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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Ballooning 101 » » Robin Egg Blue vs. Pale Blue (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Christopher Lyle
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Which do you like better and why?
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Christopher Lyle
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Alex Rapattoni
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Profile of Alex Rapattoni
I prefer robins egg blue. The coloer is richer and more vibrant. I think it is a world better than pale blue.

That being said, I use pale blue regularly because the last I checked, they didn't have robins egg hearts and I carry hearts as well as 160's and 350's of every color I use.
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preston eakins
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Well using a simple body and a batman imprint makes me have to have pale blue I like robins egg but it seems to me more of a luxury more then a necessity

it all comes down to how much room is in your bag and how many different sizes and I am sure no one has it down to a perfect science yet since colors change and new figures may be better with certain colors and a million other reasons!
Wes Holly
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Robin's egg is nice, but the lay people will never know the difference between it and pale blue unless they see them side by side. Use one or the other, no need to carry both. Now, if you're planning ahead for a commissioned piece for decor or delivery, then use the color that best suits the creation. They do make rounds in all shades so you'll have a match in 260's.

I used to be one of "those" that needed every color so that I would always have the "perfect" color to match a dress or for that one cartoon creation that looked a little better in one shade than another. Years ago I decided to "thin the flock" and one decision was to carry colors that came in all sizes. As I mentioned, the lay peopla will never know that I could've used a wintergreen instead of lime, they just see light green.
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Wes Holly
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preston eakins
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Lol woah wes woah I was with you on the blues lol but man green is a whole different subject

I have to have all three shades of the green not counting neon and emerald cause as we know jewel tones suck

but those 3 shades of green in my opinion are very necessary just for flower stems alone. the different colors of the flower petals
call for a different shade of green and each shade is far enough from the other that your not going to grab one instead of the other from your bag by mistake

if you want to go on to other color shades I don't like berry cause it looks too much like red in my bag pre-inflated that is that I sometimes grab the wrong one so when I am done with that color it wont be replaced

however I do get both pink and rose due to the fact I use both those colors more then any other and if you have 2 sisters wanting something in pink you can give them different shades (sometimes that works sometimes it doesn't)

but back to blue I really don't see a big difference in pale blue and robins egg but I do like periwinkle (how cool is it we can say things like I do like periwinkle and still be manly lol)
Alex Rapattoni
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I have considered adding wintergreen, and only carrying in limited quantities. I don't want to, but sometimes like just doesn't cut it. However I always choose rose, over pink.

Periwinkle is an awesome color, but I don't see it as "light blue"
Weird is part of the job.
preston eakins
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Periwinkle is not a light blue and that is why I have it sorrry I was not more clear on that... my bad
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Profile of iwillfoolu
I have too many colors as it is. I used to use both wintergreen or robin's egg blue, but don't really have much use for them. I might substitute pale blue for robin's egg blue but see no reason to carry both. I use 25 colors and am thinking of cutting out gold, silver, ivory and metallic green too. That would bring me down to 21 colors- White, Clear, Pink, Rose, Fashion Fushia, Red, Orange, Blush, Yellow, Goldenrod, Lime Green, Green, Tropical Teal, Pale Blue, Dark Blue, Purple, Lilac, Chocolate, Mocha, Gray, and Black. Those are the colors I really use.

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I carry a pale blue, I carry it because it matches the 350 and 660 that I use. I get more milage out of that color.
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Christopher Lyle
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Yeah...I decided against the Robin's Egg Blue as it would seem like "just one more color" to have to lug around and I also carry the 350 and 660 in Pale Blue. Thanks everyone...
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Christopher Lyle
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Profile of dew
I like them both.
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Profile of EvansFlorida
Just found this as I was debating Robin's Egg blue. The only reason I would think about it is because Qualatex's Polka Dot Tropical assortment has in it Robin's Egg Blue. My octopus bracelet needs a matching 160. So you guys have found the two, pale and Robin's Egg, match closely enough?
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Profile of DATMagic
LOL my wife says I'm the only twister collector she knows. About 4 months ago I decided to keep every color Qualatex makes in 160, 260, hearts, 5" rounds and bee bodies. DON'T !! When I have them all out it adds too much thinking time for the kids and adults to decide on the colors, plus EVVERY ONE wants to drag their hands across all the balloons. I want ever carry that many colors again but I will keep them on hand for decorator pieces.
David A Trombetta

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Profile of Kevinr
Pale blue..

Its cheaper and very little difference.

Why pay more no one really sees much difference.
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