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Profile of WitchDocChris
In looking for purely hypnosis based shows, all I ever find is comedy hypnosis.

I know folks like Keith Barry, James Brown, and Derren Brown, all mix hypnosis in with their shows, but I'm wondering if there is someone out there that does a full stage show of hypnosis without being the 'standard' comedy hypnosis (which I am, quite frankly, rather bored with)
Witch Doctor

Psycho Seance book: https://tinyurl.com/y873bbr4
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Profile of Dannydoyle
So you want a full stage show with what as "entertainment" exactly?

While I am certain you, and possibly dozens of people find the process entertaining, the public really does not.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of WitchDocChris
I'm not looking for folks to help me write the show at this time. I'm already working on that (And have been for some time).

What I'm wondering is if there is anyone who's doing this already.

Hypnosis can be used to create some really entertaining scenarios, we all know this. So why does it seem like everyone who does a full show defaults to comedy?

Surely comedy isn't the ONLY way to entertain with hypnosis.
Witch Doctor

Psycho Seance book: https://tinyurl.com/y873bbr4
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Profile of Dannydoyle
I don't think that you have seen the right hypnosis shows.

A good one will have FAR more elements in it that just comedy. That is the attraction of them in the first place. Sure comedy is a big part, but done correctly it covers a vast spectrum.

I freely admit that using the words "done correctly " does not cover as many as it should.

Plus it is about what the public WANTS to see. If you finish your no comedy hypnosis shows and the public wants it you will be very busy.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of WitchDocChris
Entirely possible. I do not often go out to shows because I, too frequently, end up feeling like I have wasted money when I do so. I've only seen a couple hypnosis shows in person and they were very cookie cutter. Like, checklist style. Laughter Police? Check. Butts pinched? Check. Volunteer is a celebrity? Check. Volunteers see celebrity in audience? Check. Those volunteers ask for the signature of that celebrity? Check. Fishing trip? Check. You've lost tons of money? Check. Dance competition? Check. You can only speak Martian? Check.

Videos online show the same routines. I've spent hours and hours looking for shows that show stuff other than what everyone seems to do and there's really just not that much variety that I can find. I am hoping I just haven't looked in the right places so if there's any recommendations for shows that are able to be seen online (Or that travel to southern PA) I'd be happy to hear those suggestions.
Witch Doctor

Psycho Seance book: https://tinyurl.com/y873bbr4
Boffo eBook: https://tinyurl.com/387sxkcd
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Profile of Dannydoyle
Here is an idea. DON'T look for originality online. Seriously.

Yep you have not seen the right shows.

BUT the more important question is probably what exactly do YOU think you are going to bring that is so much better? Because I have had the problem if seeing so many who thought they were going to do so much better who failed miserably.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of WitchDocChris
When you are as isolated as I am, it's the internet or nothing. Every show I can locate within 3 hours' drive is basically what I've already described. Again, any suggestions for names of shows that I should look for will be welcome.
Witch Doctor

Psycho Seance book: https://tinyurl.com/y873bbr4
Boffo eBook: https://tinyurl.com/387sxkcd
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Profile of mindpunisher
Hope his show was better than his arguing skills!
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Profile of Dannydoyle
On Mar 14, 2017, WitchDocChris wrote:
When you are as isolated as I am, it's the internet or nothing. Every show I can locate within 3 hours' drive is basically what I've already described. Again, any suggestions for names of shows that I should look for will be welcome.

So the real problem is you live iv an isolated area. You should have lead with that.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of mindpunisher
There is no such thing as a non comedy show. Although a good show should really have other elements within it including mystery, anticipation, and amazement. A non comedy show is really more of a "demonstration" which I have done in the past in various contexts. Mainly small groups of business people where I integrated it into talks about personal development or marketing etc.

Hypnosis shows when you boil it right down are about controlling and triggering emotional states within the participants to entertain the audience. The first thing is that never really come across in a recording it is a live event really. The other thing is that shows become boring if you do enough of them or watch enough of them quite quickly. It really is limited by half a dozen magnified emotional responses. Having said that the really good hypnotists know how to milk it and play the hypnotees off each other and can take it to a higher level. The run of the mill just get the people on stage "to do things".

