Ray.Valenz New user 2 Posts |
Here’s the deal:
I pitch to make money. I don’t pitch full-time, mostly whenever I need to generate some extra income or during the Christmas season. I’d like to think I’m pretty good at it; at least that’s how I feel when I leave the lot with pockets full of cash. I guess all that is to say, I feel like I know what I’m doing. After all, I did learn from Don Driver……… So, when I saw Don’s recommendation on this forum to look into an item called Jumbie Jumpers, I checked it out. Here’s the link to see them being demo’ed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp3m73rzyjc Pretty neat, huh? Long story short, I made A LOT of money pitching these things. I pitched them during the 2010 Christmas season at the Phoenix Park n Swap and made a mint. You know when you do so well and have such huge tips that the other vendors sort of give you the snake eye all day? Yeah, that was me. All. Month. Long. Vante Toys, the maker of Jumbie Jumpers, has got something hot here. The pitch is fun to do and fun for people to watch. You almost don’t even have to try to build a tip; when people see a tiny dancing alien, they cannot help but stop and watch. Vante supplies professional quality graphics for signage, a commercial to play on a TV whilst pitching and a manuscript that details just about every part of the pitch. Anywho, I just wanted to put the word out about Jumbie Jumpers because I think you guys could make a lot of money off of them, too. Just don’t set-up near me, hehehe. The contact info for Vante Toys vantetoys@gmail.com |
DonDriver Inner circle 1790 Posts |
Thanks for the nice words Ray.I turned Alex onto the Jumpie Jumpers and the Super Looper.He has spent 90% of his time promoting the Super Loopers and doing a great job I might add.
Alex has lots of jumpie jumper stock on hand ready to ship so if anybody wants to give them a try email him at the email Ray put up. Later,Don |
slyhand Inner circle Good ole Virginia 1907 Posts |
I can't really tell what they are from the video. Is there a better clip or picture to see?
I am getting so tired of slitting the throats of people who say that I am a violent psychopath.
Alec |
DonDriver Inner circle 1790 Posts |
Its a small cardboard cut out and it seems to dance all by its self to music.IT is the secret. Here are Alex's new ones he has now. http://i.imgur.com/DhztY.jpg Its called a dancing doll.They have been around for years but kinda of got lost for awhile.Here is a street verson. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt-3OKdzAVE Don |
sethb Inner circle The Jersey Shore 2816 Posts |
Don, I watched the Jumpie Jumpers videos, and thought to myself -- wouldn't Howard Thurston be amused and pleased to see what his stage version of "The Rising Cards" has morphed into? Very cute. SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC |
slyhand Inner circle Good ole Virginia 1907 Posts |
Don't you need a confederate to help you?
I am getting so tired of slitting the throats of people who say that I am a violent psychopath.
Alec |
Ray.Valenz New user 2 Posts |
No confederate needed. You can pitch these solo, for sure. Ray Valenz |
WillRoya Loyal user Henderson, NV 223 Posts |
The booth pitching them at the AZ state fair didn't do to well with them; it closed down after the first week of the fair. I was thinking of getting some, but I heard wholesale was $1. Maybe if they were .50, or I could just manufacture my own, this item has been around in Europe as a hustle for awhile and they are simple to make. To my surprise the splat balls still take in the money so I'll stick to that and the floating card for now.
DonDriver Inner circle 1790 Posts |
Once again Mr Roya has no idea what hes talking about.Alex,Ray and myself have all taken in big money with them that I know of.Many other people have done the same.Its a money making item and builds its own tip.Making them yourself is a stupid idea as well.You have art work,graphics and packing alone is a bundle of money and more trouble than its worth.If you mean to print them out on a computer and than cut them out and glue them on cardboard at home you are even more stupid than I thought.
Don Driver |
WillRoya Loyal user Henderson, NV 223 Posts |
That is great that they are doing so well for you guys. Keep up the good work.
harry knight Loyal user 207 Posts |
As Vante Toys are no longer in business, does anyone know where to get something similar? Thank you
Gerry The Great New user 29 Posts |
I don't know where to get them but I gotta tell you I wouldn't feel too good about selling this type of thread work to the average person. That is something I've struggled with selling any type threadwork. It is amazing and it's very difficult. That's why the Svengali s so good to see. Amazing and easy to work at a fundamental level.
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