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Profile of magicfish
Gents, Im wondering if there are any book collectors here. I would be happy to hear about your collections and how long youve been doing it.
Shipping is very expensive to Canada. It is difficult to find books sometimes as a result.
Would love to discuss book collecting with fellow Canadians.
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Profile of RobMagus
I check every used bookstore I can find whenever I'm travelling anywhere! I also have friends and family that I can have things shipped to, and then pick up next time I visit. There are also cross-border shipping services, that work like a PO Box right across the border. Beyond those tactics, I browse ebay, facebook, and magic forums just like anyone else!
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Profile of magicfish
Thanks Rob, I do most if those things as well.
Do you have a large collection? Do you specialize?
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A Montreal based used book seller:
Todsky's Magic Shop: over 15,000 tricks, books, DVD s and Card decks.
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Profile of PaulPosition
Ahh, so that's why I couldn't find *one* magic book in any of the 30-some used books stores I visited these last few months Smile

Thanks for that link, Todsky. I'm only just starting to fill my shelves, this might come in handy. And I wish I get to visit your shop someday soon but it's sooo far away by bus for me (compared with Spectram or Perfect) it might have to wait until summer, when I feel like walking outside.
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Profile of Wordsworth
I'm something of a collector. I've been at magic for about 25 years, but I'm just a 'hobbyist' and don't perform professionally. I love magic books and have been accumulating for a couple of decades (slowly). I've also struggled with how to do this affordably. There are some cases where shipping from the US costs more than the book itself, which I guess is one downside to the big, beautiful hardcovers you sometimes see. Like you guys, I'm always browsing the used bookstores, but in the couple decades of doing that I've only once found and purchased a magic book that way (the old Stars of Magic, highly recommended).
Browsers Den in Toronto has a used magic section in their shop. And Vanishing Rabbit in Calgary has pretty good prices (some discounts), and reasonable shipping.
I'd add that for myself I'm only buying the books based on the magic inside, not on collectible value or resale, etc. For me, magic books are the thing that still makes me feel like a kid at Christmas. I hope that feeling never goes away or gets old.

What are you guys' prized books in your collection?
J M Talbot
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Profile of J M Talbot
Another plug for the great book selection at Browser's Den in Toronto and pretty large used section as well. Owner Jeff Pinsky is a book guy and great to chat with.

I have acquired a pretty decent sized library over the years. I am now pretty picky on what I add as space is an issue Smile When living in Nova Scotia many years ago I was lucky to acquire quite a few books at used dealers, including a fairly large collection that included many classics such as Greater Magic, etc.

The most unique find was a set of two small booklets from England. The premise of the booklets was that magic should be kept secret and writers should write in code. The booklets offered substitute words for such things as Palm, steal, sleight, etc. Two booklets devoted to this! Have never seen these referenced anywhere or found anyone that has ever heard of them. Cannot imagine many were sold.

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Profile of magicfish
Wow John. Those sound very intetesting indeed. (And I agree with the premise).
The Browser's Den of Magic certainly does have an impressive selection of magic books.
I have many books. Some are special for different reasons.
I have a fine 1938 edition of Greater Magic from the library of Norm Houghton.
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Profile of magicfish
I recently acquired a delightful copy of Card Tricks for Everyone by Ellis Stanyon. The book is pristine with charming natural wear to the dustjacket. Wonderful dimensions. This 1971 Third Printing comes from the library of Phil Willmarth.
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Another treasure of mine is a pristine, numbered collectors edition of Revolutionary Card Technique signed by the editor.
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Profile of poonchingyip
I am also a hobbyist. Have into magic for 10 years, but didn't start into books until 6 years ago.
Usually getting books from online and I don't mind paying shipping cost.

To me, within $60 for shipping is reasonable. (and yes, paid so much on shipping cost.....)

One of the most unique found is called The History of Magic By Eliphas Levi, with a special white cover.
Never found myself that nerdy until reading that book.

P.S. I also have the limited RCT book, especially I am a fan of Marlo. Smile

- Arthur
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Profile of magicfish
Sounds great Arthur!
I used to get books the odd time from Tom Ransom when we used to meet at the Round Table many years ago.
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Profile of Wordsworth
Anyone manage to grow their collection over the holidays? I picked up Drawing Room Deceptions, 5x5 Japan, and New Magic of Japan. Looking forward to digging into these over the next few months. If anyone has any recommendations to highlight, let me know.
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Profile of magicfish
Hey Wordsworth, let me know how you enjoy those.
I must say those are 3 titles I haven't yet read.
I acquired Nukes by Doug Edwards. What a great little book it is.
J M Talbot
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Profile of J M Talbot
I picked up Scripting Magic 2, great read. Another recent one is "The Green Neck System". Very cool ideas in that book.

I reaaly enjoyed both the Japan magic books Wordsworth.... Great variety of ideas and methods.

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Profile of magicfish
Card Devilry by Hartman just arrived in the mail...
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Profile of Wordsworth
I actually just picked up Card Dodgery at the Browsers Den birthday bash this year, and I love that book.
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Profile of magicfish
I was there Wordsworth. I purchased the only book lot at the auction.
Card Dodgery is a great book.
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Profile of Wordsworth
I missed the auction this year due to traffic getting down there. I did grab Dodgery, Jack Parker 52 Memories, and A New Angle though, so it was a pretty good day for me. I got a 15% discount when I finally made it up to the front, too, so that was a nice bonus. I almost came out of there with 4 or 5 more books, but had to keep the budget in mind.
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Profile of magicfish
Dodgery is a gorgeous book isn't it? Hopefully you can make it out next year.
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