal friend of the Magic Dealer involved in the lawsuit. He was found innocent of any wrong doing. In the 1970's it was discovered that the chemical on the back of "Snake Matches", when broken down to powder form and mixed with liquid would create the same effect. Neither are available in the U.S. today.
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Profile of Bambu
Hypno Heat in powder form and paper foild was sold in the 80's by Viking Mfg
The Cardfather
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I may be thinking of another effect but I believe Compound W (wart remover) has similar properties. Never tried it but heard.
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Profile of howiedidit
There is a method using Big Red chewing gum wrappers. Not as effective, but also not as dangerous.
Dan Bernier
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I have an almost full bottle of Mental Heat, a Micky Hades International release.

It is liquid form. I can pour a little of it into a pill bottle with a sponge instead of carrying around the big bottle of it.

A few years ago I contacted Michael Hades and asked what was in Mental Heat, specifically asking if mercury was in it. He was no help at all, and didn't answer any of my questions when he replied to my email.

I have not used it since I was told a few years ago that it could be dangerous. I have been looking for more information about it, but to no prevail.

I have been using it personally as a way to make Frixon ink disappear. I put a dab onto a piece of tin foil, wrap it up and place the foil on the frixion pen ink. The heat will cause the ink to vanish.
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Profile of Magicjg
My older brother ran a magic shop at the local mall years ago. A local magician came up and showed this effect to us. It floored me, and I thought it was amazing. This was around 2002 and the internet isn't nearly what it is today. My brother and I searched for this until finally a dealer had it. I received it in the mail and used it over and over again. I can remember all of a sudden not feeling well. I was doing this effect about 15 times a day. I was at the mall one day working and I started playing with it. I remember seeing spots quickly, instantly I threw it away. Could have been something else, but I would never touch that stuff again.
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Profile of jdmagic357
On 2009-08-07 13:54, Jason A wrote:
Is there something else out there that gives the same effect ???

Diluted Muriatic Acid. Used to clean swimming pools. Be careful.

Just cause they say it, doesn't make it true.
Andy Hobbs Magic
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A magician Called Carl de Rome in Norway sells a safer version and yes it's only poisonous if swallowed, but then you would not swallow slush powder either would you ?

Carl sells it at £25 for a 30ml bottle, inc postage anywhere worldwide, and also accepts paypal. He calls it "HOTSPOT" and regularly sells out of the stuff as he seems to be the only supplier.

For more info his contact email :
Martin Hunt
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Profile of lukecookmagic
Hi there
I have a product out called Psychic Heat . It is a liquid that is applied to the fingers and then applied to the tin foil causing it to gradually heat up getting hotter and hotter.
This version is a new safer method to previous products.
please go to and click shop.
Hope this helps a few of you.
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Profile of george1953
I have regularly used Carl de Rome's product he sells it in a dropper bottle which is easy to apply, also his customer service is first class.
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Profile of lukecookmagic
I agree carls product is a great version of this effect .
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