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Profile of michaelvincent
On 2012-10-21 09:54, Vlad_77 wrote:
On 2012-10-20 11:50, Michaelvincent wrote:
I am really excited to see this book finally come to light.

I have been privileged to see many of these effects from Darwin long before I new he was writing a new book. When he asked me to read the book in draft form, I was blown away by the sheer quality of the material. Many of the effects that I had seen are included plus new routines that are simply 'breathtaking'. In reading through the draft, it occurred to me that this new book could well be his finest to date. It represent a quantum leap in quality, creativity, intellectual analysis and sheer value for money. It is no secret that I am big fan of Darwin's books and have been long before I became one of his students.

I make no apology for my enthusiasm for his latest contribution to the subject of card magic. I feel the title of this book lives up to claim, 'Lessons in Card Mastery' is your opportunity to take your studies to a post graduate level, do it, you will not be disappointed.

Michael Vincent

Mr. Vincent,

There is certainly no need for you to apologize; I would argue that your praise of any work speaks volumes - please pardon the pun - such that hacks like myself will definitely sit up and take notice. That said, I will buy any Darwin Ortiz book sight unseen; the same applies to your material and a handful of others. I am hoping that EU dealers won't kill us on the price Smile

With deep respect,

Thank you Vlad

This book is one to treasure and grow from.


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Motor City
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Profile of Motor City
This IS very good news. It looks like anyone near the Metropolitan Detroit Area will get a chance to see Darwin perform some of these effects live at the Motor City Close-Up Convention in just four short weeks.

I know that I am very excited about seeing Darwin.

If you are able, try to attend and spend some time with Darwin. Information regarding the convention can be found at:
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Profile of Kjellstrom
I look forward to get my hands on this book, I have all Darwins books and they are my favourites.
When I perform cardmagic from Darwins books I get great reactions every time.
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Profile of Kjellstrom
Will you produce a Dvd set?
Darwin Ortiz
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Profile of Darwin Ortiz
On 2012-10-22 13:51, Kjellstrom wrote:
Will you produce a Dvd set?

Hi Mats,

The DVD market has shrunk to the point where I don’t know if I’ll ever do another DVD set. It’s impossible to know what the future holds. But, as of now, it seems likely that anyone who wants to learn all the effects in this book will have to own the book.

Thanks for your kind words about my earlier books.

Once again, anyone who wants to pre-order Lessons in Card Mastery should email me at the address in my signature.

Darwin Ortiz
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Profile of pierredan
Hi Darwin

I have always purchased your DVD sets and they have always been an indispensible learning aid to go along with your books.

How has the DVD market changed? I see new sets of DVDs released all the time. I assume DVDs sell or else we would see less and not more DVDs being released. Am I missing something?

Thank you.
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Profile of sirbrad
Sounds good, I love books as I am from the old school of book collectors. But I also love DVDS as well, and better yet books that come with a companion DVD kinda like the Definitive Sankey set, or two DVDS for the deluxe set. I don't see how the market has shrunk and most these days want DVDS as they are more "visual" and are better for teaching timing of sleights and moves. I also love watching the presentation of other magicians. Books just give you a lot more info for the price but I love both combined for the best overall learning tool.
The great trouble with magicians is the fact that they believe when they have bought a certain trick or piece of apparatus, and know the method or procedure, that they are full-fledged mystifiers. -- Harry Houdini
Darwin Ortiz
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Profile of Darwin Ortiz
Hi Pierredan,

I’m not an expert on the DVD market and won’t pretend to be. It seems to me, however, that the major DVD companies are releasing ever fewer DVD sets of the kind I’ve made in the past. I suspect that the main reason is bootlegging.

Again, I can’t say what the future holds, but I have no present plans of making a DVD set to accompany Lessons in Card Mastery.

Darwin Ortiz
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Profile of Zuke
On 2012-10-22 20:29, Darwin Ortiz wrote:

The DVD market has shrunk to the point where I don’t know if I’ll ever do another DVD set.

Darwin Ortiz

Really? I would have thought the opposite were true.

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Profile of michaelvincent
Having read Darwin's new book in draft form, I experienced a personal sense of achievement and fulfilment at having learnt many of the routines from the printed page.
Not only that, this new book has stimulated my creativity in ways I could not have predicted.
Darwin's writing style and teaching ability is the absolute best in this new book.
I am excited for anyone out there who loves elegantly crafted card magic.
This books delivers.

Michael Vincent
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Profile of baobow
Hi Darwin,

Will your latest book have any thoughts, effects or routines using stack work i.e. mem deck effects?

Looking forward to its release

p.s. How much are you charging for shipping to Australia


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Profile of Blindside785
On 2012-10-14 15:24, Darwin Ortiz wrote:
On 2012-10-14 12:07, Zedd wrote:
Me too!!!!!

Darwin, do you also have some of your memdeck work in the book??

Best regards,


There are seven effects in the book that use a memorized stack. These can be performed with any memorized stack.
Darwin Ortiz
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Profile of Darwin Ortiz
On 2012-10-25 00:06, baobow wrote:
...How much are you charging for shipping to Australia

Email me at the address in my signature.

Darwin Ortiz
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Profile of WisdomD.Kim
There will be the effects which were shown in your latest DVD series 'Nothing but the Best'? Or the 2nd International Magic Lecture 'Practically Impossible'?
Darwin Ortiz
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Profile of Darwin Ortiz
The effects that appeared in my two sets of lecture notes are included in the new book. Needless to say, they are taught in much greater detail.

Also, anyone who wants to learn “Best of the Best,” the gambling routine that appeared as a “performance only” item in my Nothing But the Best DVD set, will find it taught in Lessons in Card Mastery.

Darwin Ortiz
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Profile of WisdomD.Kim
No plans for reprinting your previous books? At the Card Table and the Cardshark. Although I have them all, I'm sure there are loads of magicians who would want them as I did. Smile
Darwin Ortiz
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Profile of Darwin Ortiz
On 2012-10-27 10:56, WisdomD.Kim wrote:
No plans for reprinting your previous books? At the Card Table and the Cardshark...

Once Lessons in Card Mastery has sold out, I’ll look into reprinting Darwin Ortiz at the Card Table if there is enough interest. I reprinted Cardshark a while back and it sold out almost immediately. I will probably reprint it again eventually but have no plans to do so any time soon.

Darwin Ortiz
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Profile of poonchingyip
Just ordered the book !!! Smile
If At the Card Table + Cardshark are going to be re-printed, I am SO going to buy them.

- Arthur
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Profile of WisdomD.Kim
The essay in Scams & Fantasies was just amazing. Will there be any essay in this book?
Darwin Ortiz
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Profile of Darwin Ortiz
On 2012-10-30 05:44, WisdomD.Kim wrote:
The essay in Scams & Fantasies was just amazing. Will there be any essay in this book?

I may eventually do a book that is a collection of essays, so I didn’t include an essay in this book. However, the commentaries at the end of each effect are quite extensive. In many cases they are, in effect, mini-essays. I believe that many of these commentaries can help magicians improve their magic even if they don’t perform the specific effect in question.
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