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magicvincent New user Toronto 33 Posts |
Although I have never met him, I have communicated with Danny. I found him to be very professional and helpful to learn from. You can learn from watching other entertainer's videos as I have. However, I would like to recommend one thing. Do not try to be a copycat. There is only one Danny Orleans and only one you! Be the best You that you can be. Learn from others but make the Magic and routines your own. I change patter, props and presentation to fit who I am as a performer. Also, listen to your audience. Experience is your best Teacher!
Blackington New user 63 Posts |
It'd be a learning experience to imitate the basic steps that Danny Orleans has provided, by way of watching the videos. I think it'd be unethical to become a "copycat" -- besides, there's too much room for the fun of inventing a show of one's own, rather than imitating someone else's. I'm at a starting point, and I don't have enough experience to copy (and use) what a professional knows how to do. That process would grow, and live a life of it's own.
The basic steps probably are very clear in the videos he's made available -- imitating the basic steps is a natural first step. Elaborating on them so that the steps "fit" in with my own ideas is WHAT I HOPE will be the path taken. Fortunately there's always room for improvement. And, the fun of entertaining others makes it worth while. |
magicvincent New user Toronto 33 Posts |
Yes. Learning the basic structure of a routine from a video or DVD to start is fine. It is also fun to not only change the presentation to your own style, but find ways to strengthen the Magic or reduce weak points in the routine. There is always room for improvement.
Blackington New user 63 Posts |
Thanks magicvincent -- I appreciate the input! Yes, the structure is important. And (for me) at this point, I'd prefer to have a show be like a conversation with the kids.. it's a story-telling situation, and that kind of structure would inherently provide a variety of magical avenues (deviations). My thinking is that the overall "show" would be improved by doing that.
Blackington New user 63 Posts |
Also, I think that it'd be a mistake to get too fussy too soon! LOL, … I/we have to rely on what 'works' rather than become lost in concocting something that'd fly over their heads.
Thanks - Chris |
Dick Oslund Inner circle 8357 Posts |
On May 27, 2018, Blackington wrote: YUP..I've been "preaching" THAT sermon for a long time. Surveys have shown that the "watch me do these clever tricks" types of performers, won't last long. Adults, as well as kids, need to feel "involved" in the program, or they tend to lose interest. I learned, years ago, to talk WITH them, not TO, or AT, them!!! I even ask questions (to which I KNOW the answers!) to get a shy group of kids, to respond. Sometimes, it's just a nod, but, often, it's a very vocal response. Note: I don't promote SCREAMING. I want LAUGHING! I wrote a big essay about "sucker" tricks, in my book. I open with a "sucker" trick, BUT, it's a "soft", even, "gentle" "sucker" trick. The audience (even High School groups)realize that, I'm going to fool them, but not, make fools OF them. At the finish, there's a nice LAUGH, AND, APPLAUSE.
Blackington New user 63 Posts |
Dick - what's the name of your book, and is it recent or still around?
Blackington New user 63 Posts |
I'll probably be spending all summer reading/planning what should go into a show. However, it's fascinating to read about how the changes in beliefs and technology have occurred, and how 'Magic' has evolved with those changes - yes, that may seem academic, but it's a good way to transfer the magical language of the past into a present day performance. Like many other art forms, there was probably a time when the magic-type show (rituals, seances, etc.) were meant for adults. But now? - it's all entertainment!
Chris |
Blackington New user 63 Posts |
I don't know if others do this... but recently I've been reading through The Jinx. IMO...The era, and the nature of staging/presentation, offer a lot to spark the imagination because there's a real sense of theater that was built into magic at that time. Nice stuff.
Dick Oslund Inner circle 8357 Posts |
On May 27, 2018, Blackington wrote: Hi Chris! I'll PM you with details about my "magnum opus"!
Blackington New user 63 Posts |
That sounds good, Dick. I'll keep a look out for that. Thank you.
Mark Boody Illusionist Inner circle 1371 Posts |
I just finished reading Dick's book for the second time. It is a GOLD MINE of information.
It is one of best investments you can make (the other being the TARBELL course)! Buy it, read it and APPLY it and it will change how you perform magic...for the BETTER!! All the best Mark
Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible. Frank L. Gaines
Blackington New user 63 Posts |
MBI - I'll put it on my list... thanks for the recommendation.
-Chris |
Dick Oslund Inner circle 8357 Posts |
Chris...PM me your mailing address, and, I'll send you a review by David Seebach.
My book has been mailed to four continents.
Blackington New user 63 Posts |
Dick - PM me the review by Seeback - thanks!
Dick Oslund Inner circle 8357 Posts |
Chris---It's a whole 8 1/2 x 11 page from MUM! (My fingers are getting "old & rickety"!) It's easier to mail it!
Dick Oslund Inner circle 8357 Posts |
I should explain that....I don't have the slightest idea of how to scan "stuff", etc.!!!!!!!!!!
Blackington New user 63 Posts |
I wonder if you can take a picture of it, and save it to your computer -- then, upload it in a PM to me. Let me know if that's possible.
Thanks Dick - let me know. We'll figure something out. |
Dick Oslund Inner circle 8357 Posts |
HI Chris...I haven't owned any sort of camera for "eons"! I use a "dumb" phone! J
I do manage to get this "infernal electrisch peckenclacker" turned on (booted?). But, I haven't the slightest idea of what makes it work! --Oh yes! ELECTRICITY is what makes it work!!! (heehee) I made a "deal" with the Postal Service! (I buy their stamps, stick 'em on an envelope, and, they take it to where it's addressed. I also made a deal with UPS. They copy stuff with their machine, and, I can send it, via the USPO! I realize that, it's an out of date system, but, I'm out of date, too! Yr's,,,
Blackington New user 63 Posts |
Dick, I understand your point. I thought it'd be easier for you to use a cell phone/camera, but apparently it's not. To be honest, I've already read and gleaned some of your ideas from the comments you've put in MC. There's no need to send it snail mail...but, I do appreciate the offer.
Thank you. |
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