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Bristol, RI
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Profile of SeanD13
I am hoping that one of you might be able to help me. I am looking for plans that will show how to make a floor pump. I have not had much luck finding any other then the set that pops up now and again on a big name auction site.

You are more then welcome to PM me.

Thank you again.

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Profile of revlovejoy
If you subscribe to BalloonHQ, I believe there is a set of plans in the archives available to members. If I had found that first, I probably would have made my own, as I am a PVC DIY fanatic, but I can say that my minimac purchase was a fine investment.
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Bristol, RI
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Profile of SeanD13
Revlovejoy, Thank you for the tip. I am not a subscribe as of yet. It has been on my wish list for a bit now, but I don't think I am in the same skill level as some of the people there. The photos just blow me away.

I started table hopping this summer, and I have wore myself out with my hand pump. I have not quit made it out of the black yet. So, the wife is not so gun-ho when it comes to cost for things. (I am sure we have all been there before.)

Is there a book that I can found the plans in? or something??

Thanks again for the great tip.

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Profile of balloonbob
Seand13 this might help

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Bristol, RI
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Profile of SeanD13

Thank you very much. That is just what I needed.

You ROCK!!

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Scruffy the Clown
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Profile of Scruffy the Clown
Wow 65.00 bucks to build it. I had one and it weighed a ton. I'm glad I put another fifteen with it and bought a Mini Mac Light. Go for it, though. I just don't think the aggravation is worth the price difference.

My 2 cents.
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Profile of greatscott
I don't think that would actually cast $65 to build.
Scruffy, what is the website for the mini mac light?
Scruffy the Clown
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Them I sent ya! They really are heavy and a pain to operate after long periods of time. And, might possible be a contributing factor to my shoulder problems. Also, they aren't very stable free standing unless you attach some sort of base to them. Andy can build them to any persons height or other special requirements. Also, the have a check valve in them so the air doesn't escape if you stop mid pump. I looked at the Filbert long and hard before I bought the Mac. The Filberts are very nice, are well made, and colorful The loops around the top are useful for holding the extra balloons for multiple balloon requirements. I just ask the kids to hold them If I need to, It makes them feel like they really helped you make it.
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Profile of alexa
MacPump is the best! Tell Andy Alexa(Princess Lexiloo) sent you too. He is the greatest guy who is making a fantastic product and stands behind it. Fast shipping, will customize it for you, cheapppp, and FANTASTIC. I have TWO because I dreaded using my old pumps (including a T Meyers Pump 0 and majiloon) as back-ups.

I am a female and I promise your wife will understand this purchase over DIY.

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Profile of FunTimeAl
I built a floor pump much like the one in the link balloon bob put up. It did cost over $50 to make and it's terrible. It's heavy, looses air when the outter tube is tilted slightly, and is way too big.

I'd never recommend building one. I'm a do-it-yourself kinda guy. Ask any of the dozen or more people that use my tables to street perform.

But, making a floor pump from Home Depot parts is not worth it.

Buy a mac pump. They're good. My buddy's had one for years and he's a full time balloon guy.

Actually, do whatever you want. But at least I tried to warn ya!
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Bristol, RI
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Profile of SeanD13
After looking into the cost vs. value of this pump. I do think that the Mac Pump is the right way to go.

I would like to thank everyone for your help with this.

Till next time,
Have you hugged a Cup Junkie lately?

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Scruffy the Clown
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Profile of Scruffy the Clown
Please let us know how you like it, Sean!
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Profile of MrGreggy
I recently bought a Mac mini pump, I'm so glad I did. For years I was using a TMyers pump-0, which worked just fine, but I'm saving it now as a back-up.

Andrew McDonald at MacPump was great work with. I needed a pump customized so it would fit in my new case, and he got it made perfect.
Jay Ward
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Profile of Jay Ward
Not to sound like a broken record, and I should talk to Filbert about a commission but the Filbert Pump is an awesome pump for (last time I checked) $110 delivered. I've bought 2 just to have a back-up. Now that he has the new colored tubes, I'm sure I'll get another. Can't recommend them enough!
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Profile of coma185
I just got my Mini Mac today and all I can say is WOW! I can't wait for my next gig
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Profile of almagic
I tried out my friend's filbert pump, the weight is fantastic. wanted to log on to their website but having difficulty. Are they still in business or just happen the site is down today? Are there any other company selling their pump? can't wait to get one soon.
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Profile of CarlEJones
Just talked to Peter at 11:00 a.m. (CST) today, June 1. His site is down. The California people who maintain it aren't in the office yet.

He's still in business and doing well!

I have FOUR of his pumps and I wouldn't sell them for less than $500 each if I couldn't replace them with other Filberts. And I am not kidding. These are incredible! The first one I got has done tens of thousands of balloons, literally. The ONLY maintainance I've done on it was rubbing a LITTLE bit of silicon on the main tube, ONE time. I jammed a piece of balloon in it somehow and Peter's said send it to him and he'd fix it. Gotta love that kind of service!

I just bought a Filbert from a friend who had Peter install a 160 pump on it too! The nozzle on the regular Filbert is just too big for my taste for 160's. I don't think there are many, if any, others out there like that. I'm not sure as my friend didn't know. It's pretty cool though!

And -- I've developed something for the Filbert (after a lot of trial and error on my part) that I feel sure all Filbert owners will be interested in having. Details soon!

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Profile of almagic
Hi Carl,

Thank you very much for your response. it helps me a lot. will wait for their website to be up again soon.
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Profile of almagic
Oh no, it's been the third day and website still down. did he not pay his domain or server?
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Bensalem, PA
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Profile of Pokie-Poke
Got my filbert at twist and shout, had the same problem of getting a bit of balloon in the pump, not only did he fix it, but showed me step by step how to fix what ever ails it. I could not count the number of balloons that have bin on the pump since with no complaints.
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