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Profile of EricDraven
Sounds excellent!
Great testimonials....just bought the app!
Believe me...nothing is trivial...
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Profile of EricDraven
Just played with it...excellent instructions, ready to perform!
To say it with Craigs words "Opened it 30 mins before and I already can do it!"
Can't wait to try it in the field!
Believe me...nothing is trivial...
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Profile of FredNarlo
And after a few performances, you'll find ways you can tweak it. It's very customizable.
Red Shadow
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Profile of Red Shadow
£32.49 is expensive for an app. Especially without any videos of a performance or official reviews. Im intrigued with it, but I have no idea whether this is an effect that works with my performance style or has limitations on my phone.

will a performance video be made available?
Myke Phillips
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Myke Phillips
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Profile of Myke Phillips
On 2013-05-05 18:38, ku7uk3 wrote:
£32.49 is expensive for an app. Especially without any videos of a performance or official reviews. Im intrigued with it, but I have no idea whether this is an effect that works with my performance style or has limitations on my phone.

will a performance video be made available?

Hi there,

We are hoping to get some official reviews very soon.

There are performances of 3 effects, 3 explanations of those effects,introduction and settings videos in the app.

Myke Phillips
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Myke Phillips
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Profile of Myke Phillips
Thank you for all your PMs. Feel free to PM Salah Aazedine too. I will try to get back to you ASAP but I am Mega busy so sorry for any delay.
Myke Phillips
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Myke Phillips
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Profile of Myke Phillips
Here is the correct link to iMindreader. Same password:

Myke Phillips
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Myke Phillips
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Profile of Myke Phillips
Best App on the Planet! ★★★★★

by Infotainer - Version 1.1 - May 6, 2013

I swallowed my pride and took the initiative to buy this app and boy did I get my money's worth! This is the best app out there! If you're looking to really shake your spectator's world and achieve a God-like status among mortals, don't hesitate to get this. If you don't then I will fool you badly with it!!!
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Profile of Pfauntschi
Do you guys know when the language-update will be released?
I already know, that they finished the german language... now I am waiting every day^^
or is it completly impossible to perform it in the current (english) version as a german guy?
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Profile of Salah AAZEDINE
On 2013-05-16 10:58, Pfauntschi wrote:
Do you guys know when the language-update will be released?
I already know, that they finished the german language... now I am waiting every day^^
or is it completly impossible to perform it in the current (english) version as a german guy?

Hi The update will be posted very soon on the app-store. The review process take a long time especialy with iUnlockYourMind because we had tough time trying to convince apple to approve the app.
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Profile of Pfauntschi
I understand... thanks for the info-update...
no Myke said " Don't buy it, when your phone is not set to the english language...
is it completly impossible to perform it in the current (english) version as a german guy? or is it that obvious that some would notice that at first?
Myke Phillips
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Myke Phillips
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Profile of Myke Phillips
On 2013-05-05 18:38, ku7uk3 wrote:
£32.49 is expensive for an app. Especially without any videos of a performance or official reviews. Im intrigued with it, but I have no idea whether this is an effect that works with my performance style or has limitations on my phone.

will a performance video be made available?

Here is an unedited studio performance of iUnlockYourMind that some of you guys are asking for.

There was no set up with Paul and the peek happens in real time.

Password: iunlock

Kindest Regards
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Profile of Salah AAZEDINE
On 2013-05-16 12:37, Pfauntschi wrote:
I understand... thanks for the info-update...
no Myke said " Don't buy it, when your phone is not set to the english language...
is it completly impossible to perform it in the current (english) version as a german guy? or is it that obvious that some would notice that at first?

if you want to perform it as it is now, you will need to set your phone's language to english otherwise they will notice the it's different.
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Profile of shoexboy
Here is one thing I find out compare with Video and APP.
APP Store 's IUnlockYourMind dosen't provide complete fucntion as mention at Video instruction.
Will it provide full Function in the future?
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Profile of rasp
Shoexboy....... sorry, don't fully understand what you mean.
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Profile of jprace
The online Facebook group for this is great! I had a problem once in performance, and a perfect solution was already posted in the group. Get this!
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Profile of DynaMix
The spectators genuinely don't recall that they typed their pass code into your phone?! It's undoubtedly a clever app, but seems quite obvious, no?

I love these kind of apps, I will most likely buy anyway! Just wondering if anyone who has performed with it can comment on the above.
Myke Phillips
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Myke Phillips
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Profile of Myke Phillips
On 2013-05-18 03:11, DynaMix wrote:
The spectators genuinely don't recall that they typed their pass code into your phone?! It's undoubtedly a clever app, but seems quite obvious, no?

Hi DynaMix,

What usually happens in a real world performance is after the spectator unlocks my phone, I just wait a little. More often than not they say "can you unlock my phone?". When this happens you know the dots have not been connected.

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Profile of DynaMix
Thanks Myke - as you're aware I bought the app and am currently sending you the screenshots you asked for. Can't wait to join the forum! Great app!
Myke Phillips
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Myke Phillips
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Profile of Myke Phillips
On 2013-05-18 18:21, DynaMix wrote:
Thanks Myke - as you're aware I bought the app and am currently sending you the screenshots you asked for. Can't wait to join the forum! Great app!

Thanks DynaMix,

I received something but it would t display, could you send it again.

Also, did you buy HandZoff because we have a group for that too.

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