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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Periods & styles of Magic » » A Walk-around Gig (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Motley Mage
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Profile of Motley Mage
Since you have all been very supportive of my progress, I wanted to let you know I had a gig this weekend for charity doing magic as a preshow for an outdoor movie for the local hospital's foundation. I performed for roughly an hour before the movie, and it went very well, I think.

I did several routines, mostly ropes, including a two phase rope routine (a variation on Aldo Columbini's Ringing Around Too), the Professor's Nightmare, and a Cut & Restored Rope, all of which KILLED. I also did the Haunted Key and a brief sponge ball routine, which both also did well. Despite issues with moibility--lots of blankets and chairs in an open green-- and loads of kids running around unsupervised, I pulled off a lot of close-up bits in small clusters and had literal jaw-dropping results, kids and adults alike.

I am very encouraged and will be pushing for more occasional work in the future.
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Profile of Ekuth
Bravo, Motley!

Well done, well chosen routines given the venue and excellent adaptation to the conditions.
Adapt, adapt, adapt... the only time you have utter control (or as close as you can get to it) is a stage setting.

Learning and earning your chops on the streets or festivals or gigs like this will provide you with insight and experience that will serve you well as you move up and into whatever your chosen venue will be.

And good for you for getting yourself out there. That's half the battle.

"All you need is in Fitzkee."
Motley Mage
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Profile of Motley Mage
Thank you, friend! (taking a small bow) You have been an inspiration to me, along with a handful of other consistently helpful, always positive, honest but kind folks here on the Café. There are a number of names, yours included, that I regularly scan for in my favorite forums because I know I will find good advice and good humor. Bravo to you as well!
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Profile of Devious
Thanks for sharing this Motley! I usually find your posts to
be very kind and supportive. It's very difficult in these kinds
of settings to play to large groups if you have close-up material,
but the ropes can play big and small.

Kids absolutely love any sponge routine. I had forgotten about the
Haunted Key effect. I used to perform it long ago to great response.
I had at least three of them lying around somewhere.

All the best to you, Keep on Keepin' On!
Devious Deceptions
"Gadol Elohai!"
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