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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Periods & styles of Magic » » Histories, biographies, and period pieces (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of manananmaclir
This may not be the best place to put this, but it seems like this could go in three different places, so a coin toss picks this one. I'm about halfway through the Magician and the Cardsharp, about Dai Vernon's search for a gambler who could deal out of the center of the deck, and it got me thinking. What must read books are out there on the history of magic, personalities in magic, or books that are contemporary of the period they cover, but do a really good job of it? I have Jim Steinmeyer's Hiding the Elephant and his book on Ching Ling Soo, and can recommend both highly. Any others come to mind?
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Profile of cirrus
On the history of magic? There is a nice history lesson in magic and meaning by Eugene Burger and Robert Neale. You might like that book. History of magic: the Discovery of witchcraft is a nice book also.

btw: How can a coin toss decide between 3 things?
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Profile of manananmaclir
It was a three sided coin? Smile Magic and Meaning looks interesting. I see that there is a new edition out too. Are you referencing History of Magic by Levi? That's a bit more on the thaumaturgical and a bit less on the prestidigitational side for my tastes. I'm specifically interested in sleight of hand and the like, and specifically disinterested in hermeticism, witchcraft, and general occultism.
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Profile of cirrus
You SHOULD read Magic and Meaning. It's a must read for all magicians.
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Profile of manananmaclir
I'll definitely pick a copy up.
Michael Baker
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Profile of Michael Baker
There are many books. You can be as busy reading as you want to be! Just a few:

General history:

Magic: a pictorial history of conjurers in the theater - David Price
Panorama of Magic - Melbourne Christopher
The Illustrated History of Magic - Melbourne Christopher
The Great Illusionists - Edwin Dawes
Paul Daniels and the Story of Magic - John Fisher
Magic 1400s-1950s - Steinmeyer (Taschen publication)

Book on more specific period:

Victorian Magic - Geoffrey Lamb

Biographies and autobiographies:

Pleasant Nightmares (book on Bill Neff) - William Rauscher
Ghostmasters (spook show magicians) - Mark Walker
The Coney Island Fakir-The magical life of Al Flosso - Gary R. Brown
John Calvert=Magic and Adventures Around the World - William Rauscher
Jack Gwynne - David Charvet
Siegfried and Roy-Mastering the Impossible
Life and Times of a Small Town Showman - Augustus Rapp
Willard-A life under canvas - David Charvet
Willard the Wizard - Bev Bergeron
I Can Still See Me - Celeste Evans
Germain The Wizard - Stuart Cramer (Miracle factory publication and the original cramer books)
Illusion Show - David Bamberg
Alexander-the man who knows - David Charvet
The Magic and Illusions of Lee Grabel - Ormond NcGill

There are also books that document history of some of the actual magic:

The Albo Classic Magic Series, and his books on Okito and Thayer Magic. These largely document apparatus and posters.
Wittus Witt has a gorgeous book on magic set collecting.
~michael baker
The Magic Company
Bob Sanders
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Profile of Bob Sanders
Michael just gave you the best "cheat sheet" out there. Reading is fundamental.

The other thing we too often overlook are the folks who were there! Go to the conventions and meet the people who did it. Many will sit in the lounge or lobby and give you stories that are never going to be in the books. Meet them and have the conversations of your life. Give yourself a chance to talk with someone you'll never forget. Most are glad you want to know.

Bob Sanders
Magic By Sander
Bob Sanders

Magic By Sander / The Amazed Wiz
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Port Hadlock
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Profile of manananmaclir
Oh wow.... that's a fantastic list, Michael. Thank you. And yes, Bob, that's very good advise. Looks like I have some selective book purchasing to do. Conventions will likely have to wait a bit, simply for fiscal purposes.
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