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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » REEL MAGIC MAGAZINE - TV For Magicians » » Reel Magic Free Weekend #2 (1 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Kozmo
Hey Everyone,
We have a very SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT from all of us at Reel Magic: a Reel Magic On Demand Free Weekend!
From Thursday night, November 30 at 9:00pm ET through Sunday, December 3 at 8:00pm ET, the entire Reel Magic On Demand catalogue will be available for free, as our gift to you.

How It Works

Starting Thursday night, November 30 at 9:00pm ET, just go to and log in with the following user name and password:

User Name: problem
Password: solved
NOTE: The password is case sensitive.

Remember: Your access doesn't begin until Thursday night, November 30 at 9:00pm ET.
What's Available
Every issue of Reel Magic Magazine: Just click on On Demand Issues to watch any issue of Reel Magic Magazine! Over the last 10 years we have interviewed the greatest names in magic and have provided hundreds of columns and reviews to make your magic better. It's all available this weekend…

On Demand Plus: This weekend, you'll also have access to our exclusive On Demand Plus content that includes:
TNT: Tuesday Night Tricks: We're currently in the middle of season five of TNT. In each season, you'll find eight great effects from the biggest names in magic, like: John Bannon, Ryan Schlutz, Danny Archer, Cameron Francis, R. Paul Wilson, and Simon Black!
Trio: Like a mini DVD, each Trio features three great effects from a single artist, like: Mark Calabrese, Liam Montier, Alan Rorrison, Dan Tong, and Adam Wilber.
Lectures: You want lectures? We've got them, from the greatest thinkers and performers in magic, like: Jon Armstrong, Chris Capehart, Doc Eason, Kainoa Harbottle, Joshua Jay, Curtis Kam, Losander, Shoot Ogawa, and Garrett Thomas!

Much, Much More: Online courses on coins and rings, the Anniversary Waltz Project, classic bonus material, and lecture notes...
Reel Magic Marketplace: While you're enjoying all of this great content, check out the Reel Magic Marketplace. Here you'll find great deals on the hottest magic effects on the planet, offered through our exclusive Reel Magic Rebates! Purchases from the Marketplace will be closed for the Free Weekend, but take a look at what's available and their prices. You'll want to subscribe to Reel Magic for the Marketplace rebates alone!
After you've enjoyed the Reel Magic On Demand Free Weekend, we invite you to become a subscriber. Oh and catch the Cameron Francis Special Event On Tuesday December 5th after you've subscribed!
Reel Magic is, by far, the best deal in magic today. We have hundreds of hours of magic features, instruction, and tricks available On Demand for just $5 a month.

We're working hard to keep Reel Magic the Best Value in Magic Today!
John Long
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Profile of John Long
Is there a cumulative index of the content, or a search facility?
Breathtaking Magic;
Not Breath Taking
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Profile of NightSG
Is it just unbearably slow right now because of the promo, or is that the general condition? 1-2 seconds of video then 10+ of buffering is unwatchable.
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Profile of NightSG
I give up. Over an hour of trying to watch a four minute video at 240p, while YouTube is working fine at 720p. Looks like time to shoot the marketing director and sell his organs to cover the damage to RM's reputation.
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Profile of Kozmo
Theres NO problem with the site. If you're having a streaming problem its on your end. Try shutting down and restart. There are lots of people on the site watching video with no issue. I just watched it on 5 devices and 2 separate internet connections

Also there is NOT a search engine but were working on it. Were building a new site with additional options and a search engine is number one on the list.
Chris Aguilar
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Profile of Chris Aguilar
Streaming is fine for me here in California. Nice at fast at both 720 and 1080p. And I have a relatively slow internet connection (dsl).
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Profile of mantel
On Nov 30, 2017, John Long wrote:
Is there a cumulative index of the content, or a search facility?

No, but you can use Google as I do. You just have to type " and what you're searching for" without quotes. It's cumbersome, but it works.
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Profile of mantel
On Nov 28, 2017, Kozmo wrote:

Much, Much More: Online courses on coins and rings, the Anniversary Waltz Project, classic bonus material, and lecture notes...

Where is the classic bonus material found?
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Profile of NightSG
On Nov 30, 2017, Kozmo wrote:
I just watched it on 5 devices and 2 separate internet connections

Ah that explains it; you're hogging all the bandwidth.

Also there is NOT a search engine but were working on it. Were building a new site with additional options and a search engine is number one on the list.

OK, now that I've got it streaming, that's the main thing I'd want to see, along with some tagging and/or better descriptions on each video to make searching more productive. i.e. I'd want to be able to search for several tags when I can't remember the name of a card trick.

While we're at it, if someone out there had a huge database of effect names and characteristics of each, (i.e. moves used, gimmicks used, type of reveal, creator and/or most famous users, sources, etc.) that would be one heck of a bonus feature for a site to offer. Obviously some, like AC, would be a mess to track all the famous users and sources, but it would help out with the frustration of trying to remember a long-disused effect and not remembering the name, among other useful details.
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Profile of Kozmo
Theres not a search engine but there will be. Were building a new set right now that will have a search engine......

As far as to where do you find the additional or PLUS content. On the yellow Navigation bar at the top of the screen it says PLUS
John Long
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Inner circle
New Jersey
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Profile of John Long
I was quite pleased with the range and depth of the material.
Thank you for the opportunity to see what RM is about.

John Long
Breathtaking Magic;
Not Breath Taking
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Profile of Kozmo
SUBSCRIBE and check out The Marketplace.....
John Long
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Inner circle
New Jersey
2826 Posts

Profile of John Long

I realize that you were not giving us a free weekend solely out of the kindness of you heart.
My situation is such that I am barely doing any magic at all at this time (many other priorities) - no shows/performances for audiences greater than 1. I would like that to change, but..

To that eventual return (hopefully), I still read and think about things "magic", but I can't give it the time to justify a subscription, yet.

For what its worth, I would (future tense) find it interesting and valuable to see a series on restaurant magic (similar to what Eason did with bar magic )

John Long
Breathtaking Magic;
Not Breath Taking
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Profile of Kozmo
Were going yo put Live at the Jailhouse on the site next month......Its a 3 dvd set that is all about the theory of working restaurants with Paul Green, Dan Fleshman, Kirk Charles who wrote 7 books on restaurant magic, Garrett Thomas, Dan Tong and Justin MIller....

Jim Sisti said this is the best information ever on restaurant magic....strong endorsement from someone who really knows...
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Profile of Kozmo
And by the way IF you buy magic products its insane to not be a subscriber and take advantage of The Marketplace
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » REEL MAGIC MAGAZINE - TV For Magicians » » Reel Magic Free Weekend #2 (1 Likes)
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