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Chris Piercy
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Hi everyone,

Just wondering if anyone performs Dave Williamson's Cocktail Dazzler?
I just did the first two phases of it last night when I was out and it went down really well.

Going to practice my TC so I can perform memory test - what an excellent effect!

Chris Piercy
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The first phase is great and I use it all of the time.

I have also used the second phase with great success. The only reason I don't do it as much is because there is literally a point in the routine (and if you do it enough you'll see where/why) people can get slightly confused during the card revelations. And that isn't to say he structured it badly, however if you do cocktail parties often there are a number of distractions that can lead to the audience not being able to follow each phase.

I think the overall idea of a "cocktail dazzler" leaves open many possibilities. I saw this routine not just as a card routine, but a way of doing a mini close up card show, while standing. Each phase flows better than the last and I love that. I say play around with your own version of it and you'll have even more fun!
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I tried it out for a while. I found the end phases a bit 'clunky' and hard to follow (by the audience). It is a fantastic routine though, I suspect that Mr Williamson blows people away with it... because he is David Williamson! I evolved my routine to follow the cards to pocket route in latter phases, which works for me.

The memory test is a great effect - simple, direct, patter that guides the spectator..
Chris Piercy
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Thanks for your input guys, I think I agree with you about the last phase, it seems a little bit out of place and I can see spectators getting confused.
I think I can definitely see this flowing beautifully into a cards to pocket type effect as you have suggested Puggo so thanks for that idea.

Need to get the handling for Memory Test nailed now, I can't wait to perform it at my next gig Smile

Just been looking at Dave's Torn and Restored Transpo and his "3" card trick.
His material is consistently solid and I find him absolutely hilarious.
Steven Leung
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Chris, since I got the opportunity to work with David Williamson for some time. I want to share with you about what I observed how Dave performs the Cocktail Dazzler.

To sum up the following, I will use a simple phrase: Do it in jazz style.

Like the name of the effect, Dave did perform it during cocktail parties, after dinner while table is not require, standing room only.

Besides, it really depends on audience reaction, and this trick never fails to gasp the reaction of lay audience. Dave perform it so casually but the main script (important wordings) will be the same and he will adjust other script to work with audiences. Deck in his hands are smooth and as a magician I can see the beauty of how cards being handled. Most of the time Dave performs the first 3 phrase because the last phrase about the monte thing, it may not applicable to some circumstances.

Don’t forget to perform the famous 3 card trick before / after the Cocktail Dazzler, it amplifies the reaction to triple!

Most memorable moment - with Maestro Juan Tamariz & Consuelo Lorgia in FISM Busan 2018.

"Being fooled by a trick doesn't always mean they are having a good time" - Homer Liwag

Chris Piercy
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Hi Steven,

Many thanks for the invaluable information, I really think it'll improve my confidence and ability with this effect no end.
Jazz Style - I like it!

This should all slot very nicely into other effects I do and is definitely going to be one that will be a huge talking point once you've finished performing to a group of people.

If you see Dave pass on my regards and thanks for coming up with so many terrific routines.

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Any tips for the spread force in the first phase? I struggle with it.

Chris Piercy
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I've only performed this aout 4-5 times but I've hit every time.
I don't worry about trying to be subtle about exposing one card for a little longer, in a layperson's head there's no chance at all that you could possibly know the location of any card in the deck.
Someone who has performed it more may have some better tips than that but that's just what I've found.
Good luck with it.

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Lee Smith has some work on this on the STEP system DVDs
Garrett Thomas gives a lot of detail on this during his 'Look a card' routine on the L&L set (slightly different execution).

Over christmas, I used the first phase (as part of a cards to pocket routine) while working both tables and strolling jobs. On a couple of occassions I just spread the deck on the table or in a fan (no extra 'work', a fair spread)- I tried to see where the spec was looking at the point of the question ("got one?" "yes"). I then looked at the area of the spread I thought that they were looking at, selected the card.. and hit.
Luck? Yes. Educated luck? more likely! I do normally try to force / influence the card though.

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Just ran across this post. I've also been following David's material for some years, now. I love performing his Cocktail Dazzler. I don't understand, however, the deception regarding the final phase--the 3CM. It seem when the last card is turned face-down, it's obvious that it's stolen back onto the deck... I'm curious if anyone understands this part of the final phase, and performs it.

In any case, since I haven't been able to master the 3CM bit, as he teaches it, I've instead followed the AC phase with CTW, as the finale. As strong as the 1st 3 phases are, when that thing comes out of my wallet, people are loudly protesting, blown away, etc.

Another part that I struggle with is actually the opening gag--where he produces one, wiggling card from the card-fan. Does anyone know where this gag is taught?

