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Profile of HenryleTregetour
Another thing about becoming a Laurel--don't advertise that you want to be one. Advertising make's people distrust your motives.

Master Payne gave an absolutely wonderful exposition on becoming a laurel. I, on the other hand, have been in so long that many of my friends are dukes, duchesses, counts, countesses, barons, knights, pelicans, laurels, etc. Hence, I can certainly imagine becoming one. But actually becoming one is different from imagining, ie. I have been a GOA level artisan for 13 years.

As for degree of authenticity, my rule of thumb is if you are entering an A&S competition requiring documentation, then try to be as authentic as possible. Hocus, Pocus Jr. has a detailed cup and balls routine. On the other hand, if you are simply entertaining, adapting non-documented material to a period-style is sufficient. Absolutely do not perform a routine that is blatantly non-period.

But of course, a lot of this also depends upon whom you are performing for. Many people I know abide by the ten-foot rule--ie. they really are not interested in authenticity. They are much more interested in being entertained and having fun than whether something is period. So you should also be aware of this. No matter how period the performance, they are not going to appreciate it if it is not entertaining.

I have never been to Pennsic, but I would really love the opportunity to be a street performer there.
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Profile of HenryleTregetour
One other thing--several people have given very good advice. but to reiterate what Master Payne said--the most important thing is to enjoy what you're doing. Getting the recognition will not make you a better person, and not getting it will not take anything away from who you are.
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I'm in Atenveldt, and it took my late wife and I two years of backbreaking work just to get our AoA's, and that was with the help of someone with close connections to the Crown... I'm sure singlehandedly autocratting the Kingdom Investiture helped too...

But as said above, the best way to get peerage in the Society is to NOT want to be one, do what you enjoy and be really good at it.

Or, bribe your way to power. Mwhahahahahahaha!
"All you need is in Fitzkee."
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Profile of medievalmagician
Habrack, how have you progressed with this? This is a very outdated post and curious.

I've been in the SCA many years and, while not setting out to get a Laurel, have started thinking about period magic, how to document it etc.
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Profile of Habbrock
Sorry, I haven't been on MC in a long while. The going is slow. It is hard to find opportunities to perform and the few I find there is enough time for one trick if I hurry it along. I have started performing during down times, no announcement, no fanfare, just keeping people entertained. It may not do much for the goal of being a Laurel, but it is a lot of fun....which is why I do magic in the first place.
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Profile of malaki
I played in theSCA for seven years before I was awarded an AoA. During this time I performed at feasts, in bardic competitions, for the Minister of Children by entertaining the kids, at campsites, etc. I was always asked to perform at public demos to add variance to the show.

It wasn't until a friend of mine had won the Crown and he asked me to be his court magician that the awards started. One of the things that went over quite well (and got the endorsement of the Crown) was an arrangement that was made to start court. When Their Majesties nodded to me that they were ready to begin, I would set off a charge of flash paper, which cause a sudden silence, at which time the Herald could get in his "Oy-yays" <sp> to begin court.

A word of warning: Both of their Majesties smoked, so when they were ready to enter the hall, I would make their butts vanish for them. This got me the nickname of the "Royal Ashtray" amongst those in Their retinue. Be careful that you do not label yourself thusly.

I knew that I had made an impact amongst the folks in the SCA when talking to a non SCA magician. He told me of an evening when he was hopping tables at the Spaghetti Warehouse. When entertaining one table, he asked his standard opening question "When you think of magic, whose name comes to mind?" Expecting David Copperfield or Chris Angel, he was surprised when the entire table answered "Malaki!"

Keep working and have fun while you entertain. Stay in persona and use proper props and terminology for the period.
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Profile of Habbrock
8 years (almost 9). That's how long it took. I am being elevated this weekend. Thank you all for the advice, I carried it with me and just kept performing when the chance presented itself. Now to figure out what's next... (Ok, it will be more performing and just having fun like I have been doing this whole time)
Mr. Woolery
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Congratulations! I’m really glad you made your goal!

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