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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Trick coin trickery » » Johnson Products Lever Action Coin Gaffs (1 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of videoman
Came across the following written by Al Desmond in another forum:

>>>The lever action one, on one edge of the inner coins, they were beveled at an angle. So they pressure fit together, but when you pressed along the right edge (on the back), all three inner coins popped up so you could have them examined but then separate them without the need for a bang ring.

I wish I could find one of those, seems to be the rarer of the bunch.<<<

I've been using Johnson Products coin gaffs for decades and never heard of this type of gaff. Kind of reminds me of a TUC. In fact, it seems like with a little modification it could possibly even work like a TUC without having to have such a thin inner coin.

But regardless, I'm just curious about them and was wondering if anyone else has ever had one of these or even heard of them. I'd love to get one or just hear more about them.
Maybe they are an urban legend. Smile
Brian Proctor
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Profile of Brian Proctor
I’ve discovered that the heads side of a coin is usually round enough for you to push on one side and it levers the coin enough for you to slide them apart one handed.
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Profile of inigmntoya
No legend. I have one.
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Profile of videoman
On May 10, 2018, inigmntoya wrote:
No legend. I have one.

Very curious what you think of it.
Since it doesn’t appear to have taken the magic world by storm I would assume there are downsides to it.

Did you buy it from JP direct, or how did you come to own it?
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Profile of pabloinus
Kind of cryptic the exchange. What no legend means? That is not advertise? I assume JP is Johnson, I just checked the site and there is nothing that indicates these types of coins
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Profile of goodingda
I'm guessing these are expensive to make due to the machining involved. Perhaps that's why they don't make them anymore.
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Profile of inigmntoya
On May 10, 2018, videoman wrote:
Very curious what you think of it.
Since it doesn’t appear to have taken the magic world by storm I would assume there are downsides to it.

Did you buy it from JP direct, or how did you come to own it?

It's great. Got it in a box of miscellaneous coin stuff. While not in the package itself there was a set of Johnson instructions still in its plastic sleeve for a $2.85 set in the box and this was the only $2.85 set there, and the instructions specifically mention where to apply pressure to open it, so I'd say it's 99.99% certain my set is a Johnson.
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Inner circle
DC area native, now in Atlanta
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Profile of inigmntoya
On May 10, 2018, goodingda wrote:
I'm guessing these are expensive to make due to the machining involved. Perhaps that's why they don't make them anymore.

Possibly, but Johnson is a sideline business for a company that makes parts for the aerospace industry. Once the tooling is set up they can probably crank them out pretty fast.
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Inner circle
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Profile of videoman
I wonder if JP still produces these or if they were an experiment and they only produced so many to test the waters.
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Inner circle
DC area native, now in Atlanta
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Profile of inigmntoya
"Call (or E-mail) Kathy" (at Johnson). She's pretty responsive.
Curtis Kam
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same as you, plus 3 and enough to make
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Profile of Curtis Kam
I've handled these, back in the '70's. Seemed to make a lot of sense, and more convenient than the ones requiring a bang ring.

I think, however, that perhaps the lever lock coins sounded even more "dead" than the standard locking coins. So you could have them examined, but if the spectator dropped the coin on the table, it would sound like what it was.
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Profile of goodingda
Thanks for the info everyone. I'm going to contact Johnson.
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Profile of magicmind
On May 12, 2018, goodingda wrote:
Thanks for the info everyone. I'm going to contact Johnson.

Any updates on this???
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Profile of magnumman
On May 10, 2018, videoman wrote:
Came across the following written by Al Desmond in another forum:

>>>The lever action one, on one edge of the inner coins, they were beveled at an angle. So they pressure fit together, but when you pressed along the right edge (on the back), all three inner coins popped up so you could have them examined but then separate them without the need for a bang ring.

I wish I could find one of those, seems to be the rarer of the bunch.<<<

I've been using Johnson Products coin gaffs for decades and never heard of this type of gaff. Kind of reminds me of a TUC. In fact, it seems like with a little modification it could possibly even work like a TUC without having to have such a thin inner coin.

But regardless, I'm just curious about them and was wondering if anyone else has ever had one of these or even heard of them. I'd love to get one or just hear more about them.
Maybe they are an urban legend. Smile

The coins that are referenced were early releases from Johnson Products. These sets were made with pre 1964 90% silver coins

These earlier silver coin sets are apparently rare as when I contacted Johnson Products to inquire about them they were not even aware of these earlier sets.

I have a few sets. They are a locking $1.35 trick, a half dollar to paper dollar, and an effect called "Quarter Attraction ". Very nice coins.

The instructions list the address as being at P.O. box 734, Arcadia California, 91006
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