Can't say enough about this routine, in general, though. When I perform it, the audience is *very* impressed.

Steven, I perform the 3-Card Trick more than any other, these days. It always kills. I've never thought to precede or follow the Cocktail Dazzler with it, though. Almost seems like overkill.

Finally, I also love performing the Memory Test. Great trick as this is, however, I somehow manage to telegraph the fact that the spec is left with the Jokers. They know it before they turn over the cards in their hands. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, do you feel it's a bit anti-climactic?
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Profile of frankw
Everything from David Williamson is fantastic like he is in person! His Cocktail Dazzler is like a dream to watch when he do it. You will forget all the moves and will be surprised how well it is entertaing with magic and fun! The same for the Memory Test. Sometimes the audience will give you the battle and say the Jokers or also when say know this answer "You got me!" and let them show the cards. The magic works and everyone will laugh! Be a nice guy and have fun and let the audience have fun with your magic.
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Agreed, Frank! Just rolling with it is the best option. Nice to know I'm not the only one facing this problem. Am still fiddling with the pacing to see if I can unlock the key to the perfect reaction...
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Yes I got the same reacion but it is more like fun from the spectators the see the effect but they will believe that it happened! You can also look surprised about the answer, when they say "the jokers" and than you say that is even more impossible as I can do, but your wish ....! So you are doing something that the spectator tells to you and this like can you produce money, did you know the lottery numbers, or can you vanish my wife Smile
Chris Piercy
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I still don't do the 3CM part of cocktail dazzler as it does seem a little clunky as mentioned before (not in Mr Williamsons hands obviously) so I can't offer any tips.

Memory Test is just superb, perhaps you are referring to the jokers too much at the start of the effect, try just nochalantly mentioning them before putting them away, at the end as you place the 2nd card in their hand I say "this has all been a ruse, a bit of misdirection, the real memory test comes now - do you remember the cards I put in my pocket at the start?"

Haven't had anyone jump the gun so far, but I don't think the trick is ruined if they do, providing your handling has been smooth they should still be impressed.

Hope this helps a little!
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Re Memory test:
Over the last month ot two, I have been getting the four aces, asking which the spec prefers. If they prefer black, I put the two red in my pocket (wink wink!) and proceed with the effect as normal.
After the climax, I'm set for a quick false shuffle or two, followed by 'Diminishing, not likely' (Gordon) or Kickback Kicker (Smith).
This gives quite a natural progression. I'm still playing with this, but its worked very well so far...
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On 2011-12-01 12:58, Damian wrote:
Finally, I also love performing the Memory Test. Great trick as this is, however, I somehow manage to telegraph the fact that the spec is left with the Jokers. They know it before they turn over the cards in their hands. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, do you feel it's a bit anti-climactic?

On 2011-12-04 06:43, Chris Piercy wrote:
Memory Test is just superb, perhaps you are referring to the jokers too much at the start of the effect, try just nochalantly mentioning them before putting them away, at the end as you place the 2nd card in their hand I say "this has all been a ruse, a bit of misdirection, the real memory test comes now - do you remember the cards I put in my pocket at the start?"

Agree with Chris, when taking out the Jokers at the beginning, it's important to sell the idea that you just forgot to take them out, and you're pointing out something funny about them that only someone as obsessed with cards as a magician would notice. A bit of self deprecation goes a long way here.

But also, what I do (and this is straight from David Williamson's performance on the Magic Farm DVD) is I actually give them the appropriate instruction. I always say: "Ah, you're holding them too hard, I can't make the switch. Nevermind. Don't tell me which cards are in your hand. That was just a red herring. Remember the cards I put in my pocket at the beginning?"... and so on.

I don't make a big deal out of it, and I'm not sure how influential it is, but the instruction is there, and so far nobody has jumped the gun...

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I don't think I'm drawing too much attention to the jokers--just a seemingly off-the-cuff joke, as in the video--but it's worth playing around with. Recently, I tried removing them from the deck and just *looking* at them, before putting them in my pocket, but that was even worse--the spec didn't even remember that I removed cards at the start!
Anyway, thanks for the feedback, I'll keep fiddling with it.
Justin W
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If you're cool and use Studs, this is the line I use:

"Hey look, I got these jokers personalized with my name on them."

Then I put them into my pocket.

It works.
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The Memory Test reminds me of Doc Daley's Last Trick, a gentle gotcha effect. I get great reactions from DDLT. For those of you who have tried both, how do they compare?

Chris Piercy
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Memory Test has a much better plot behind it and I find it much more involving for the spectators.
Also it has a completely different feel to it as the jokers are removed as a "non-part" of the effect, so it really seems as if there are only 2 cards in play.

If I only had a minute to do a quick trick I'd choose DDLT otherwise I'd choose memory test every time.
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