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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Catch this if you can! » » Unicycle (1 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Kyoki_Sanitys_Eclipse
Hello. I was thinking about getting a unicycle to learn on and wanted to see what you guys thought of this one.
Nate The Magician
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Profile of Nate The Magician
It's a touch overpriced- it is possible to buy a similar unicycle for less than a hundred dollars at Wal-mart:

IMHO, If you are just learning, you want to start cheap because you WILL drop your unicycle and mess it up- no reason to buy a nice uni with a nice seat& pedals only to knock the pedals out of synch and scrape the seat into oblivion.
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East Orange, NJ
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Profile of jimgerrish
If possible, go to a bike store in your area that has unicycles for sale and let them help you determine if the unicycle and the tire size is the correct size for the length of your legs and strong enough to carry your weight. Once you have determined that, you can buy the correct size unicycle from them or on-line, but without that information you are taking a chance when you buy it sight unseen on-line. If there is a juggling/unicycle club near you, that would be another place to check out the sizes available that would work for you.
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Profile of David_MacFarlane
Always try to start with a used bike. There are plenty in basements and garages with very, very low miles, and you will tend to beat the @#% out of it anyway.

After that, I like Bedford Unicycles.

Renegade is a quality juggling supplier, top-flight, so if you're going to buy something new and online, they'd be a decent place to start. Your link seems broken, so I'm not sure I'm looking at the exact bike you're talking about.

Especially for a beginner, but really for everyone, a seat that has hard plastic, removable and therefor replaceable, guards on the front and back of the seat is an essential touch. Don't get spiky peddles.

For an adult, there are really only two standard wheel sizes, 20 inch and 24 inch. 20 for stage, 24 for outside. I'd go with the 24 for learning. Larger wheels are fun and can be great for cruising (I mean, going fast, not riding by a bunch of gay guys at the beach, just to be clear), but a small pedal motion gets translated into more wheel motion, making them less stable.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask
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Profile of imgic
Agree with talking to bike shop first. Not only can they help you decide, but may have used one around, land introduce you to others who might help you learn
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
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Profile of Hayden_Holmes
Sizes from 20 to 24 inches are suitable for adults. From my experience, it doesn't matter which brand to choose at the first stage. You can take inexpensive models. You'll most likely understand which one you need and want another one. So don't overpay. If you choose a smaller wheel diameter, you'll learn to balance more easily and evaluate your strengths in order to choose the appropriate size in the future.
24 inches weel is suitable for tall people.
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Catch this if you can! » » Unicycle (1 Likes)
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