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Profile of Clock
It's a video game like Grand Theft Auto, expect it's cowboys in the old west on horses.

So, I found out you can play poker...and cheat! You can hold out an extra card; switch it in and out. You can also deal off the bottom of the deck.

What's cool is, when you cheat, you have to do it well. If you don't, they can catch you and challenge you to a gun duel.

I have been watching my roommate play it for hours. It's awesome!
Grant Carden
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Profile of tommy
Cool thanks Clock. I don't play computer games but I have to have go with that.
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Maitre D
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I heard about a similar game in development right now called "This is Vegas." Grand Theft Auto style, but with gambling. You can read marks on the back on cards at BJ, but I'm not sure if that's as far as cheating goes in that game. I saw a screen-shot of surveillance watching the character at the BJ table, so I'm assuming there is some covert aspect to cheating in the game.
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Profile of Robert//Livingston
Haha, nice link there AMcD. It does look like fun, it also looks like I would be playing poker more than the actual game Smile
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When I heard there was poker in this game I was really hoping you could cheat as well.
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Profile of stoneunhinged
Oh, oh, oh, oh...I MUST have this game!

Must must must. Not just for the poker, but for the whole experience.

Totally off topic: I had a weird gig last night. Music, not magic. Smile Anyway, it was a bunch of people who participate in old west re-enactments. Strange stuff. You fellow German members please don't be offended, but there's just something really weird about a bunch of Germans dressing up like Indians and sleeping in tipis.

Still, I admire their enthusiasm. I also figure that there must be a way to make money in it somehow. I could buy the clothes, travel to all their events, play banjo and do the shell game or three card monte. Of course, I'd have to learn how to do the shell game first. But surely it's not all that hard, right? I'm quite serious about this. I could do the Soapy Smith routine and pull in a couple of grand per weekend. My mind is spinning with possibilities.

Last night was a cool gig, too. All the beer and whiskey I could drink, excellent food, good money. Cool people. If you ignore the fact that they were all in buckskin.

Anyway, a MILLION thanks for bringing this game to my attention, Clock.
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Profile of Nosher
Thanks, Clock. A friend of mine told me about this game but he was over the moon that he could tie up a nun and drop her on railroad tracks. He didn't even mention the cards. Thanks to you, I'll take a look.

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Profile of kcg5
The game is awesome. I thought about mentioning this, buy clock beat me to it.
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"History will be kind to me, as I intend to write it"- Sir Winston Churchill
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Los Angeles, CA
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Profile of Clock
Yeah, the whole game experience is amazing. Anything you think of, you can pretty much do!
Grant Carden
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Profile of stoneunhinged
Except you have to be the main character, right? You can't make one up, like in Oblivion.

I would create my own version of Kwai Chang Caine (one who plays poker and drinks beer) and use the game as my #1 escape mechanism.

But I've now told all of you way too much about myself....
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