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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Gambling Spot » » Poker player loses Ferrari... (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of webstercolby
WOW!!! now that sucks.
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Profile of RS1963
Another reason why everyone should have to take an I.Q. test before leaving there home for anywhere or anything. If you don't pass the test you don't get to leave for at least 12- 24 hours. The valet employee has to be more than just a few clowns short of a circus. I would hope the casino and it's operators get fined for this. This way past stupidity.
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Profile of Robert//Livingston
That is hilarious. I thought things like this only happened in James Bond Smile
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Profile of NJJ
I think it's an excellent reminder that, while casinos will spend millions protecting themselves, they don't care too much about protecting their customers.
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Profile of RS1963
On 2010-05-17 17:41, Nicholas J. Johnson wrote:
I think it's an excellent reminder that, while casinos will spend millions protecting themselves, they don't care too much about protecting their customers.

Yes and no. If your staying in a motel/hotel room the place your staying is not required to pay for or replace anything that is damaged or stolen from your room. There are signs in most parking lots that say the owners of the lot are not responsible for stolen or damaged items either. Anytime you park or have your car parked somewhere that is not public property (At least in the U.S.) your for the most part S.O.L. if something happens to your car or items that is contained within it.
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Profile of MagicSanta
When they tell me 'we are not responsible for loss or damage to your property' I use to respond 'great! I'm not responsible for any damage I cause either'. One hotel wouldn't let me register after I said that so I quit. Did the guy who took the car bring it back or get arrested?
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Profile of NJJ
RS1963 - It's not so much an issue of the minimum legal requirement as it is a clear difference between their own security and the security of their customers.

They have a huge PTZ system that recently caught a very subtle past posting scam at the roulette table after losing only a few thousand.

Yet they give away a $250,000 ferrari to anyone who wants it!

MagicSanta - He got a caught six hours later at a service station when the pump jockey suspected something was up when the guy in flannelette shirt and jeans couldn't open the fuel cap.
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Profile of RS1963
I agree I would rather they took better care of things such as this Myself. In this instance. The casino should take some action and One fire the bozo that didn't make sure the car belonged to who he was handing it over to. Also pay for any damages that may have been done to the car. There's a difference between not being the cause of theft and or damage, and being the reason it happened in the first place. It is a cut and dried fact that the idiot arsehead was at fault.
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Gambling Spot » » Poker player loses Ferrari... (0 Likes)
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