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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » REEL MAGIC MAGAZINE - TV For Magicians » » Issue 45-Reel Magic (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Kozmo
Hi Everyone,

I wanted to let you know that the newest issue of Reel Magic, issue 45 will be available ON Demand Soon!

This issue features Philippe Petit. Now, the entire world knows how Petit snuck into the World Trade Center and strung his wire from tower to tower, then spent forty five minutes walking between towers nearly a half mile above the earth. But did you know that Philippe's first love is magic and that he's good? Very good! Watch this amazing story in the newest issue of Reel Magic available soon.

Issue 45 is loaded with great magic including an exclusive effect from Jeff Prace, an in-depth look at John Guastaferro's magic and a very cool effect, "Biddleless." All the regulars are here too. It's going to be a great issue, so don't miss it. If you're not a current subscriber click on the link below. If you're a DVD subscriber it will be shipped shortly.

We're working hard everyday to make Reel Magic the best value in magic!


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5492 Posts

Profile of Kozmo
Issue 45 is up and ready to watch

Hi Everyone,
Wanted to let you know that the newest issue of Reel Magic, Issue 45 is now available On Demand! Take a look at what's in issue 45.

Philippe Petit
Philippe talks to John Lovick about how the lessons he’s learned as an aerialist, juggler, pickpocket, street performer, and bullfighter have informed his magic and his art.

Jon Armstrong - Small Things, Big Difference
Jon discusses how to bring the principle of “being in one” to your close-up card magic.

Doc Eason - Behind the Bar
Hecklers: friend or foe? Doc and Garrett Thomas explore.

Tyler Erickson - Stronger Magic
Tyler demonstrates the use of Direct Lines for Destination Motivation and the importance of Last Action Clean.

Kainoa Harbottle - Coin U
Kainoa discusses the practical impracticality of producing coins.

Wayne Kawamoto - Choice Cuts
Wayne talks to John Guastaferro about the creative process and his DVD “Center Stage.”

David Regal - Tricks of the Trade
David reviews some new tricks that are hot out of the oven!.

John Guastaferro “Biddleless” A Choice Cut from Center Stage

Jeff Prace “Tagged” A Reel Magic Exclusive!

Tom Wright “Chill” At the Table Experience courtesy of Murphy’s Magic

Here's the trailer

Not a subscriber. Just $5 a month with no long term obligation.

We're working hard everyday to make Reel Magic the best value in magic!
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2209 Posts

Profile of jprace
I am really excited to share "Tagged" in this issue! It's a really cool transposition that is always stored on my key chain. It happens in the spectator's hands, is fully examinable, and costs about $2 to create -- quite a bit cheaper than the other key fob transposition that was released! Enjoy!

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Profile of mantel
On Apr 20, 2016, jprace wrote:
I am really excited to share "Tagged" in this issue! It's a really cool transposition that is always stored on my key chain. It happens in the spectator's hands, is fully examinable, and costs about $2 to create -- quite a bit cheaper than the other key fob transposition that was released! Enjoy!

Neat idea Jeff. However I disagree how you go about promoting it i.e. "My transposition is cheaper than the other one (Which of course you didn't name)."
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Profile of mantel
On Apr 17, 2016, Kozmo wrote:
David Regal - Tricks of the Trade
David reviews some new tricks that are hot out of the oven!.

Exquisite by Michael Ammar and Losander (Also reviewed by Kozmo in That's Ridiculous on Reel Magic Issue 43 John Carney)
Flashy by SansMinds Creative Lab
Pen OR Pencil by Mickael Chatelain (GiMick Magic)
400 Lux by Kyle Littleton
Money, Money by Juan Pablo (Bazar de Magia)
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941 Posts

Profile of mantel
On Apr 17, 2016, Kozmo wrote:
Wayne Kawamoto - Choice Cuts
Wayne talks to John Guastaferro about the creative process.

Center Stage by John Guastaferro
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » REEL MAGIC MAGAZINE - TV For Magicians » » Issue 45-Reel Magic (0 Likes)
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