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Mr. Mystoffelees
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I think summer brings out a certain indolence in all of us. Certainly Ohio has had a very hot time of it, yes?

Using time effectively- yes that is part of the secret. I feel we all need "goof off" time, I know I would go nuts trying to make each moment count. What I am finding works is early morning. I get up before usual, make some stong java and enjoy the birds and "sweet summer sweat" as I practice for about 30 minutes. Nice...

Had a laugh with your Reel magic comment, as I misread it (was tired late at night) to be "I've now decided my birthday PRESENT to my wife will be, a subscription to Reel Magic Magazine." Was about to tell you don't try- 'cause I have and it was not a good idea... Smile

Hope you get your wish!

Slow but steady with the coins. Struggling with the concept that I should switch to quarters, since halves are almost non-existent anymore. How does that work, anyway? You would think inflation would move everyone up a notch with coins.

Hello all! Hope you are doing well-


Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
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Hi guys. I've slacked off for the past couple of weeks and now time to get started again. I've been fooling around with a chop cup and have decided that's the next one for me. A short chop cup routine -- 15 to 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week. Target date to be ready for first show of Labor Day. That's six weeks away...not sure if I'm too ambitious, but I already have a C&B routine, so there isn't much skill building required, mostly presentation/routine and the right 'touch' necessary for the chop cup moves.

Jim -- I'm with you 100% on the half dollars. I don't do much coin work, but when I do it is with the good old half.

Nathan -- welcome back! Thanks for the sponge ball advice, I do love them, so simple, but so fun! Glad to hear you have started a training log. That's made all the difference for me. In addition to logging my practice, I also make notes on things I've learned that aren't in my reference books. My notebook is sitting on the bookshelf where I keep my magic supplies, DVD's and books. Just seeing it there reminds me I need to practice ... a sort of forcing mechanism.

Wish me luck!

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Profile of BlueOwl
Hi everyone! I had three solid practice sessions last week, and I snuck in some practice with cards or sponge balls while watching some TV. Two of the practice sessions were in the morning and that worked out quite well Jim. Unfortunately I have to choose between magic or working out in the morning (at least during the summer) because it is usually too hot to go run after work. Also, I officially started the training log. I spend the rest of my "magic time" watching sessions from the Essential Magic Conference.

My wife's aunt is having a Las Vegas themed birthday party in mid-October and I volunteered to do some strolling magic. In preparation I decided to focus on five effects that should play well with that particular crowd (and that I have wanted to learn/perform). A sandwich effect (Aaron Fischer's Search & Destroy), a version of the Biddle Trick, Extreme Burn 2.0, a simple sponge ball routine, and the Haunted Deck.

Jim - Funny enough, my wife's birthday was yesterday. You are right, she may not have truly appreciated the subscription, haha. In regards to the coin work, did you want to switch to quarters because you use a lot of borrowed coins for your effects?

Hudson - How is the Chop Cup routine coming along? Six weeks should be enough time due to your dedication. Good luck!

How is everyone else's practice going?

Have a fun Thursday!

~ Nathan
Mary Mowder
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Hi Nathan,

Let me suggest Lee Asher's "Three Stylin'" it's a poker chip "Three Fly" so you'd have to have your back to a wall but most rooms have walls.

I've been practicing lately but not the concentrated practice on one project that can be so helpful. I've been sort of trouble shooting some sticky points on several effects, hopping around.

I'm finding that my practice is relating directly to my next big upcoming Show or Show type that I'm trying to develop.

- Mary Mowder
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Profile of BlueOwl
Hi Everyone!

My practice is coming along much better now that I have something specific I am "training" for. I've completed five practice sessions in a row, including sponge ball sleights and the Biddle Trick. Also, last Friday I took a trip to my "local" (the one in Dayton closed, so I drove to Cincinnati) magic shop and picked up a fun poker themed packet trick from Bill Pryor called "Doomed." I finished up a script for it and am practicing the handling.

Mary - I took your "Three Stylin" advice and picked up the aforementioned "Doomed." I am a fan of Lee Asher's material, but my magic budget is mostly tapped out until the end of August, haha. But, I did want to use your suggestion of performing a gambling related routine. When is your next big show? Good luck with all of the refining and prep work.

I hope everyone else is having fun and productive practice sessions.

~ Nathan
Mary Mowder
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Hi Nathan et al,

My next big Show is a public Show our Magic Club puts on once a year. I like it because it is a larger venue than I normally work and it gives me a chance to break in some newish material on a large audience.

It can be a pain because there are a lot of other Magicians on the bill (too many for a well balanced show) and it can be hard to find material that I or my partner did not do last year AND avoid the Magic that the others are doing this year. I can't always say I'm successful but I usually opt to repeat some of last years material if I know what others have planned. Mostly I try to get my list in first.

I find practice with a specific project in mind more motivating myself.

- Mary Mowder
Mr. Mystoffelees
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I totally agree, Mary. Kind of like when I was into Kung Fu. If I had a match coming up, it was all the inspiration I needed to train really hard. I knew if I didn't, I would get my head handed to me in a rice bowl.

As for me, my grandson has discovered girls, and so our magical interlude has come to an end for now. Pretty sad for me, but at least I have many avenues for my mind and body to explore. Think I will use ropes as my connection to the magic world, as ropes have always been my " thing".

Keep practicing and checking in, mates, and you WILL prevail! Good thoughts...

Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
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Profile of BlueOwl
Good morning everyone!

My practice sessions are going strong. I've adjusted the effects I'm going to perform, but the knowledge of the upcoming event is keeping me focused. Oddly enough the practice is also a lot more fun when I have a definite purpose.

