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Yes, yes. I should have written, ""I have studied the development of hypnosis and hypnotic theory over the past 100+ years, and observed developments over the past quarter-century." Yah got me! Smile

Anthony, no, you didn't use the expression "revolutionary." You wrote, "It has profound implications..." I stand by what I wrote. If what you present really does have "profound implications," I'll be first in line to applaud you and compliment you. If however, it's just another description of what others have been doing for decades, I'll be...disappointed.

BTW: Why are "dumb blonde" jokes so short?


So men who sit around posting to forums can understand them!
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I'm just happy the only "reviews" I get for my stuff are from people who have actually seen it.
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I don't understand how one can pass judgement on a product that hasn't actually been used/heard/seen. I'll leave it at that. Anthony, how is the research going? Would you say the AI Model has a higher success rate than the previous model's you've used and taught? I realize that you've said this is the one that you are happy with, doesn't necessary mean it has a higher success rate. This is all that I really care about. Always striving towards being able to hypnotize 100% of people, 100% of the time. If this get's me closer to that point (even if it is impossible), than I'm a happy customer.
Anthony Jacquin
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our research at this point involves testing AI against other models. Our preliminary research suggests it turns lows into highs meaning hypnotists can work with more people and more people can experience a wider range of phenomena.

What percentage 'more' equals will be published soon. In the meantime check out the work of the Cognitive Behavioural fraternity if you haven;t already. They have the only model and approach that consistently turns lows into highs. We have boiled down that approach into something practical and added something to it, that is very easy to understand and apply.

Best regards,

Anthony Jacquin

Reality is Plastic! The Art of Impromptu Hypnosis
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Profile of hypnokid
So much dumb noise from someone who clearly has no basis for their opinions. MP, why don't you buy it (borrow it, steal it) and listen to it and then come out with all your anti-Ant cliches rather than revealing yet again the obvious vendetta you have for Ant. Apart from the fact he's working, has friends, gets respect from other hypnotists and mentalists, has a nice website and appears to be a cheerful person, what exactly do you have against him? Smile

Too much style to be a stage hypnotist.
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On 2011-06-21 19:08, snm wrote:
I don't understand how one can pass judgement on a product that hasn't actually been used/heard/seen.

What would you recommend?
Bob Burns is the creator of The Swan.
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On 2011-06-22 04:53, hypnokid wrote:
So much dumb noise from someone who clearly has no basis for their opinions. MP, why don't you buy it (borrow it, steal it) and listen to it and then come out with all your anti-Ant cliches rather than revealing yet again the obvious vendetta you have for Ant. Apart from the fact he's working, has friends, gets respect from other hypnotists and mentalists, has a nice website and appears to be a cheerful person, what exactly do you have against him? Smile


First of all HK I can understand that someone suchs as yourself percieves what I say as "dumb Noise" but that's basically because really have very littile knowledge of hypnosis in general. In fact like most on here you have most of your knowlecge from Ant who in many ways is only a few months ahead of his follwers. Hes obviously still lerning many of the basics. But other hypnotists who have been around for a while know exactly what I am going on about.

Why would I buy something that I already know is being misrepresented? Plus I have no need for the application I really have no interest in the product although I have been asked by a few on here what my opinion was. I have given it based upon the interview take what you want from that. YOu obviously don't want to hear that the "induction" Ant is claiming to have discovered hasd been around for a LONG LONG LONG time. Indeed my first awareness of it was when I was 15 when my Karate teacher showed me it. I also had and might still have an old video filmed in the late 70s early 80s of Bandler talking about how he uses a similar peripheral induction for self hypnosis to build hallucinations around himself when he is bored. According to him he said he would build a jungle around himself until he could hear wild animals and would swat flies off his face.

Ant would do well to go on a few really good NLP trainings before making claims.

I have no reason to believe this "new" offering will not be any different from the previous ones that were basically nothing new other than the market it was aimed at.

As Ant said there was a mix up he never offered to me to review. Mindpro is obviously another person who would like too see my review. Obviously Ant doesn't for his own reasons. So there the matter is closed.
Anthony Jacquin
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[quote]On 2011-06-22 11:56, mindpunisher wrote:
YOu obviously don't want to hear that the "induction" Ant is claiming to have discovered hasd been around for a LONG LONG LONG time.

