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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Ballooning 101 » » Get to quit retail and make balloons for a living (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Charleston, SC
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Profile of Robynhood
I got to quit my retail job. I've been hired by Island Paradise Balloons here in Charleston and I'm so excited. They have restaurants booked every night of the week and parties and events on the weekends. I'm still going to do parties for family and friends on the side, but get to have steady work. I have so much to learn and I'm excited to get the training and experience of such great twisters.
Christopher Lyle
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Dallas, Texas
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Profile of Christopher Lyle
Wow! So having only done 1 balloon gig for family and friends, you decided to quit your day job to pursue ballooning full time. Talk about making the plunge...
In Mystery,

Christopher Lyle
Magician, Comic, Daredevil, and Balloon Twisting Genius
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Charleston, SC
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Profile of Robynhood
Well it's not that gutsy, my day job sucked and paid little, I was down to only working a couple days a week there because it was also far out of the way from where I'm living now. I was planning on quiting in the next couple months anyway and pursue restaurant gigs, so it just came a little faster than expected and now I will have my jobs found and scheduled for me. I'm very fortunate.
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Inner circle
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Profile of TonyB2009
I made the jump to full-time magic fifteen years ago in similar circumstances, and never looked back. Good luck.
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St Louis
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Profile of Leland
Keep moving forward, even when things look bad. You wont regret it!

I don't!

Best of luck.
Life of Magic!
Christopher Lyle
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Dallas, Texas
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Profile of Christopher Lyle
You're in for a really fun ride man...being a full time entertainer has it's up and downs, but the rewards it provides far outweighs the downs. Coming from a guy who has never had what many would consider a "real job", let me be the first to welcome you into the ranks of the "full timers" crowd. Woo Hoo! Smile Smile Smile
In Mystery,

Christopher Lyle
Magician, Comic, Daredevil, and Balloon Twisting Genius
For a Good Time...CLICK HERE!
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Charleston, SC
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Profile of Robynhood
Thanks guys, this forum has been such a great resource and I'm glad I get to converse with such talented twisters.
Alex Rapattoni
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Seattle, Wa
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Profile of Alex Rapattoni
I lucked out, in november last year I was let go from my retail job. It was the best thing that has ever happend to me. In two nights at a restaurant I make what I made in 40 hours at that job, and that's just tips. Life has been so much better for me. Still looking for a Sunday morning gig though.
Weird is part of the job.
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Profile of nomorechances
Alex, do you have a Tequila's restaurant in your area. They have family day on Sunday by us, and I was able to get in with them. Or do you have a local mall? Find an ally in there and you will be set. Wish my tips were like what you are reporting, guess I gotta keep working at it....

I've been doing this full time since November. It was a hard decision, but the job I had wasn't taking me anywhere anytime soon. Had a slow couple of months, now I cannot believe how fast we are making connections in this area. I would never tell someone, hey, you should quit your job...but I wouldn't discourage someone from giving something like this a go. Scary at times, but very rewarding.
Alex Rapattoni
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Seattle, Wa
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Profile of Alex Rapattoni
The closest Tequila's is 2+ hours away, thanks for the tip though.

When I was fired, I was faced with two choices, pound the pavement looking for a new job that I would hate, or pound the pavement looking for better paying restaurants. Same amount of footwork, better results. Plus it got me more exposure. I wouldn't suggest quitting without something lined up already, but I made 3x more than my retail job with my balloons last year, and worked just as much, if not less. So far this year I am doing better than at any point last year.

Life is good.
Weird is part of the job.
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