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acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
Multiple Outs - P&T have a new bit in their show where they borrow a phone from an audience member who calls a friend or family member who couldn't be at the show, (preferably someone is a big Penn & Teller fan) via live video chat, and Penn proceeds to perform an impossible card trick for that one person over the phone. The live video call is projected onto IMAG (Image MAGnification) screens so the audience can enjoy the excitement of seeing a P&T fan enjoy getting their pants fooled off themselves, since the entire audience can plainly see exactly how the trick is done. In fact, some of the audience members are actually selected to participate in the working method of the trick, which I won't get into the details of, but I can see how it would be very fun & interesting for the audience to participate in or just to observe.
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
On Aug 27, 2018, acortest wrote: Cowboy - I finally heard Penn reference this bit in his podcast and he said he thinks it's one of, if not the best, they've ever come up with. It is simply called 'Cowboy'. |
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
To correct an earlier post where I labeled the bit known as 'Bleeding' incorrectly as '10-in-1', I just heard Penn reference that bit on one of his more recent podcasts and he said '10-in-1' is the bit where he does a monologue about how to eat fire, and then proceeds to perform the fire-eating demonstration.
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
Just heard Penn mention on his podcast that they recently wrote a new bit called “Dr. Teller’s New Hands”. He didn’t give any further information about the bit.
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
On Jun 29, 2020, acortest wrote: On Episode 679 of Penn’s Sunday School podcast, Penn said the name of the bit where they do demonstrations of freezing things with Liquid Nitrogen and then breaking them on the table or floor is called just ‘Liquid Nitrogen’. During the bit, Penn is careful to wear his gloves to protect his hands, while he keeps reminding Teller to be sure and use the gloves, which Teller constantly ignores. They most likely renamed it because the original name, listed in my previous post, basically gives away the surprise ending of the routine. |
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
There is another bit from Season 8 where Penn & Teller do a 2-person (4-handed) Sponge Ball routine that they call “Magic for Each Other”. It may be called “Magic 4 Each Other”, as Penn was quick to point out this is what he refers to as a 4-handed magic routine.
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
On Feb 7, 2021, acortest wrote: The episode of Penn & Teller Fool Us referenced above is actually still Season 7, not 8. The episode number and titles is Season 7, Episode 18, "Teller Gets Smashed", but that show title is just in reference to the ending bit, not the actual name of the bit. The bit name is simply 'Liquid Nitrogen'. |
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
The bit at the end of Fool Us, Season 7, Episode 22, which aired March 5, 2021, is called simply "Spring Flowers". Penn referenced the name of the bit in Episode 689 of his podcast.
This bit involves Teller cutting and tearing up different colors of tissue paper and producing colorful leaves & flowers to decorate a plain, bare tree cutout. At the end, all of the newly placed foliage falls of the tree leaving only an apple on the tree which Teller shares with Penn, but after handing the apple to Penn, they both somehow end up with a whole apple in their hands and each take a bite to show they are real apples. |
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
I have 2 new bits to add to the list. Unfortunately, one bit I know the name of, but not the effect, and the other, I have the effect, but don't know the name of it.
A week or two ago, Penn mentioned on his podcast that they put a new bit in the show called Psychic Comedian. He did not describe at all what the bit was. Perhaps somebody can help figure out what the effect is? Also, on his latest podcast episode today, he mentioned that for the past 2 shows, they debuted a new effect, with the permission from the effect's creator, Wes Iseli, his coin flip trick that he performed on Fool Us, Season 7, Episode 3. It's the one where the performer has every audience member stand up and before each coin flip, has them choose 'heads' or 'tails' by either raising a hand (heads), or leaving both hands down by their sides (tails), and with each successive coin flip, eliminates half of the audience members until only one person is left standing, at which point a prediction is revealed about the person who remains standing at the end. When Penn watched Wes perform it, he said this the most "Penn" trick, he had ever seen. In 9 seasons of Fool Us, this was the only trick that they have seen and wanted to perform it in their show. He also said that in each live performance in their show, he credits Wes Iseli as the creator of the trick. |
Vincenzo![]() Loyal user Canada 215 Posts ![]() |
Just wanted to chime in to this thread to say thanks for compiling all this information. This rocks!
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
On episode 475 of Penn's podcast, he mentions the bit where he has to get into a barrel and referred to it as 'Rubber Boy'.