When and where did I claim to have discovered an induction? One of the pillars of the approach is that it is inductionless. All I said was it was easier for me to hallucinate in my peripheral view than it was by looking directly at something. That has nothing to do with an induction.

I love the fact that you are now listening to my work on others behalf. I had no idea you had so much time on your hands. What am I saying, of course you have time on your hands. That is why you jump every time I post on here MindPunisher. You cannot stop yourself. Can you? Post. Jump. Post. Jump. My favorite is when I Post and you Jump, Jump, Jump. I wish my dog was this easy to condition.

You would do well to address your basic needs for purpose and meaning in your life MindPunisher. It might help you get rid of that gnawing dissatisfaction you seem to carry.


Anthony Jacquin

Reality is Plastic! The Art of Impromptu Hypnosis
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MP, do you not value the opinion of Docc Hilford? I heard he's been doing hypnosis for decades.

Too much style to be a stage hypnotist.
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Heresay is not necessarily the truth either. I know Docc and he is a great mentalist and reader with a brilliant mind (and one hell of a performer) but I would not say the same about hypnosis.
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Profile of hawaiihypnosis
Hey MP the contest to win Ripped Apart: The AI Model and Reality Is Plastic: The Interview Ends on June 30th. Head over to to get your entry in.


On 2011-06-20 19:28, mindpunisher wrote:
First of all Ant I said let me see what you DO with this not the over the top theory. What you DO is all that matters. The rest is just hot air and a lot of it really IS Bs. Although I truly believe you believe your own hype. Although we all indulge in a little Bs at times...

Ive seen what you do . Ive watched it develop over the last couple of years I know exactly where it all came from.

If you have tweaked an induction for an application then great. But really that's about all this over the top pretentiousness is about....nothing more. But call it what you want.. It might even be a brilliant tweak a stroke of genuis...who knows?

Or maybe I will hold a "directors chair meeting" to discuss it with you?

To be honest Ant I wasn't even going to read this thread or listen to the podcast. However some one phoned me and another pm'd me asking me what I thought about this.

Apparantly I am not the only one that thinks this but if it makes your followers happy then its a good marketing gimmik. Good luck with it.

And those that think the same why not voice it yourselves I think Ive had enough.... stop hiding..Im going to suck my plums.

I will refrain from pointing out the obvious in the future..

I woud also like to point out ripping apart your previous work does indeed imply just about all hypnosis since your work comes from other sources...namely bandler with the handshake induction... most of the inductions in RIP you got from Jon Chase and I'm sure he got them from somewhere else... and the majority of your routines are canabalised from very old stage routines... So you are indeed ripping apart everyone that's gone before you.

And as arrogant as I may appear I definately respect where I come from and who I learned from and recognise what is good and what is poor.
Anthony Jacquin
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Are you feeling lucky?

Jump Smile
Anthony Jacquin

Reality is Plastic! The Art of Impromptu Hypnosis
Updated for 2016

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Anthony Jacquin
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Jump around, jump around, jump up, jump up and get down. Woof.

Anthony Jacquin

Reality is Plastic! The Art of Impromptu Hypnosis
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On 2011-06-23 12:32, mindpunisher wrote:
Its ok Ive had two people offer to buy me it just to review it....

Personally I thinks its gonna be a pile of dung.... But I might just go through that painful process... then again I might not.... there might be something better to do like go watch a car accident... or deliberately catch my nob in my zip...

The good news for Ant though there seems to be fresh supply of dung beatles who like dung....

I can't believe anybody with half a brain can't see this crap for what it is..

Ant hasto be the best dung peddlar Ive ever seen. Thanks to the beatles..

No wonder your smiling Ant you must wake up through the night at times and wonder how your getting away

Just goes to show you can sell anything so long as you find the right level.

Good to know this will be an unbiased review.

Ant - what about handing this over to Mr Eason for an honest, critical assessment? Or does MP consider Adam to be unqualified as well?

MP - it strikes me that you have no rational arguments so resort to personal attack, rather sad really. A while back I was irritated by you... Now it's more, well, pity. You might not care what others think of you but you really should.

On the other hand I do laugh quite at lot at most of the stuff you post Smile

I await your usual jump saying I'm one of Ants followers... Tiresomely inaccurate
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MP, given that Ant's business does not have any real impact on you whatsoever, why do you whinge so much?

