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In Episode 930 of Penn's Sunday School podcast, Penn references the bits:
- Elsie
- Doughnut
- Jellybean
- Español
- Magic Cube ( I don't think I have ever heard of this effect before, unless this is what Penn calls a 'Magic Square' )

Penn said that if you're ever going to see the Penn & Teller show in Vegas, the best time to see it would be in October or November, because they are going to be doing all of the bits they most love to perform, including:
- Dracula
- Multiple Outs
- Glass Portrait
- (and a New 'thing') an idea that Penn & Jandro came up with together
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I got a hold of Matt Donnelly, (Penn's Sunday School Podcast co-host and writer on Penn & Teller 'Fool Us') and asked him about the effect. This was his reply:

" It’s a bit where they make a magic cube and teach someone how to pull a rope thru a freshly cut hole in a freshly cut cube. "

When he says 'Freshly cut hole in a freshly cut cube', I'm wondering if this means that they cut the cube (i.e. block of wood) and then drill a hole in the cube right there on stage, or maybe it's not even made out of wood. I guess they could make a cube out of something else, like an apple for instance, but I've only ever seen this type of magic cube & rope routine done with a wooden cube (with a hole in it).

If anyone has seen this effect performed live, please enlighten us.
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In the Nov. 7th, 2023 episode of Penn's Sunday School, Penn references 2 new bits going into the show:

- Entropy (no description given, but here is the definition of 'Entropy': lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder)
- Stooges - where Penn invites anyone who is a 'd*ck' or 'a**hole' up on stage
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In the Nov. 14th episode of Penn's Sunday School, when talking about how which music 'singles' the public buys, has a big influence on all of popular culture, Penn mentions that that is the reason one of their bits is now called 'The Wisdom of Crowds' and 'Hive Mind'

I'm not sure how a bit can have 2 names, but I'm thinking maybe he meant that their bit (previously called) 'The Wisdom of Crowds' is Now called 'Hive Mind'

In my Oct. 19th 2021 post, I mentioned that Penn had a bit based on the 'Wisdom of the Crowds' which was how collectively, a large sampling (i.e. crowd/audience) could rather accurately guess the number of jellybeans in a jar much better than any single person could.

Penn, in the previous episode of PSS, referenced a bit called 'Gift Shop'. When referring to this bit, I'm assuming that it was the bit Penn & Teller performed at the end of the 1st episode of the latest season (season 10) of Penn & Teller: Fool Us. However, in that 'aired' episode, Penn & Teller performed a bit where Penn shoots a large, white legume (bean) into a red, Solo cup that teller is holding in front of his mouth. I don't think that bit is the one called 'Gift Shop'.

However, the bit called 'Gift Shop', may have been actually recorded at the end of the 'daily' episode that his daughter, Moxie, was in, but then, they could have re-ordered or re-organize all of the acts and closing P&T bits and so that bit may be coming in a future episode of this season of P&T: Fool Us.
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As a follow-up to my last post, I don't believe that 'The Wisdom of Crowds' or 'Hive Mind', was actually the name (or new name) of the bit called Jellybean. This is because on the Nov. 17th ’23 episode of Penn’s Sunday School podcast, Penn talked in detail about the bit called 'Jellybean' and how an audience member screwed up the bit called ‘Jellybean’ in a way that no one with the show had ever considered before. You really must give it a listen, it's a great story. Starts around the 16-18 minute mark.

He mentioned their the current show opener is either ‘Polyester’ or ‘Age Appropriate Escape’

Also, on the latest episode of Penn & Teller: Fool Us (Season 10, Episode 4), P&T performed 'Gift Shop', so here is a description of the bit/effect:

Penn asks for an audience member (volunteer), who has already decided they are going to buy a souvenir from the Gift Shop after the show, and he invites them to come up on stage, and when the curtains part, they are treated to a fantastic re-creation of the actual P&T Gift Shop, located at the entrance/exit of the Penn & Teller Theater. The volunteer picks out whatever item they intended to purchase at the 'real' Theater gift shop, but Teller takes their actual credit/debit card and rings their purchase up on stage using what appears to be a Square Point-Of-Sale terminal. Then, using sleight of hand, vanishes their credit card. Penn asks them to look inside the bag, and thinking their card is going to be in the bag, they are surprised to find a piece of garbage (in this case, it was an empty, flattened water bottle).