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
On episode 751 of Penn's podcast, he mentions that Handsome Jack (John Lovick) detailed all of the 'Working' tricks that Penn & Teller have, and the number came out to around 170. I really wish I could see this list of bits/effects, especially to see what they name each effect.
Spike Tape - I have no idea what this bit/effect is. It is a new effect, but has been temporarily removed from the show. Cowboy - (not currently in the show) This effect is detailed elsewhere on this thread. Great trick! As Penn stated, probably the best they ever came up with. Teller's Gambling Problem - currently in the show, but I have no description of it either. Age Appropriate Escape - Penn described it by saying, "when you're 20 years old, you want to see someone naked in chains. When they cross 60... no." You want something that is 'age appropriate', and thus the name of the effect was born. One idea they threw around was escaping from Rocking Chairs. Another was have someone (presumably Teller), try to escape from a straight jacket as they ascent a 'Stair Lift/elevator' chair. The danger could come from maybe having spikes at the top that would impale them if they fail to escape. Also, another unknown effect name, but it involves a 'bucket of blood'. Lastly, something that Penn said he was really excited about that was based on 'The Wisdom of Crowds', where the entire audience, as they come in, are guessing how many jellybeans there are in a jar, and they are going to see if the crowd can accurately predict the number. |
GlennLawrence![]() Veteran user Randolph NJ 339 Posts ![]() |
They just did the Spike Tape effect on a recent episode of Fool Us
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
I was graciously emailed a list of Penn & Teller's bit names (no description of effect) and was given permission to share this list on my thread.
A BIG 'Thank You' to the contributor! P&T Repertoire Needles Collection / Miser’s Dream Shadows Ball/Knife/Apple/Plunger Juggling 10 in 1 How We Met / Cuffed to a Creep Julian’s Card Trick Cups & Balls and Cups & Balls Bleeding Card Location (with Needle Through Arm and Card on Forehead) Quote of the Day Music/Bacteria MOFO the Psychic Gorilla Casey at the Bat Hand Stab Domestication of Animals Chair Suspension Water Tank AmanaO’Damocles Liftoff to Love/Ripoff of Love Two Modern Fakir Tricks (Dental Floss through Ear and Chair Suspension) Two Houdini Tricks (Needles & Houdini Box) By Buddha, This Duck Is Immortal! Burnin’ Luv / Fire for Two King of Animal Traps Bleeding Salute to Recycling/Wood chipper Looks Simple World’s Heaviest Card Trick Houdini Séance Spirit Cabinet Cinder Block Polyester MOFO Dollar Bill Divination Rubber Boy Magic Bullets Balloon of Blood Rat Cage Flates Knife Throwing Unicorn Wizard Flag Honor System Silver Fish Zamofo Air Sax Bottle Juggling Psychic Comedian Misdirection Blockhead Newspaper Tear Green Screen Cowboy / Cowboy Theatre Red Ball Nail Gun Box Appearance T.S.A. Sawing in Halves Powers of Darkness CellFish Helium He’s a Little Teapot The Thing with the Fans Underneath Atheist Deck of Cards Elsie, the Vanishing African Spotted Pygmy Elephant One-Minute Egg Rabbit from Hat Love Ritual Dracula Circle Stop Cut and Restored Snake Surveillance Light & Heavy Box Egg Bag The Great Tomsoni & Co. Seventeen Five (17.5) / Children Magicians Genie Tubes Priming Misdirection (final version) Street Magic Trust Tomsoni Box Illusion Linking Rings Subtle Glass Portrait Correlation Sticks McCombical VR Coding The Night Before Christmas Forging Stupid Watermelon Surgery Multiple Outs 52 Squared /Card at Any Location Hoodie Placebo French Drop Ball Pit Troll Doughnut Whack-a-Teller The Five-Coin Trick Spike Tape Camel Too Easy Zoom Box Souvenir Low Levitation Lucky Teller’s Gambling Problem |
Handsome Jack![]() New user Los Angeles 32 Posts ![]() |
I provided the above list. It is a complete list of bits that Penn & Teller have done on stage in the Penn & Teller show over the 38 years they've performed as Penn & Teller (they of course performed together before that, most significantly as part of "Asparagus Valley Cultural Society".) The list is almost entirely chronological order. Keep in mind that the order of the first several items is a bit strange because some of the tricks pre-date "Penn & Teller" (and even "Asparagus"). However, once you get past Chair Suspension the list is very accurate regarding chronology of their debut on stage (keep in mind that some bits premiered on TV years before they ever made it to stage). The list is approximately 111 items and not the 170 stated above.
