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Profile of shooz
Where can I find the instructions for making the "small" balloon dog for the above routine. I've been searching but can only find the "regular" balloon dog, not the small dog for the Hobson routine.

Thanks in advance,
With you in thought(s)

Scott Shoemaker... Shooz
Wes Holly
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Inflate the balloon half as much and you'll end up with a dog half as long. When doing a smaller dog it is necessary to twist each individual bubble instead of using the faster fold-twist technique. You could also switch to the skinnier balloon, known as a 160. If you are using a lunch size brown bag, I would suggest using the 160 balloons.
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Wes Holly
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Profile of wa-na-be
You can also get Hobson's DVD and it has the whole routine and instructions. You can normally find it for sale in the DVD sales section.

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Profile of keeblem
This is a funny routine. I've been thinking about making it up myself. I believe it's on two of Hobson's DVDs

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Profile of wa-na-be
Yes it is, but on his newest one I think he goes more into detail about the makeup of the bag.

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Profile of funnyclown
Jeff Hobson Exposed has the balloon dog bag routine. You can buy it straight from Jeff at

It's only $29.95 and comes with other great routines.
Mike Ianneo
Funnybone Magic

"Defender of the Defenseless One Balloon Dog"
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Profile of shooz
Thanks everyone,
But Hobson does not go into the making of his style of dog on his DVD. He said something about finding
out how to make the dog on your own. And since I'm not a balloon person, and his dog seems different from the standard balloon dog I've seen made, I am coming to those who know this entertainment inside and out.
I appreciate any help with this "smaller" version.
Thanks again in advance,
With you in thought(s)

Scott Shoemaker... Shooz
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Profile of manal
I have the DVD and he does show how to make the dog later on the DVD. Watch the whole DVD.
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Profile of RazeMagic
I love this routine. I am rather new with magic (a few years) and I put together Jeff's routine for an opening act at my local IBM Ring. I put a little twist on the end. Hope you enjoy it.

Exposed has all the details for making the balloon bag. I believe he skips over the part of actually twisting the balloon. It's a smaller dog with circles/balls - each one the same size. The key is not putting too much air in the balloon. I actually put too much in the one if the video. I'm using 260s but 160s would work better. I believe his Live DVD talks more about how to make the balloon. It isn't difficult though. If you can make a dog, just make it smaller.

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Profile of jonathandupree
Great job Brian. I loved when your son stepped on the balloon and said play dead. Funny man.
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Profile of manal
On 2011-02-25 15:28, manal wrote:
I have the DVD and he does show how to make the dog later on the DVD. Watch the whole DVD.

Sorry. I forgot he has more than 1 DVD out.
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Profile of Michael238
This is a great trick. I use it quite a bit
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Profile of jeffhobson
Hi guys. . . . . I guess I shoulda put a little more detail about twisting the actual dog. My preference is to make the dog a big as it will allow it to go into the bottom of a standard, paper lunch sack (lying down on it's side). I use a standard 260 and only twist balls - no fold-overs (if that's what it's called in the balloon biz). I give more than one twist to the head and both sets of legs since I want to make sure that it doesn't untwist while busting the bag. I inflate the balloon approx. 6-7 inches. This seems to get the maximum size I need without being too big and bulging out the sides of the bag. Experience will teach you best. . . . . use a lot of balloons to practice. They're still cheap. When they start costing the same as gasoline. . . . cut back.

I hope this help!!!

BTW - I don't endorse the Jeff Hobson LIVE teaching DVD. The EXPOSED is a much more updated, and experienced version albeit without the live show part. However, that's an old show from the 90's. I have my new "LIVE" performance DVD on my regular website, This site is for laymen and so is the DVD (it's a recent 45 minute performance)- I really don't want to advertise it to magicians BUT since the subject came up . . . . . there ya go!
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Ha! Brian, you should work out a way to get your assistant to "kill" the dog every time. What a great moment.
Danny Diamond
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I do a variation of this routine - quite a bit different actually, but it uses the restoration method Mr. Hobson teaches on his Exposed DVD, which I own.

I use a 260 and generally inflate to about 7-8". Instructions for the basic doggy balloon can be found in a number of places. I'd suggest grabbing a introductory book on balloon twisting at your local bookstore - or one of the TMyers pamphlets.

One tip I can give, is to make sure you roll-thru the head and tail - this will help ensure that the child doesn't unravel the dog mid-show.

And as mentioned by someone else earlier - I make the dog as big as I can, within reason - looks more impressive when produced from the bag.
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Profile of revmike
Just had Jeff at my church last week as part of our Magic Club lecture and this is indeed one of the effects he taught.

One of our members regularly does this and I will practice with it and eventually incorporate it as well. Wonderful effect.
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The Great Stevini
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I'm working on this routine for an upcoming show. I've swapped out many of the by-play for my own, but I'd like to incorporate the splitting of the second balloon in half. I tried this and did manage to split the balloon, but let's just say I would need to make sure my elbows weren't aimed at the kid helper. Is there a technique to use or is it just finger/arm strength?

The Great Stevini
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Nevermind. After a bit more practice, it's actually quite easy.
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Profile of magic.99
This is an awesome routine - I use this all the time and with the proper 'selling', this absolutely kills!
Buy anything Hobson and you will not regret it!!
Carrie Sue
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Profile of Carrie Sue
Hobson's Balloon Bag routine and his Egg Bag routine are both staples of my programs now.

My audiences love both routines!


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