Off to the side, and in plain sight the entire time, was a large garbage can with a chain & padlock holding the lid shut. Penn has the volunteer unlock the lock and inside is a smaller, locked trash can. This turns into a transposition between their credit card and the piece of trash with their credit/debit card ending up inside a 'Nest of Boxes' (albeit, with the boxes being replaced by garbage cans). I believe it was 3 progressively smaller garbage cans, ending with the smallest garbage can containing a cardboard 'hamburger box', with a partially eaten hamburger with a bite taken out of it, and inside the hamburger, between the bun and hamburger patty, was the audience member's credit card.
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In the most recent episode of Penn's Sunday School podcast, Penn said he has always been a fan of The Smothers Brothers, and that the Penn & Teller bit called Español is essentially a Smothers Brothers routine where Penn is playing the role of Tommy Smothers, and Teller is playing the role of Dickie Smothers.
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- PIE CO the Psychic Gorilla (This name is merely a guess based on information in this post) [* * * Please see EDIT notes at the end of this entry * * *]

I'm hoping to find out the name of the new bit that Penn & Teller performed on the latest episode of Penn & Teller: Fool Us (S10E08, aired on Jan 12, '24)
I will describe it here:
P&T were on stage with an audience member, and Penn introduced a stack of dollar bills of various denominations. He invited the audience member to take whatever amount of bills they wanted from the pile and tuck it away without counting it. A pizza delivery person randomly appeared walking up the aisle of the theater and came up on stage. He handed P&T the pizza and demanded payment. Penn looked at the receipt taped to the pizza box and the total including delivery and tax came to $42. He asked the volunteer to count out for the first time, the amount of money they had taken from the pile of bills and the amount matched the pizza receipt exactly. As he left, the pizza delivery person gave P&T a menu. Penn remarked to the volunteer that normally, you call up and order a pizza instead of one just randomly showing up, but he allowed her to look at the names of the pizzas on the menu cover, and choose one. Once chosen, they opened up the single page menu, found the named pizza and had the volunteer read off the ingredients of the chosen pizza. Once read aloud, Penn opened up the pizza box and the ingredients on the pizza matched the chosen pizza's description exactly.

I would assume the bit would have the name 'Pizza' in it (either just 'Pizza' or 'Pizza Delivery') but hopefully they have a more interesting name for it than what I am guessing. Just FYI, the name of the fake pizza delivery place was called 'Nevada Pie Co.'

On the latest episode of Penn's Sunday School Podcast (9 Jan '24), Penn mentioned the names of several new bits that were going into the show starting the following week. Bits included:
- Balloon Coincidence
- Entropy
- Stooges ( I know that Penn is a huge fan of 'The Three Stooges' )
and an effect being brought back after over 40 years that used to be called "MOFO the Psychic Gorilla", which Penn said was going to be renamed
- PYCO, the Psychic Gorilla (could be spelled 'PICO'?)
[* * * Edit * * *]
I just realized as I was editing this entry before posting it, I added the tidbit of trivia that the name of the fake pizza delivery place in the first bit I was describing, was named 'Nevada Pie Co.', so it's entirely possible that since the Pizza Delivery routine is a mentalism/mind-reading effect, that when Penn said in his podcast that he was bringing back the 'MOFO' routine as 'PYCO', or 'PICO' (I wasn't sure of the spelling), that he was actually saying 'PIE CO.', for Nevada Pie Company or Nevada 'Pie Co.'

One more note: in the post of the complete list of P&T bits submitted on this thread by Handsome Jack (John Lovick) on Oct. 21, 2021, there is a bit listed as MOFO the Dollar Bill Divination, which is obviously a 'spinoff' of MOFO the Psychic Gorilla. In the original MOFO bit, I believe the Gorilla divines a chosen or thought of playing card. In the update, the Gorilla more than likely divines (and reveals somehow) the amount of money or dollar bills chosen similar to the choosing of the dollar bills from the stack in the 'Pizza' or 'PIE CO' bit. But this is all a guess as I have no video or description of the MOFO effect. However, there was a trick on the cancelled or never released SEGA CD game called 'Penn & Teller: Smoke & Mirrors'. There was also a trick on the PlayStation VR and Meta Quest VR game 'Penn & Teller VR: F U, U, U, & U' called 'MOFO Knows'
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6 Card Repeat - I have no idea if Penn & Teller refer to this bit as 'The 6 Card Repeat', but the basic routine is what they performed on the latest episode of 'P&T: Fool Us' (Season 10, Ep. 9)
Sometimes, they name the episodes after Penn & Teller's bit at the end of the show, but this episode was entitled 'A Magic Hamster' referring to Jo De Rijck's mentalism routine in which he employed a hamster for the trick.
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In this week’s episode of Penn’s Sunday School podcast, Penn talked about a couple of the new bits that are just now being introduced into their live, Vegas show:
- Entropy
- Stooges*

*In my post last week, I speculated that ‘Stooges’ might have something to do with ‘The Three Stooges’ but I was mistaken.