For some of the items, there is no one definitive name/title. Titles change over time, and sometimes they call tricks one thing in private and another thing in public and in show programs. And there have been different versions of various tricks as well (4 versions of Misdirection for example, under 3 different names—one of which is not in the list because it was in "Asparagus" but never in a P&T show). But the titles in the list above are the names that they use or have used most often in most contexts, based on extensive conversations with both of them about their repertoire. |
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
On the most recent episode of Penn's Sunday School podcast (ep. #799), Penn stated that they have a new bit called "Sleight of Feet" where I presume they use their feet instead of their hands to execute a magic effect (most likely IMAG - Image MAGnification, to capture the action with a camera up close and project it onto screens for the audience to see better. Or, I could be completely wrong.
Teller will be doing a Ventriloquism bit. Have no idea if it is a traditional ventriloquism using a ventriloquism 'figure' (Penn made it clear, that they are called figures, not dummies). There is a new 'green screen' bit (no description given) And a new bit that Penn is just referring to as Español, as Penn has been studying Spanish for 2 years now, and want to do a bit where he is receiving instructions on how to perform an effect from his good friend, Spanish magician, Jandro. However, he will be (intentionally) misinterpreting and giving the instructions to Teller, and yet Teller will magically do or produce everything that Penn mistakenly tells him to do, thus creating some zany comedy for the bit. The example he gave was Jandro giving the command to 'Soplar El Mano' (blow in the hand), and Penn will misinterpret it as "OK, Sopa is soup and Mono is monkey, so he must mean give the monkey some soup, and Teller will produce a monkey and give him some soup. Penn also mentioned that he would really like to figure out a way for Penn & Teller to do a slightly imperfect impersonation of themselves. Not necessarily have Teller plays the part of Penn and Penn play Teller, which people have recommended that they do all the time. But for them to come out dressed like Penn & Teller, but not in exactly the right suits, and wear wigs, so the hair is like theirs, but not exactly, and Penn wear glasses that are slightly different than his regular glasses, and for Penn to change his voice slightly so it sounds like someone trying to imitate him. Everything just be kind of 'off' a little bit. However, he said he just can't come up with an idea for the bit or effect they would perform. He also mentions really liking the Ames Room effect (the optical illusion that appears as a normal rectangular room when viewed from a specific vantage point, and makes someone in the room shrink or grow larger depending on which far corner of the room they stand in). He would also like to some day figure out a way to use an Ames Room in their show. He said, before COVID, they had planned on creating one on stage and before the show, theater goers could come up on stage and walk around inside the Ames Room, but then they shut down for COVID, and scrapped the idea since they no longer have people come up on stage. Penn & Teller have had similar things on stage before the show that guests could come up and inspect before the show, that would then be used somehow in the opening bit of the show. |
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
In the latest episode of Penn's Sunday School (ep. #803), Penn went over new bits that they just put in their show:
Green Screen - I guess the new 'green screen' bit alluded to in the last post is just called 'Green Screen'. The premise is that Penn & Teller will be doing some 'old fashioned' magic akin to something that would have been performed on the Ed Sullivan Show or The Hollywood Palace. They would like all audience members to just watch it on the I-Mag screens (they will make it look like old fashioned TV, I'm assuming by adjusting the aspect ratio & possibly rounding the picture to look like an old CRT TV screen (and possibly introduce 'noise' into the picture such as scan lines and or horizontal 'static' lines that you would normally would have gotten in an analog TV show signal) They will go into doing their magic routine & one of their stage hands will be in a full green screen spandex suit, and just handing stuff to P&T so as to make items appear and/or float. If you watch them performing live on stage, you will not see any magic, but up on the screen you will see a beautiful magic show performance. Penn mentioned 'Big Silks' as one of the items they will be dealing with in this routine. However, in true P&T fashion, there is a 'Big Blowoff' or 'Big Ending' that is a big surprise: a real magic effect for the live audience. So it sounds like they will have something happen at the end of the bit that will actually be a good magic effect for the live audience even though they think the only 'magic' happening is on the screen via the magic of video editing techniques. Due to their clever misdirection, I'm