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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Wizard Magic Review » » Wizard Product Review - Hawk 2.0 and WOW 2 (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Craig Petty
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Profile of Craig Petty
Hey guys the new Wizard Product Review show is now live on youtube and will be available later on today on itunes. In this weeks episode we look at Hawk 2.0 and Wow 2.

Thanks for all the comments guys and also thanks to everyone who came to see myself and Dave at the Day of Magic yesterday.

Please let us know what you think!

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Lou Cirulli
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As always it's fantastic! It also helps that I won KEYMASTER!! *hoowah*
Craig Petty
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Profile of Craig Petty
Thanks Lou.

Have you contacted us yet about getting your Keymaster?
Lou Cirulli
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Yessir! =) I got an email yesterday stating it was shipped! Can't wait!!
Tony Curtis
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Have been watching you guy's here in Bangkok Thailand and enjoying it very much.

Tony Curtis
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Profile of gnosis
Thank you for the good, thorough reviews.

The Hawk demo video looked incredible, so I'm disappointed that the product turned out not to be quite as great as it seemed. Thanks for the heads-up on that one.

As for WOW, I never really got why so many people are excited about it. It always seemed just way too obvious that it was the gimmick that was responsible for the transition.

If the gimmick was hidden, it'd be one thing. But since it is in plain sight, it begs the question of why the magician needs it to be there and if he could do the same thing without it. And, since he can't do the same thing without it, it's clearly the gimmick that's doing it.
Mr. Mystoffelees
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I haven't changed anyone's opinion in
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I have always felt the same about WOW...
Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
Lou Cirulli
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As long as you justify the sleeve there really is no heat on it! I've been performing it since it came out and if your presentation is good people will not question it. My 2 cents anyway!
Cameron Francis
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Gnosis, I've said this in other threads but in order to make Wow work, you have to play up the fact that you are isolating the card to make it sleight of hand proof. You have to make it seem as if you need the sleeve to make the effect more test conditions. I pull business cards out of it and call it a business card holder. Has always worked well for me. A lot of spectators ask to examine the card afterwards. They think it's a the card which is tricky, not the sleeve. This has been my experience, anyway.
Craig Petty
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Thanks again for the feedback guys, the show gets more popular each week and this show in particular has been very well received. Wait till you see what Dave and I have planned this Wednesday!!

Also I totally agree with you Cameron, as long as you justify the sleeve there is no problem with WOW at all. In fact it can accomplish things that you never do with sleight of hand. Dave has a great presentation for the original WOW that not only justifies the sleeve but builds a very compeling story around it.

Anyway thanks for the continued feedback guys, carry on letting us know what you want to see!!

Lord Freddie
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Wow is a great effect, if you follow it after some previous effects which utilise changes. The 'sleight proof' angle is one that works, particularly if you emphasise the sleeve being empty before and after the transition. The heat is always on the card.

As much as I love WMS, the new website is ugly and a pain to navigate! Craig, get someone to sort it out!
Chester Sass
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There is a absolutely great way to justify the sleeve.
I won't go to deep with the idea of mine because the routine is TO GOOD to be public but what would you do if you would have a playing card of some value (like old baseball cards)???? You are would keep it safe in some sort of sleeve! That's just a hint......maybe I will someday post a video of my routine.
Author of "120% Chestosterone"

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Profile of insight
Was anybody surprised that WOW2 got a better rating on the review than HAWK?

Potty the Pirate
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On 2010-06-27 08:37, gnosis wrote:
As for WOW, I never really got why so many people are excited about it. It always seemed just way too obvious that it was the gimmick that was responsible for the transition.

Routined well, WOW absolutely slays! VERY few people ever want to check out the sleeve - and if they do, I've already switched it for the ungimmicked one. I always allow the spectator to hold the sleeve. On many occasions, they will make the change happen themslelves. For instance, I recently performed my "Ambitious Card" routine (which includes WOW!) for some American University students. I gave the WOW sleeve to a girl to hold, and then talked about how it was possible to make the signed card arrive in the "wallet" even whilst they are holding it. During my patter, all eyes were on me, not WOW. And the girl caused the change to happen unwittingly. When I directed attention back to the sleeve, there was the signed card!
There were screams, and the group were shocked. Spontaneous applause - I let the girl remove her signed card, and no one had a CLUE what had just happened!
At times like these, WOW is simply one of the BEST pieces of magic.
I'd be interested to hear what routines folks have in mind with WOW 2, which seems much less interesting to me. But I'm sure some great ideas are out there....
Potty Smile
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French magician Bernard Bilis uses the sleeve as a "ghost catcher". This tool coupled with a few other principles fool people badly:
NEW E-BOOK! Sneak: 12 card tricks based on the same principle.
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Profile of korttihai_82
On 2010-06-28 13:43, insight wrote:
Was anybody surprised that WOW2 got a better rating on the review than HAWK?


Not at all. It was actually refreshing to see honest review for once. I do own the original wow and I was one of those unlucky people who invested on Hawk and everything Petty says about it is true. It is a TV trick and not developed to be used on real world. I would even be more harsh on it and maybe give it at most 55 or so as real world piece. However, as tv trick it would be awesome as they said.

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Agreed, J-M. I like the fact that the reviews they provide are so wholly voluble and both reviewers possess alacrity and vivacity. They are quite sanguine.

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Profile of zhoudumu
Alacrity, vivacity, sanguine. WOW! I learned a lot of GRE word here
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