It really is about finding great "hypnotic personalities". A good hypnotist is skilled in finding them and making the most of them. From the point of view of the public hypnosis shows are something you go see on a very rare occasion apart from the very few that become obsessed by them. Chris is probably falling into the category of becoming bored by watching too many.
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Profile of Dannydoyle
Nobody could do the 3 hour show today. I don't care who they are.

Fact is they were not at all uncommon and in reality were the rule not the exception.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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York, PA
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Profile of WitchDocChris
On Mar 17, 2017, mindpunisher wrote:
It really is about finding great "hypnotic personalities". A good hypnotist is skilled in finding them and making the most of them. From the point of view of the public hypnosis shows are something you go see on a very rare occasion apart from the very few that become obsessed by them. Chris is probably falling into the category of becoming bored by watching too many.

I think I'm pretty atypical in that I have never had an interest in a comedy hypnosis show. As soon as I realized that it was just going to be a bunch of people on stage being encouraged to act like fools (Which was pretty quickly) I was done. It just isn't interesting to me.

I find it difficult to believe that the only way to be entertaining with something as powerful as hypnosis is to be funny.

sortout - Thanks for the recommendation. I can't find anything of him actually performing, but I'll keep an eye out.

It seems I'll just have to figure it out myself, then.
Witch Doctor

Psycho Seance book: https://tinyurl.com/y873bbr4
Boffo eBook: https://tinyurl.com/387sxkcd
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York, PA
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Profile of WitchDocChris
I think there may be a misunderstanding here. This thread is an attempt to research, nothing more. I am looking for someone who does a full show of hypnosis that isn't comedy, simply to see if someone else is doing this and to see if I could learn anything about show structure and such from that.

I am not saying that performers should stop doing comedy hypnosis, and I'm not saying that audiences should stop attending comedy hypnosis. I have no interest in performing or attending a comedy hypnosis show, but that's just me.

So I am afraid your statement confuses me, Danny, as I don't really see a problem at all here. I will simply continue developing my show in a way that I feel is satisfying to perform and entertaining to audiences.
Witch Doctor

Psycho Seance book: https://tinyurl.com/y873bbr4
Boffo eBook: https://tinyurl.com/387sxkcd
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Profile of mindpunisher
On Mar 17, 2017, WitchDocChris wrote:
On Mar 17, 2017, mindpunisher wrote:
It really is about finding great "hypnotic personalities". A good hypnotist is skilled in finding them and making the most of them. From the point of view of the public hypnosis shows are something you go see on a very rare occasion apart from the very few that become obsessed by them. Chris is probably falling into the category of becoming bored by watching too many.

I think I'm pretty atypical in that I have never had an interest in a comedy hypnosis show. As soon as I realized that it was just going to be a bunch of people on stage being encouraged to act like fools (Which was pretty quickly) I was done. It just isn't interesting to me.

I find it difficult to believe that the only way to be entertaining with something as powerful as hypnosis is to be funny.

sortout - Thanks for the recommendation. I can't find anything of him actually performing, but I'll keep an eye out.

It seems I'll just have to figure it out myself, then.

