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Senor Fabuloso
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Profile of Senor Fabuloso
I'm going to get flack for this but the truth shall set ye free. Stage hypnosis is a dodge. It allows extroverted individuals the "stage" to act out. There is no danger of accessing repressed memories or unlocking some sort of psycho social undesirable behavior. It's fun and games is all. Clinical hypnosis is a whole different ball game. While much of what goes in that environment is smoke and mirrors through a patients own wants and desires can be harmful. Wanting something is much different than it being good for you.

To impulse, if what you want is to be a stage hypnotist just learn all you can on peoples desire to be free of inhibitions and then give them an excuse to act them out on stage and you will be great. Having a strong confident dominating kind of personality will help too. Good luck and God Speed.
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Profile of WitchDocChris
Is that so?
Witch Doctor

Psycho Seance book: https://tinyurl.com/y873bbr4
Boffo eBook: https://tinyurl.com/387sxkcd
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Profile of Dannydoyle
Of course it is so. He just said it so that makes it so.

After all he has 12 hours online training in clinical hypnosis. How could he possibly be mistaken?
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of Mindpro
This is actually much greater than Senor Fabuloso's thoughts, this is actually how many hypnotherapists think and what they actually believe.

Fact is most hypnotherapists are not therapists in any way. Second fact, none of it can be learned from just a book. Another fact, the mentality Senor offered, unfortunately, is the mentality and false belief shared by most hypnotherapists.

I have done both. Gave up my practice completely. Truth be told I have consistently found stage hypnosis much more detailed, critical and much more difficult (but rewarding and beneficial) to do well. Most hypnotherapists will never know this because they would be terrible working with large groups of people and then having to entertain on top of that.

I also think Senor's perceptions show his lack of knowledge on this topic, as any decent stage hypnotist immediately looks for and identifies these exact type of people he suggests and gets rid of them immediately. They will mess up a performance every time. That is not who you want in your stage at all. No one is impressed with the extrovert who wants to act out. That's not hypnosis or entertaining. No, it actually quite the opposite.
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Profile of kevinuncanny
So many people need to believe it is just a trick they don't know to justify not learning it properly
Kevin Lepine
Hypnosis Unleashed-THE Vegas Hypnosis Show
Senor Fabuloso
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Profile of Senor Fabuloso
The difference between "saying it making it true" and it being true is documentation http://www.selfhypnosis.com/stage-hypnosis/
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Profile of Mindpro
Thank you for clearly demonstrating what we've been trying to say here. This is exactly why you can't learn hypnosis by reading books, watching youtube videos, or using Google or other online things as they can be riddled with blatantly incorrect information, that those that don't know better will take as legitimate correct information.

Here are just a couple of quotes from the Google article you suggested...

"The stage hypnotist is a clever psychologist, quickly sorting out, from the volunteers, those who are most likely to be easily hypnotized and those who will be happy to go along with the act." yeah, that's what stage hypnosis is, is just finding those who will "go along", lol.

"The stage hypnotist is a skilled user of ‘razzmatazz’"

Really? And you call this a credible resource based on such garbage? I'm sorry but this is exactly what happens when one doesn't get actual in-person training. All of this would quickly be dispelled and corrected. It also says quite a bit about your skills and understanding as a "hypnotherapist" or clinical hypnotist if this is what you truly believe and accept as fact.

Who would truly be a better source of true information and actual reality - a private company offering a general article with an agenda, or someone who has decades of actual real-world experience and performs hundreds of stage hypnosis shows per year? We each have to choose who we receive our education from and your skills and knowledge will be as a result of these. As I said this just proves the points that almost everyone here has been making.
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Profile of mindpunisher
Whoever wrote that article I can guarantee has never done a hypnosis show. This is nothing new Many "hypnotherapists" are jealous of the attention and status the general public give stage hypnotists. And try to display their expertise by giving explanations of stage hypnosis that try to diminish the skills and distance "real" hypnotists from those "con showmen". It has always been that way. What has changed is the Internet which makes it easy for more people to get hold of information good or bad. Before the internet it was really difficult to get hold of info including training. So there were far more fewer people involved. And those that were were more determined serious and willing to spend the time and resources to develop the skills. Only a specific type would seek out info. Take the Magiccafe as a whole. I would bet if the internet hadn't been around at least 90% of the people on here would never have been part of the "community". truth is there wasn't really any community back then. Performers on the whole kept themselves to their selves and wouldn't discuss their art with many. Secrets were more valued. You never really got much know it alls back then because those that "broke through" were genuinely seeking knowledge and valued any time they could get with a professional.
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Profile of Mindpro
Absolutely true in every point. When I stated in stage hypnosis (before the internet) there were only 14 of us in all the U.S. and only half that were truly making a living or full-time.

