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Profile of magicfish
I am of the opinion that Paul Daniels is one of the best magicians ever. In his long career he professionally presented manipulation, mentalism, illusions, parlour, close up, gambling, and lots of comedy.
My favourite Daniels magic was his time period slot from his tv show called Mississippi magic. He played the part of a riverboat gambler and displayed sleight of hand with cards and coins. He was a jovial hustler from the era- it was wonderful. Without a doubt my favourite period magic.

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Profile of benbv
I'd like to contact Paul Daniels, anybody knows how I can do that? I tried through his website but did not get any answer... Is he a member here? Thanks for any help!
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Profile of gautamagick
I do agree with Rodney. Paul has inspired a generation to get into magic. His TV show popularized magic. He has presented most areas himself and also some of the best talents from over the world as his guests. His wit and the ease of his presentation is something saught by every magician.
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A living definition of a master magician.
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Profile of bertoneski
Although Paul Daniels was/is a good performer his television show may well have done damage to the presentation of magic in the UK. Why do I say this? Paul Daniels has been perceived and lampooned as smug, egotistical and annoying. In the UK there was a satirical show called Spitting Image a funny and popular show that would have his diminutive puppet being annoying almost every week. In interview and on non magical performances on TV and radio he has done little to counteract this image. When one performer becomes synonymous with one art form (let us say like Tony Hawk with skateboarding or Derren Brown with mentalism) there is a danger that that artform will be highly coloured by that one person's personality - for better or for worse.

In the UK, for 10 years, Paul Daniels was magic. Perhaps not so in the USA and therefore he does not come with this baggage.
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Profile of magicfish
On 2010-05-03 08:06, bertoneski wrote:
Although Paul Daniels was/is a good performer his television show may well have done damage to the presentation of magic in the UK. Why do I say this? Paul Daniels has been perceived and lampooned as smug, egotistical and annoying. In the UK there was a satirical show called Spitting Image a funny and popular show that would have his diminutive puppet being annoying almost every week. In interview and on non magical performances on TV and radio he has done little to counteract this image. When one performer becomes synonymous with one art form (let us say like Tony Hawk with skateboarding or Derren Brown with mentalism) there is a danger that that artform will be highly coloured by that one person's personality - for better or for worse.

In the UK, for 10 years, Paul Daniels was magic. Perhaps not so in the USA and therefore he does not come with this baggage.

I understand Frank Sinatra wasn't always the nicest guy in the world- it didn't change his talent as a singer.

I read that Dai Vernon wasn't the most devoted family man- didn't alter his status as a close-up legend.

Paul Daniels was/is one of the greats.

P.S. I remember Spitting Image- talking puppets I believe.

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Profile of mindguru
I think he is a great magician I grew up watching him.

Posted: May 20, 2010 3:25pm
I also remembered that I had his magic kit. In the UK he was the man who got you interested in magic.
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Profile of cairo
I've hear from my UK friends he's become a parody of himself.
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Profile of magicfish
On 2010-05-20 16:19, cairo wrote:
I've hear from my UK friends he's become a parody of himself.

So what?
Brent McLeod
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Profile of Brent McLeod
Having Personally met Paul & Debbie privately and seen him live many times. He is a fabulous person as is Debbie - both very thoughtful about where Magics been & going.

Of course he's a Legend, He deserves it! And he's still working and performing.
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Profile of insight
Paul Daniels is a living legend.

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Profile of volto
Very recently on 'carpool':
Excellent trick from 25:00 onwards.

Also, just google "chop cup" for his excellent routine.
Also google "vanishing elephant" for a surprising vanish of an elephant in an open field.

A true legend. Surely if no-one in the UK can get his magic show back on TV, then someone in the US must be able to?
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Profile of damien666
The best Paul Daniels episode that I remember seeing was where he had several guests:
A Japanese illusionist, a clown that pulled everything out of his outfit, a puppeteer with a spikey red mullet that sawed a miniature doll version of Debbie McGee in half, a german magician that did water magic..
All fantastic acts.. then at the end - he revealed that all of the guests were HIM in prosthetic make-up.. It is what got me interested in Special Effects Make up- which is what I do as a profession now.
It was an awesome episode - anyone else remember this one??
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Profile of PhiltheBear
Just for those that don't know - Paul Daniels had an accident in his workshop and removed part of his fingers.

He has recently said that he's been able to perform some coin magic for his surgeon, who is impressed with his progress.

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Profile of imagine
I remember Paul Daniels when I was a kid. He had 2 shows, one was with the character wizbit, a yellow walking triangle cone and a show where a variety of magicians performed. One of the magicians he had that comes to mind was when he had a guy do a body effect with his fingers and that he had an extra supply of fingers as a backup Smile.
Justin M. Monehen
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Profile of Justin M. Monehen
Hi there - loved the Paul Daniels Magic Show and have most episodes on DVD (converted from old off-air videos). Would love to complete my collection - so if anyone has any old episodes I would be happy to swap etc. Anyways - great magician, fantastic show - got me into magic and therefor paid my bills for the last 20 years Smile
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Profile of tryphon
On 2012-02-08 14:40, Justin M. Monehen wrote:
Hi there - loved the Paul Daniels Magic Show and have most episodes on DVD (converted from old off-air videos). Would love to complete my collection - so if anyone has any old episodes I would be happy to swap etc. Anyways - great magician, fantastic show - got me into magic and therefor paid my bills for the last 20 years Smile

I have several of his episodes on VHS, but the tapes are getting noisy. I'll be glad to share with you the ones I have (three or four seasons). I have met Paul and he is one of the top magicians alive: great entertainer and a truly complete conjurer and showman.
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Profile of TomFoolery
Paul Daniels is on Facebook and twitter
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Profile of manananmaclir
I saw him perform live when I was a kid. I never missed his TV show. Loved him!
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Profile of bigcheese
I saw the Louis Theroux documentary that featured Paul and Debbie, and was pleased to hear that this did a lot for his image in the UK. He had started performing more to fund his wife's ballet company after a period of semi retirement.
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