I can sit in a bar on a bus or airoplane with complete strangers and entertain them for hours just talking about hypnosis not rven having to do any. I can hold business people for hours and even days during trainings. I have never had much of a problem "entertaining" people. But within the context of a show people are looking for comedy. It should still have all the other elements. But that's what people pay to see. Demonstrations of the "power" of hypnosis are even more limited than than the show format and without the skill to entertain are quite boring even more so. In both cases these are just structures with which to deliver the mechanics. Being "entertaining" is totally different skill altogether seperate from hypnosis. Not all hypnotists are entertaining I am afraid. If you can't already hold people and be entertaining socially chances are you won't be the best at hypnosis shows either.
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Profile of mindpunisher
Danny I am not arguing with you. The US is probably different to the UK in many ways. My shows were done in the late evening so there were no other shows after. Its not a measuring contest. Just pointing out hypnosis shows can be extended and can hold audiences for a longer time period if they are structured right. Whether its the right thing to do or not is another issue. There used to be vibrant club scene here in the UK and you were expected to do an hour usually. Anyone who paid theater price tickets expected something bigger. So theatre shows had to be bigger and better than club shows. And the times I extended the time a bit longer were the ones where things were exceptional on the night. The theatre owners were happy to get the extra bar takings over and above the takings. I think times have changed with regards to theatres. They tend to be a part of a big chain and are now resricted by central offices. If I remember last time I saw Derren |brown it was at least two hours show with an intermission. Also the bigger shows in these days were highly paid so I didn't mind. Infact I always hired the venues myself and it was in my interest to keep them full as possible by giving more.
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Profile of mindpunisher
Not unless you do actually give more. Ive seen shows that last an hour by top performers. Ive seen shows that last two hours by top performers. The longer shows are always by far better in my experience. Its not about the time its about the structure and content. Extending the time just for the sake of it I would agree.I am talking about comedians as well as hypnotists. In most cases if they aregood two hours is expected and the norm for a theater show over here. I know if I had done one hour shows in theaters back then they would not have been so successful.

I don't think it is a complete misunderstanding Its a different point of view. Like I said I always prefer two hour shows when I go see a top comedian. Are you sayiong that ALL shows in the theater only last an hour in the US? If so then there is a cultural difference too.

I remember in my youth seeing Reveen the Canadian hypnotist. His show also lasted a couple of hours with an intermission. Barry Sinclaire did too. Paul Mckenna, Ian St Claire, Peter Powers and Andrrew Newton to name a few Ive seen all did a two hour show. And it was not like an hour show stretched out. They had a structure and allowed for things you can't do in an hour long show.
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Profile of Dannydoyle
When did I say any show lasted an hour?

I am saying of one equates length of show with quality it is a gross misunderstanding of what entertainment actually is.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of mindpunisher
No one said quality was based on time. What I said a club show vs a theater show meant the latter had to be bigger and better and part of that was an expectation of a coup;e of hours performance. In order to pull that off you need a specific approach and structure. You also have a lot more people in whivch to do it with. I prefer 2 hours of "entertainment" than one hour provided those hours are both entertaining. I have already said that being entertaining is a different skill than being able to do hypnosis and you need both. To do a 2 hour show and pull it off you need the structure to do so also.

I get it that where you perform its not the norm and is something you will never need or desire to do.
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Profile of TonyB2009
Having seen both Paul Goldin and Barry Sinclair performing I have to disagree with Sortout. Barry was by far the better performer. I don't know how much either knew about hypnosis, but I suspect rather less than they let on! I found Paul's performance manipulative and vaguely unpleasant. Barry always struck me as a more honest performer. He is still gigging regularly; I caught a show of his only two weeks ago, and he is still a master showman.

As to WitchDocChris's question, Chris, you need to check out the work of Paul Voodini, particularly his book Midnight Side of the Mind. Some wonderful routines there that might be what you are interested in. I have seen him doing this live, and it is fantastic hypnotic entertainment without being funny in any way.
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York, PA
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Profile of WitchDocChris
As to WitchDocChris's question, Chris, you need to check out the work of Paul Voodini, particularly his book Midnight Side of the Mind. Some wonderful routines there that might be what you are interested in. I have seen him doing this live, and it is fantastic hypnotic entertainment without being funny in any way.

Thanks Tony! I am well familiar with Paul's work, and I think I have the majority of his published material. Last year at ECSS I was honored when he told me my performance was the closest to his own work that he'd ever seen another performer do. He also gave a very favorable review to my book, Psycho Seance, but that is another topic for another thread.
Witch Doctor

Psycho Seance book: https://tinyurl.com/y873bbr4
Boffo eBook: https://tinyurl.com/387sxkcd
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