Mary ~ How is your set for the big show coming along? When is the show scheduled?

Jim ~ Were you introducing your grandson to the art of magic? I too succumbed to the seduction of girls and all things high school and college. But I eventually found my way back to the art, and this time the bond is much stronger (sort of like the difference between infatuation and love). Hopefully one day you and grandson can share magic again on an even deeper level. I enjoyed your Kung Fu analogy.

Hopefully everyone else is having some fun and productive practice sessions.

~ Nathan
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Hi Everyone,

My week of practice went very well (6 out of 7 days). I spent time on Search & Destroy, some Biddle variations (found some good advice from John Bannon) and I spent a few sessions working with IT. I'm surprised at how quickly I can go from complete frustration with a sleight or move, to at least a level comfort by going just past the wanting to quit moment. I'm looking forward to another week of practice and improvement.

Laurie ~ Thank you for sharing the pics. What event did you perform at? I love the reaction of the child in the orange shirt to the sponge bunnies!

Hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday weekend Smile

~ Nathan
Mr. Mystoffelees
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"I'm surprised at how quickly I can go from complete frustration with a sleight or move, to at least a level comfort by going just past the wanting to quit moment.

Now you have hit upon a great truth, Blue!

When I was young and into racing bicycles, our mentor was a former world champion racer who was rather stern and unbending with us. One day I asked him (which took great courage) what was the best way to train.

Across the street was a park with a one mile paved track around it. He said "every day, go over to that track and ride at an uncomfortably fast pace until you get sweaty and winded and bored."

"Is that it?", I asked. "No, when you get to that point, then sprint around as many laps as you can, until you feel that you will die if you pedal even one more turn of the wheels".

"Is that it?", I asked again. "No, when you get to the point where you can't even imagine one more turn of the wheels, then go around the track one more time. That, will be it"...

Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
Peter Stobie
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Mike Close's Renaldo the Great

30-60 minutes


November 6, 2010


I did my 30 minutes plus today and got frustrated because the rope I bought to replace the rope that came with the bottle isn't working. So I have to find a better rope. Jim, I will take your cycling story to heart once I find the decent rope. Thanks though, it was definitely a great reminder to what you have to do to get where you want to be!

Mary Mowder
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Laurie, It's nice to see you back.

Keep up the good work Blue owl.

Jim, I thought about taking up bicycling once. It made me two tired.

Welcome Peter.

Starting daily walk throughs of a whole ten minute set. I'm just glad it's a short set. Found out I left a card stand at a show. This is why you shouldn't talk to friends while packing up after a show.

Happy practice.

- Mary Mowder
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Profile of magicalaurie
Hey thanks, Mary.

And you're welcome, Nathan- the first photo was taken at Dairy Queen's Miracle Treat Day. The other two were at a local festival. The Rabbits, I've found, garner very positive responses from all ages. The German box and cups has pretty good range, as well.

Peter Stobie
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Well I was on business in Minnesota, so my practice on Renaldo The Great was tabled until the plane trip home. I was sitting alone and dropped the table tray down and ran through the effect. Until the point where the fact that I still haven't found the right rope put my efforts on hold. So I kept running through the first 3/4 of the routine and have the basic handling down. If anyone is familiar with Mike Close's routine I would love some suggestions on a type of rope that will suit my needs. Regardless it was pretty cool practicing on the plane. I did get my 1/2 hour in. I also practiced some sleights. Going to a Shawn Farquarr(sp)lecture tomorrow, hoping for some good inspiration off of that!

Mr. Mystoffelees
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Mary- Just THINKING about it made you tired? Just DO it, lady! (Too late advice. yes?).

Pete- Wish I could help you with the rope, but I don't know the effect. Can you explain what the "right rope" needs to be? Meanwhile, enjoy Shawn, he is a very personable and great magician. If he does, Shape of My Heart, don't miss it!

As for me, have been asked to do 2 busking shows at a street fair next week. Thinking of ropes, PePe LePe (my spring skunk), Miser's Dream and a few large-card effects. Should be fun, and it is for a good cause...
Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
Peter Stobie
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Thanks Jim! I got it figured out. I needed a stiffer rope thick enough to hold its shape when weight is put on it. I found a great piece of all purpose poly rope that's bright yellow at Home Depot. I did three sessions today to make up for the time I missed this week. Two were running through the handling and one was two 15 minute mini-sessions of memorizing patter as I picked up dinner for my family. I will probably run another session tomorrow now that things are starting to come together. I'm hoping to try a rehearsal on September 27 at my club meeting, then I will continue to practice until my debut table hopping event for my club's annual Hocus Pocus Party.

By the way, it is a wonderful effect with the Royal Chinese Prayer Vase. The rope it usally comes with is pathetic. You need the right rope to do the final clean-up at the end making you totally . . . clean! I saw him do it in 1998 at a lecture. Bought his books and later bought the Vase separately with plans on doing it someday. Ta-da! I'm doing it. It should be a lot of fun once I get it down. It's very clever.

Good Luck with the Busking Jim!
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Is that an acorn, Peter? I like it!
Peter Stobie
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Yes! My friend picked up two of them at Hobby Lobby. I pull various nuts out of mine like a black walnut, which is actually a lug nut painted black attached to a wood sample from the hardware store - See! A Black Wall Nut! I have several other types of nuts jammed in there. Then he says but you do know what comes from a nut? Then proceeds to pull out an oak sapling out of the Acorn. It's for a Nature Magic show we call the Woodland Wizards. Smile
Mary Mowder
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Hi mandarin,

Perhaps I should have said "two tyred". SQ (smirking quietly).

- Mary Mowder
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