The internet has offered some terrible and poor information that many seem to take as fact or reality. It is quite comical and very easy to identify for those with the true skills and knowledge. If anything has more of a shady or questionable past it is in today's hypnotherapists. The fact that many think after taking a brief course or online training that they are therapist or counselors in any way is more than just comical. THEN look at how defensive they become when presented with this reality. And these are adults!

Yes, this is what is being bread on the internet. Then the whole Google and Wikipedia (which it's content can be added by anyone, correct, factual or not) and Youtube has created so may that are delusional in believing they know hypnosis when they aren't anywhere close to doing so.
Senor Fabuloso
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Profile of Senor Fabuloso
Impulse have you left the building? If not here are some resources worth checking out.

Jonathan Royle Confessions of a Hypnotist and Secrets of Stage Hypnosis


Anthony Jaquin How to Hypnotize and Reality is Plastic


James Tripp No Fail Protocol (video)

These are some of the top names in the industry and are worth looking at. Stay away from self serving wannabe experts who are only legends in their own mind.
No matter how many times you say the wrong thing, it will NEVER be right.

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Profile of Mindpro
Well put Mindpunisher. I can't believe this nonsense still exists here especially since this is covered in the rules of this forum about the discussion of debate or belief of hypnosis.

As the other thread asked, THIS is why others have been run off around here as no one wants to talk about stage or performance hypnosis (this and the fact that the magician-turned-hypnotist bandwagon has long left town - thank God!). I have never seen so many posts about clinical, hypnotherapy, and non-entertainment topics and applications being discussed here. This is an entertainment forum!

Yet, when those of us do address or try to correct this, we get accused of being the bad guy.
Senor Fabuloso
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Profile of Senor Fabuloso
Well I have hypnotized many a person and still KNOW it's bunk. ALL HYPNOSIS IS SELF HYPNOSIS. That is is well documented fact. So if we know that the person being hypnotized is doing it themselves, then what is the purpose of the hypnotist except as a leader? Those who are in love with there own so called "skill" should probably learn a double lift or Elmsley count to really love themselves.

I'm not here to support or defend anything. My experience it what I speak from. Unlike others who just want to argue and troll.
No matter how many times you say the wrong thing, it will NEVER be right.

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Profile of hypnoman1
Ormond Mcgill's The New Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnotism is a great book to learn from! Actually, anything published by him is worth its weight in gold!
For those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not believe, no explanation will suffice.
Joseph Dunninger
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Profile of bluejay17!
The Hypnotist and the Magician by Christopher Harris.
It is so in depth, and he has the credentials. Its how I learned.
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Profile of ringmaster
Don't waste your time with any books aimed at magicians. There are a number of real hypnosis books on Amazon, none of them are cheap.
One of the last living 10-in-one performers. I wanted to be in show business the worst way, and that was it.
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Profile of nyborn
As a former hypnotist working with weight loss and smoking cessation, "Monsters and Magical Sticks - There's No Such Thing As Hypnosis." Which as I remember, alludes that EVERYTHING is Hypnosis; feel worthless... you've been hypnotized to believe that.

Somebody, maybe Richard Bandler, said we are trance making machines.
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Profile of MikeSmith7326
I suggest, My Voice Will Go with You: The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Book by Milton H. Erickson
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Profile of thementalcoach
My favorite resource is "Findings in Hypnosis" by Dave Elman (often republished with the title "Hypnotherapy"). Practical explanations and methods taken from his group classes to physicians in the mid 20th century. The principles are applicable for clinical and entertainment hypnosis.
David Kenward - The Mental Coach
One-on-One: Healing Trauma - Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy
Groups: Magic, Mentalism
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Monsters and Magical Sticks: There's No Such Thing As Hypnosis?

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Profile of JonChase
:let me know who and where you are and give you a copy of Hypnosis Installed, theres free stuff on my youtube...

PS There is NO such ting as an accredited trainer - at least not by any academic or professional standard. Trust your judgement by what you can find in video on the web, and entirely by reputation. however also know that belie and imagination are the targets and tools of hypnosis and that harm can be done and that it is a Real thing for those it works for and with.

hope this helps.

Jon Chase

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