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Profile of Expertmagician
Any of you have problems with dry hands or Eczema?

I found a solution which works GREAT...But, it will take time....

When I was a kid (pre-teen) I had problems and the doctor said that I would outgrow it. Which I did for 45 years and my hands were GREAT !

Then a few years ago it started coming back to my fingertips.

Well I guess you know how dry fingertips and or bad skin or cracks hurts us guys who like sleight of hand.

I tried doctors, creams, prescription and over the counter...nothing worked well.

Then, being sort of a vitamin nut, I found some research which talked about Omega 3 & 6s (Fish oil). The article said that you should take a 3:1 ratio of Omega 3:6s.

So, I started taking:

1,200 mg of Flax seed oil (Omega 3)
1,200 mg of Primrose Oil (Omega 6)
1,200 mg of Omega 3 fish oil (Omega 3)

I take the above twice per day (morning and night) for a total of 7,200mg of oil per day.

The article said that I have to do this every day for 4-5 months to see a difference.

I started in December and now it is May and about a month ago I started noticing a, my hands and skin texture is just about back to normal.

I am obviously thrilled.

I hope this advise helps some of you .... but, if all the creams don't work...try Omega 3 & 6 Smile

Good luck and enjoy my discovery !
Long Island,

New York
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Profile of ein_doppelganger
Expert, thanks for this!! Any chance you still have the link?
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Profile of Expertmagician
Nope...I printed out a few articles and a couple of research papers....

But, if you search on Eczema and fish oil or Omega 3 and Omega 6, I bet you will find things.

The hard part was not the articles...the thing that took the most time was to figure out the best dosages to take and ratios.

The only reason I tried it was because doctors did not help and you know that doctors do not believe in diet and nutrition. I tried 4-5 different dermatologists before I gave I am happy Smile
Long Island,

New York
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Profile of ein_doppelganger
I am going to try this very ratio. Thanks for sharing, I will report back on it in a few months!
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Eternal Order
Devil's Island
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Profile of tommy
I have good book on how to draw hands and it shows how to draw hands of various ages and explains their development. All hands get dryer as one gets older more or less. So thanks for the tip as I hands are now getting dryer now. The books is called Dynamic Hand Drawing and I use it to make sketches of moves in my notebooks but its also very informative about the hands in general. Its more in winter time that my hands feel dryer. Perhaps you have overdone one vitamin or another as Erdnase said one needs a well balanced diet for this.
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Profile of Expertmagician
I refuse to age Smile .... OK photo is 12 years old ... I admit it Smile

This fish oil thing is working well.

I also found the best cream for the hands is: Neutrogena Hand Cream...which is really like an ointment which is not greasy. I used to use it every few hours...But, now with the fish need Smile
Long Island,

New York
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Middleburg, Florida
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Profile of atucci
Thanks for the mention of Neutrogena as it was tipped to me last year and I've been using it ever since. Will need to consider the Omega treatment as well.
Anthony Joseph

Middleburg, Florida
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Profile of Expertmagician
My typo...I meant 2:1 ratio. The doses are exactly what I have been taking since December.

LEGAL DISCALIMER: I am not a doctor and I just found that this works for me based upon some internet research I did.
Long Island,

New York
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