sure it will be something that you would not notice the first time you see it, but upon repeated viewings, you would catch when they introduce or pull off the actual live magic effect. Español (Thispañol / Thespañol ) - I can't tell exactly what he is calling this effect He repeated the information about the Spanish bit, and it sounds like he is saying 'Thispañol'. I listened several times to see if he was just saying 'Español' funny, but he is definitely not saying just 'Español'. See the post before this for a description. He did not add anything new in this episode about the effect except that the production of both the Monkey and Soup is Incredible! Bucket Of Blood - The premise is that they state up front that they were going to do a bit with a bucket of blood, but The CW said that a bit with buckets of blood would be in bad taste, and so this caused big argument and CW executives suggest that they do the trick with a bucket of Milk instead. Then Penn brings up all of the issues with Milk, such as people (children) being lactose intolerant and all of the issues related to Factory Farming, and environmental issues with that, and then they proceed to change the bucket of milk into blood. |
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
In episode 806 of Penn's Sunday School, Penn announced that in the last live show before they start filming the newest season of Fool Us, they are introducing 6 brand new bits in the show:
1. A New Opener (Not the name of the bit). He didn't mention what the Opener was. 2. Español (uses the same Monkey from their bit called 'Misdirection', so they are not sure if they can do both bits in the same show. Penn is hoping that if they space the two bits far enough apart, the monkey will be looked upon more as a 'callback' instead of a 'crutch') 3. Sleight of Feet 4. Bucket of Blood 5. Green Screen (previously referred to in this thread as 'a green screen bit'. Didn't realize they would just call it 'Green Screen') 6. Vent (previously referred to in this thread as just a solo Ventriloquism bit by Teller. It didn't have a name at the time it was first mentioned.) I can't wait to see some of these new bits on the upcoming season of Fool Us. Now, Penn said, they just need to come up with 9 new bits in a week (with help from Penn's friend, and also his Spanish tutor, Spanish Magician, Jandro, who is flying in to brainstorm with them on the other 9 bits they will need for this season of Fool Us) |
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
On episode 836 of Penn's Sunday School Podcast, Penn mentions a new bit called 'Jellybean' where the audience has guessed as to the number of Jellybeans in a jar.
This may be the new opener that Penn was referring to in my last post. At some point in the routine, Penn takes 3 Jellybeans out of the jar and gives one to Teller and he eats the other two. He didn't say how exactly they reveal the number prediction, but it sounds like the count is 'Off by Three', and that is presumably when Penn points out that P&T had removed and eaten 3 at the beginning of the trick. Penn said the first time they performed this, the 2 Jellybeans he ate got stuck in his throat causing him to have to cough and hack through the remainder of the show. He made sure this would never happen again by stating, "We're going to take these 3 Jellybeans, and this is all Teller gets for his pay for the night". So now, Teller, eats all 3 and Penn eats none. Penn points out that Teller also eats, Doughnuts, Doritos, and anything near him on stage during the show. Immediately after 'Jellybean', comes Doughnut (which Penn says the crew calls 'Dog Nuts'), and then Español. Also currently in the show is the bit, Egg Bag, and Penn said that they recently put Elsie back in the show (which used to be their closer). Not sure if it still is or not. |
acortest![]() Regular user 123 Posts ![]() |
Episode 1 of Season 9 of 'Penn & Teller Fool Us' just aired on Friday, 14 Oct., and P&T ended the show by performing 'Bucket of Blood'. I was wondering if anyone can tell me if this is a brand new bit, or if it was the same or in any way close to the old bit they used to close their show with decades ago when they would both strip down to just long T-shirts, and be just covered head to toe in fake blood?
[edit] I Google searched for "Penn & Teller covered in blood" and found a New York Times review article from 13 Nov. 1993 The author describes the closer of their show (where Penn is covered in blood) and it doesn't sound anything like the 'Bucket of Blood' routine above. [Here is a quote from the end of the article/review] The big finale this time around was a “naked sleight-of-hand” routine. In less irreverent circles, this might suggest a close-up view of the magician’s bare hands. With Penn and Teller, it meant the pair did a full-body strip behind sheets of plastic (with two “lucky” audience members as witnesses), then donned long white sleeveless jerseys and proceeded to pull everything from flowers and handkerchiefs to wine glasses seemingly from nowhere. Penn even unleashes his massive ponytail for the bit, which ends in a “Carrie"-like bath of fake blood. |
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