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Just got mine. I think this is fantastic. Very well worth the $$$.

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Why! to the above poster
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Profile of fyi2
Very straight forward method, simple confluence of ideas, and VERY simple to learn. Until now I have been a BCS guy. I have tried twice to get the Aaronson stack, but age or lack of commitment (Maybe both) trip me up. Now I can do all my favorite BCS routines, and stack with the many many Mem Deck routines, plus other effects that need a mem deck of some kind such as Sanda Panda etc.

This is a very deceptive deck, flys past anyone who has seen it, yet the method opens all the magic mentioned above, and I am sure a lot more besides.

Hope this helps,

PS Off topic but I also got Doug's R2-D2 and that is extremely practical to do as well.
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I have reported the above post by Unknown to the admins. It appears that this post is spammed all over The Café.
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Thank you Vlad.
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Profile of Magic-Daniel
Can you tell any card at any position in this stack with out looking at the faces?
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Profile of ddyment
Magic-Daniel wondered:
Can you tell any card at any position in this stack with out looking at the faces?

Yes. It's an algorithmic stack, designed (but not required) to be memorized.
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Steve Suss
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Would it make any sense to use an algorithmic stack such as this one and memorise the deck one faro after or one faro before this stack? You would then have the benefit of knowing two stacks. This would enable you to perform several effects with one stack and then give the deck a very fair faro and continue with other effects. This would really throw people off. I stopped using a memorized deck several years ago when I substituted other effects in my act but would like to get back into it. Rather than just re memorise my old stack I'm considering other ideas such as the above. Any other ideas would be appreciated.
Steven Keyl
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Any stack can be used multiply using an ages old indexing principle. In short, if you faro 4 times your stack is set at "Index-8". Meaning that each card is 8 away from its neighbor. In other words, if you have a spec take a card and you cut at that point and peek the bottom card which is stack number 18, for example. Then you know the card they took was stack number 26 (18 + 8).

After one more faro, you're at Index-4, then Index-2, and finally with one last faro you're back at your original stack.

Using these indexes you can perform any tricks that only require you know the next card. For example, any of Osterlind's BCS tricks would be fair game for these pseudo-stacks. I use this principle often and the nice thing is that it can be done with any stack. (Although the periodic stacks like Si Stebbins and Eight Kings don't look natural as you near the end of the 8 faro cycle. It is definitely more natural looking with Aronson, Tamariz, QuickStack, or any other non-periodic stack).
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Steve Suss
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Steven, thanks for that invaluable bit of info. I never realized that and it could really open up a whole new world with a very convincing demonstration while you're constantly shuffling under very fair conditions using a legitimate faro. I'm going to have to rethink what stack I want to use now that I know I could use this idea with any stack. Thanks again.
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Profile of landmark
Fascinating Steve, but I think you must have left something out. As described above you don't have 8 faros.
Steve Suss
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On 2013-06-09 23:10, landmark wrote:
Fascinating Steve, but I think you must have left something out. As described above you don't have 8 faros.
i believe Steve meant you start with 4 faros and you are at bank 8. You then give it 4 more shuffles going to bank 4,2,1 and then your stack. You can then give it 4 more shuffles to get back where you started from. The beauty of this is you can do an effect that requires knowing the next card on your stack and then faro shuffle and do another one. Finally after 3 more shuffles you are at your stack and can now do any effects using your stack. If you can do a good faro this type of procedure looks very fair. I'm sure I read about this probably in Expert Card Technique when I first learned how to faro shuffle but have forgotten about it a long time ago. Thanks to Steve for reminding me.
Steve Suss
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Just to correct myself above it is bank 8 to 4,2 and then your stack.
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Profile of landmark
Steve and Steven--I think if you check, there are only 7 faros accounted for in Steven Keyl's post.
Steve Suss
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On 2013-06-10 09:22, landmark wrote:
Steve and Steven--I think if you check, there are only 7 faros accounted for in Steven Keyl's post.
I'm not the expert and haven't had a chance to try it out but I believe you are correct. Steven probably meant you start with 5 faros to get to 8. Then 4,2 and back to stack making 8 total faros. Regardless, I'm very glad he pointed this out to me and it's a principle I intend to use.
Steven Keyl
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Landmark, Steve, you are both correct. It's 5 faros to get to index-8. Thanks for the correction!

(Actually, the full index order is 26, 13, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1. I typically just use the last 4 though.)
Steven Keyl - The Human Whisperer!

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Profile of landmark
Interesting how it goes from 26 and 13, on to powers of 2. Very useful, thanks.
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Profile of JohnWells
This has become my stack of choice. The BCS was dissolved from my memory by a stroke, and two months in hospital with kidney issues has limited my ability, but this stack I can manage.
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Hope you're feeling better John.
Bill Hallahan
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Profile of Bill Hallahan
QuickerStack is all that is advertised. I highly recommend it.

I memorized the Aronson stack years ago, and I do like some of the built-in features of that stack, however, as has been noted already, some routines that can be done with the QuickerStack cannot be done with the Aronson stack.
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