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Steve Brooks
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Northern California - United States
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Profile of Steve Brooks

Who is organizing the Essential Magic Conference?

The EMC is organized by Luis de Matos, Marco Tempest and David Britland. It is a not-for-profit venture designed to bring together magicians of all kinds via the internet to learn, share and collaborate.

Where is the conference being held?

The conference is being held at Studio 33, a purpose build magic facility in Ansiao, Portugal. The facility was created by Luis de Matos as a magic headquarters. We’ll be giving you a video tour of the premises shortly. But you will watch the conference from the comfort of your own home.

What's included in the registration?

Registering for the conference entitles you to several things:

  • Access to the lectures as they are broadcast live on the internet.
  • Access to the lectures as video on-demand immediately following the broadcast.
  • A complete set of DVDs mailed to you and containing video of all the lectures and bonus materials generated by the conference.
  • Ability to participate in the conference by creating your own Member Page on the EMC website.
  • Ability to join in Question and Answer sessions and online interviews with our speakers.

What is a Member Page?

This will be your own personal space on our EMC website. You can post your own magic profile here. Tell us about yourself, your interest in magic, your experiences, your creations. We will be keeping an eye on these pages and using them to generate topics for online discussions. We’ll also be asking for your feedback about the conference, inviting participation in polls and online question and answer sessions.

When will my membership expire?

The membership expires one year after the conference (i.e. July 1st, 2013).

How will I get my DVDs?

The DVDs will be mailed to you. Please be sure to provide us with your correct postal address when registering to the conference.

What language are the lectures in?

All lectures are broadcast in English or, if necessary, translated into English.

What time of day will the lectures be broadcast?

We are drawing up our schedule now and will post details as soon as they are available. However, we anticipate that the lectures will be live in the afternoons and evenings in Europe. But keep an eye on our Schedule page for up to date information.

Will all the speakers be at Studio 33?

Yes, all the Speakers will be at Studio 33 in Portugal. This is not a skype conference. All the lectures will be shot on a multi-camera set up and delivered to you in high-quality video live and on-demand. And because all the Speakers are together we have other opportunities for panel discussions and question and answer sessions, details of which will be announced later.

I did not receive my password reset instructions

Occasionally people think they have not received an email from EMC only to later discover that it has been treated as spam by an overly enthusiastic spam filter. If you are using a spam filter, please ensure that it does not filter out emails from EMC.

EMC in 60 Seconds

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Our mailing address is:

Essential Magic Conference
Estudio 33
Parque Empresarial do Campores
Ansiao 3240-509

"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Essential Magic Conference » » Questions & Answers » » TOPIC IS LOCKED (0 Likes)
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