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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Card Studio » » What you'd like to see in a magician's deck (2 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of judeh
These are all really good ideas. Are there any decks that come close to incorporating many of these?
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Thousand Oaks, California
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Profile of docguitarman
On Apr 17, 2019, docguitarman wrote:
I'd like a re-release of New Fan backs with the old style bicycle court cards (used in the 1950's and 60's). It would be released in a red and a blue back.

A double backer is a must.

If you go the USPCC route then a 56 card deck is the economical route. So one more gaff card would be either a red/blue DB in one deck and a blank face in the other.

I'd want these to be very affordable so it would be regular tuck cases and the standard USPCC card stock.

If I had the time I'd try to learn how to create a kickstarter campaign and produce the decks -- but maybe my taste is too limited to attract enough backers!

I'm still chewing on this! I'd alter the backs of the re-release New Fan Back so that it subtly have a one way back also.
If any experienced kickstarters want to take this on I think it would be great!
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Perth, Western Australia
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Profile of Jonmaddgician
Sorry to revive an old post, but I've finally received my custom decks after a LONG and TEDIOUS journey with LOTS of learning through the process with Cartamundi, but I'll leave the details in a separate post in the not so distant future. Wish I found this post earlier, but here's a few of my inputs.

Firstly, I went without the double backer option as I hardly ever seem to use any of them, & I figure that if I ever wanted to perform with a double backer, there's HEAPS of custom decks already out there that I can use. Instead, of the 56 cards, I had the standard 52, one joker & two blank facers. The idea being that for every 26 decks I open, I will have a deck of blank faced cards with my personal back design. Also, if I wanted to have 2 jokers in my carry deck, I could always just borrow from another deck (considering I ordered 500 of them... =P) But wait, 52 + 1 + 2 is only 55, I hear you say. What about the last card? Well I'm glad you asked. My deck box design was designed based on the Magician tarot card, so I thought I'd also include a Fool as well based on another clown character that I play. The Fool also has a 3 of clubs reveal as a slight nod to P&T, of course.

On the box design, I've matched it with my namecard, which is based on a tarot design of The Magician. On the bottom of the box there is a barcode reveal (thanks for the idea, Ellusionist), & on the sides I've also included 2 QR codes, one to my website (for more formal clients), & on the other side to my Instagram (for the younger, social media type audiences).

Side note, the Joker design is just a mobile phone selfie in the bathroom mirror of my chest tattoo... =P
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Card Studio » » What you'd like to see in a magician's deck (2 Likes)
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