You whinge because you can't get gigs but openly admit that you wind up your customers and you don't know why.

You now whinge because Ant has put out a product that challenges your beliefs, yet you won't obtain a copy (you claim you have been offered two free copies) in order to see if your assumptions are correct. Instead you whinge that the product is probably rubbish. From the man that sells a PDF telling you to turn a used vibrator into a mentalism toy. Mmm, smelly. Great for all those really cheap skates that have sex toys, want to pretend to be a mentalist and don't want to buy the real thing. Do you look forward to the day that you have a friend to operate the remote end? Do you buzz when you walk? Do you permanently have a perverted smile on your face? I'm curious as to how you stumbled across the dual uses of such an 'interesting' bedroom purchase.

You do yourself so much justice everytime you type. Well done.

Too much style to be a stage hypnotist.
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As hard as it is, let's all try hard not to stoop to the sane level of personal insults. MP is, I'm sure, just happy to wind people up. Responding with such personal slurs is probably what he enjoys.

Let's keep this forum about hypnosis. Ideally respecting that we all, by and large, have a slightly different view.

If you disagree with someone's opinion at least offer up some rational explanation as to why.

James Brown
Anthony Jacquin
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Very happy for my ideas to be attacked. But insulting my customers, as he is above, is not on. MP has not got a clue who I train, what their background is or who he is insulting.

Ranting about a product he has not purchased smacks of a personal agenda. All be it a fruitless one.


Anthony Jacquin

Reality is Plastic! The Art of Impromptu Hypnosis
Updated for 2016

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Richard Webster once told the story about an Australian magician attacking him on Internet forum and therefore made his book sale skyrocketing Smile

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Here's an honest review from someone whi has bought this work, and it should be said, someone who (would like to think of himself) as a friend of Ant and Kev.

The Cd is a structured conversation charting tyhe development of this model. It costs £30.
The first 7 chapters explain the background - so far, so old news. In fact, I'm prepare to admit I was getting pretty p 1 ssed off by this stage.

The AI part of the discussion was interesting; kind of using a process of imagination, revivification and then a subtle loop to produce stuff.
As I listened I thought, cute, but is this anything new. Again, I confess to being a bit let down.

Have said that, I was already constructing new suggestions to try and play on this "automatic automaticity" for want of a better term!
But, you know, £30 for a new idea seems a lot.

Bounced it around all day and most of the night! My partner is a great physical responder but never gets amnesia or above.
Tried framing the process for her, worked, thought -hmm, ok.

This afternoon, a paid gig in 27degrees C heat. Mixed group - garden party BBQ.
I was actually using the excellent hypno card from alchemy moon - I.e. My selection was based on set pieces etc.
Turns out, poor eyesight! Coulnt read the words (my fault - dnt think about that!!)
Initial suggestions was not taken - some social compliance but not much - this was a street party where I'm the outsider.
Decided to go with numb tounge routine for, asking participant to imagine the lignocaine going in.
Again, only dry mouth response .
Then in a flash, decided to push for the AI response, and used toothache, not numbness, as a way of wrong footing her conscious resistance. Lo and behold - she got it.
Scowling and wriggling her jaw.
Great reactions from audience at this point.

So, mixed feelings.
Very interesting concept, and easily transferrable to current practice.
But it's £30.

Then I looked at the some of the other stuff I've bought but haven't used, or found not quite so good as the as copy.
For this gig I bought a few effects 4 weeks ago: behaviour patterns, alarmed and a servante.
Loved the servant, hated the others. But that's just me.

In summary, some very good ideas, easily usable and kind of obvious when it's explained to you (like many of the best tricks).
NOT for the curious, or armchair student. And actually maybe better value for money than I first thought.
At the end of the day, what price ideas?
On the down side, we, the first wave, will pay for something that will probably be passed on for free, copied, plundered etc.
Still, I sleep at night, and Ant & Kev (& Freddie J) are good people.

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Thanks Doc, that seemed honest and was intellectually refreshing, stating it with both the pros and cons as you see it.

Regardless of your friendship with the Author. That's the way it should be for us to progress.

What was good, what could have been done better and what did you learn?

On an aside... Looking forward to meeting you, Ant. Smile
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