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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Magical equations » » Mental Effects with Mathematical Methodologies (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Chicago, IL
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Profile of TonyBrand
Apologies if this has been beaten to death, but I am searching for a book (or books) that deals with mental effects that use mathematical principles as the core method(s). I have a feeling that most of these effects are scattered throughout the literature, but I was looking for suggestions on where to begin. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Profile of RicHeka
On 2012-06-27 13:22, TonyBrand wrote:
Apologies if this has been beaten to death, but I am searching for a book (or books) that deals with mental effects that use mathematical principles as the core method(s). I have a feeling that most of these effects are scattered throughout the literature, but I was looking for suggestions on where to begin. Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Hello Tony: Once again, I highly reccommend the following work:

There is a plethora of material relating to your initial question. May I add....there are appendices with useful printable tools for 'personal' use. Also, the entire book is meticulously footnoted.

P.S. I have no connection with this book, other than it being on the top shelf of my personal library.

Happy trails
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Chicago, IL
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Profile of TonyBrand
Thank you, Rich! I will definitely put that on my list. I saw it referenced in another thread and had a feeling it might come up here. I love the fact that it contains a history of the principles themselves.

If you have any other suggestions, feel free to share them.

Thanks again,

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Gibsons, BC, Canada
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Profile of ddyment
The majority of my own published works feature effects that have mathematical constructions at their core (even those, like R2-D2) that do not appear to be so). It's just how I think.

But with the exception of my magic square work, the mathematics is rarely visible to the audience.

And I have been known to write a footnote or two myself! Smile
The Deceptionary :: Elegant, Literate, Contemporary Mentalism ... and More :: (order "Calculated Thoughts" from Vanishing Inc.)
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Chicago, IL
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Profile of TonyBrand
Just read an excerpt from Hidden Numerical Forces and it seems to be right up my alley.


I've heard nothing but good things regarding your books/effects and find your site to be a valuable resource for all mentalists. R2-D2 has been on the wish list for quite some time. Thanks for chiming in. Smile
Michael Daniels
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Profile of Michael Daniels
There is a huge corpus of material on this. Of those books that cover a range of mathematical principles and methods, a few of my personal favourites are:

Card Concepts by Arthur F. MacTier

Mathematical Wizardry by Harry Lorayne

Mathematics, Magic and Mystery by Martin Gardner

Martin Gardner Presents

Magical Mathematics by Persi Diaconis and Ron Graham (though this is a bit too mathematical in my opinion)

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Chicago, IL
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Profile of TonyBrand
Thanks, Mike. I was considering the Lorayne book after Richard Osterlind recommended it on his 13 Steps DVDs. It looks like I have quite a bit of reading on my hands!
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Profile of boxjumper
Check out The Book of Destiny by Larry Barnowsky.
There are great routines fully scripted. Many mathematically based efffects are in the book including Aunt Tilly's Will, Triple Psychometry, Look to the Cards, Fibonacci Flush, Sum-traction, and Buried Treasure of Triangle Islanand. Dr. Barnowsky's effects are always very unique, well thought out, and completely baffling to the audience. Those listed are some of the 44 chapters in the book. Highly recommended.

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Profile of funsway
Most of Martin Gardner's writings on magic was mathematical based (consider Encyclopedia of Impromptu Magic). While most have a conjury flavor, many can be presented as a Mentalism effect -- the key mathematical prinicples that can be used to entertain, mystify and befuddle.
"the more one pretends at magic, the more awe and wonder will be found in real life." Arnold Furst

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