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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Fellowship of Christian Magicians! » » Holiday Hat, meet the Linking Rings (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Every year, I am asked to perform at a facility that has skilled nursing care rooms, assisted living rooms and independent living cottages for New Year's Eve, but only we celebrate at 3 in the afternoon Eastern Standard Time.

Every year, my show is generally the same. They are looking for a short, 30-minute show. So, I generally change one or two effects and perform my show.

This year, I wanted to do something different. I generally like using ordinary objects and stay away from those props that are obviously-some-kind-of-magic-trick-because-I-have-never-seen-it-anywhere-before.

However, ...

Considering the audience, I decided I would perform the Linking Rings and teach a lesson about the Trinity. One small problem, I have not performed the rings in years, and the bag which holds them was falling apart (friend made me a felt bag using hot wax ... worked nice and looked good ... for a while).

What to do, what to do.

I pulled out my Holiday Hat that I got from Sammy Smith years ago (you can see it here: ) and slipped the rings in the middle. It would work as a way to "carry" the rings.

Next came the challenge of how would I incorporate the Holiday Hat with the Linking Rings? At first the bag/hat looks very simple, something a peasant or a pauper migtht be using. So, I start my story about seeing a poor man carrying around what looked like a simple, plain bag.

"So, old man, what is a poor fellow like you carrying around in such a simple bag? It can't be anything worthwhile?"

The man told me, "I might be old, but as long has he had these three special rings and this magical hat, I am rich beyond measure and have everything I need."

He proceeded to show me three rings that were something to behold -- highly polished white gold that were radiant and glowing.

"I will tell you about these special rings in a minute, but not before showing you this magical hat. I can be anything I want with this hat, a powerful ruler like Napoleon (using just the "bag" as a hat and having it displayed wide across my head) or (twisting it 90 degrees) a court jester

"Sometimes in life, it is easy to feel sorry for ourselves, to think we have it so bad and nobody every had it as bad as we do," he said, as he started doing something to the hat. "It is during these times that this marvelous hat brings me back to 1621, the year after the pilgrims landed in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and celebrated their first Thanksgiving. They suffered terribly that first year, but through it all, they gave thanks to God. My hat helps me remember this."

Then he started fidgeting with the hat again.

"When I think about how blessed my life is, I think about how special each and every one of us is to God." (Now, the Santa hat is displayed.) "In times like this, I don't think of the gifts Santa brings, but rather the gift God gave to us, a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes."

The man took of the hat again and messed with it.

"When I think of that baby who was born in a manger, I cannot help but to think of Easter." (Now, the bunny hat is displayed.) "When the world thinks of Easter, they might think about the bunny, but we know Easter has a far richer meaning; it is about Jesus going to the cross to save us from our sins."

Again, the man took the hat off and played with it.

"I know this poor, old man is probably telling you more than you want to hear. I know why you're here; why we are all here; we are hear to celebrate another new year." (Now the party hat is displayed.)

"Indeed, I am filled with joy, and let me tell you why ..."

Then I will finish up with the Linking Rings.

Make it a great year. I must say, 2012 was great for me, and if this year is better, I cannot wait!

"My definition of chance is my hands on the wheel," Greg Long.
Wes Holly
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Cincinnati, OH, USA
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Nice take on the hat
Happily Yours,
Wes Holly
Cincinnati, OH, USA
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Oakboro N.C.
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Profile of bowers
I like the story lines with the hat.
Mike Maturen
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Very nice!
Mike Maturen
World of Wonder Entertainment
The Magic and Mayhem of Mike Maturen

AUTHOR OF "A NEW DAWN--Weekly Wisdom From Everyday Life"

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Profile of robwar0100
Thanks, everyone, for the kind words.

The residents got a kick out of the hat. I did break character when I talked about the rare, white gold rings. I said, "Look, they are actually chrome-plated, so no one rush the stage." That got a chuckle, too.

"My definition of chance is my hands on the wheel," Greg Long.
Dick Oslund
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Profile of Dick Oslund
THE HOLIDAY HAT BAG was ORIGINATED by JIM JAYES, then from Sacramento CA, and now from Austin, MN.

His mother, Rosalie, made the first bags. (I have one) I think that she is still making them for Murphy.

It is a very practical comedy prop, especially good for anyone who works for kids, and can handle this kind of prop.
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