Penn mentioned in this week’s episode that may people think that P&T may possibly use ‘plants’, ‘confederates’ or ‘Stooges’ in their live show (all terms mean the same thing). P&T’s idea is to bring this point up at the beginning of the bit, and invite anyone who believes that they may be using 'plants' or ‘Stooges’ in the audience to raise their hand. Penn would then invite all those with their hands raised up on stage (no matter how many people that may be). He would then remind them there may now be some ‘Stooges’ among those ‘skeptics’ on stage now, and so he will allow the group on stage to pick among themselves a person or two to participate in the proceedings which will involve throwing darts at a dart board and rolling some dice (and possibly other tasks). Penn remarks that they have no idea how many people will come on stage, or how long the group on stage may take to select the person(s) acting on behalf of the group.

Penn also talked about another bit, which he failed to name.
He said that they were trying to bring people in to practice, but in order to really rehearse this bit properly, they would have needed at least a few hundred people to really do it right. So they can only really learn this trick by doing it live for the entire audience of a live show.

After this description, he then goes on to name and talk about bit called ‘Stooges’, so I don’t think this bit that he described above is actually the one called ‘Stooges’. Its possible that it may be for ‘Entropy’, but he never named it specifically and did not describe the effect for ‘Entropy’.

In my post from last week, I wrote that Penn had mentioned 3 ‘new’ bits:
- Balloon Coincidence
- Entropy
- Stooges

No description was given for any of them, so perhaps the effect he was describing that needed a full audience to perform or practice was actually for ‘Balloon Coincidence’?

If anyone has any info, please reply to this post with your information.
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On one of the more recent episodes of Fool Us (Season 10, Ep. 10), Penn & Teller did a routine with 2 audience members, 1 Male, 1 Female, and Teller was on stage in between the two, and they were all standing in front of a vertically mounted TV monitor (on a stand) that was dressed in Penn’s suit and Penn’s face was being displayed on the TV.

I have no idea what this bit is called

The routine was basically a variation of a ‘Ring on Wand’ routine using a very long-stemmed rose instead of a magic wand.

Penn displayed his gold ‘carnie’ ring, and asked if Teller could borrow the man’s gold wedding ring. Teller placed it under his handkerchief and gave it to the lady to hold onto. After they each inspected the rose, Teller had them both hold onto one end of the rose’s stem and Teller had the lady bring the ring & handkerchief over on top of the middle of the rose, and when Teller whisked away the kerchief out of her hand, the man’s ring appeared on the rose’s stem. Teller grabbed the rose by the ends of the stem (where the spectators were previously holding and displayed it to the gentleman up close so that he could verify that it was, in fact, his wedding ring (it was). Teller then handed the rose over to the lady who took hold of the rose in the same manner. Penn told the lady to keep the rose as a ‘thank you’ for helping out and to give the ring back to the gentleman. She walked over and let the man take (what he thought was) his ring, but when he went to put it on, he realized it was not his ring any more. It was actually Penn’s ‘carnie’ ring, and Penn displayed on the monitor that he was wearing the man’s wedding ring (albeit on the tip of his finger because it would not fit onto his larger finger). Penn then appeared from the back of the theater and walked down the aisle until he came up on stage and was able to swap rings with the gentleman.

On the last episode of Penn’s Sunday School Podcast from 31 Jan ‘24, entitled ‘ No Geraniums in E?’, co-host Matt Donnelly said in the intro that “Penn & Teller just introduced a brand new trick into their show, we believe it’s called ‘Balloon Coincidence’ but don’t quote Penn on that”.
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In the most recent episode of Penn & Teller Fool Us (Season 10, Ep. 11 ), Teller performed a version of ‘Paper Balls Over the Head’, but with eggs. He performed it for Dave, the 10-year veteran Fool Us cameraman who normally shoots the close-up shots of Penn in his chair. Dave was on stage with his large TV camera, looking into the hood the entire time, while focusing on a close-up view of Teller, as one-by one, he made the eggs vanish in typical Paper Balls over the Head style where Penn was attempting to catch the eggs that were thrown (sometimes missing and striking the ground). After the first 3 vanishes, Penn juggled the 3 eggs behind Dave while he continued narrating, and then secretly passed one egg back to Teller who appeared to split 1 egg into 2, in similar fashion to how you split a sponge ball into 2 with your index finger. Penn also introduced a giant egg, secretly passing it to Teller who did a perspective illusion, as he appeared to bring a normal sized egg up very close to the camera, thus appearing large, but then as he moved it back away from the camera, Dave could see the egg was in fact, a giant egg (like an ostrich egg). Teller ended by taking the egg carton and vanishing the final 7 or 8 eggs by tossing them all at once to Penn (most of which landed on the floor), and the Teller removed the tablecloth, held it up to the camera, and Penn snuck around and took the small table and chucked it over Dave’s and Teller’s head, landing loudly behind Dave. (Side note: if you watch Teller during the flinging of the table, the table almost strikes Teller in the head, and it just barely misses him as it goes flying overhead. Also, Penn & Teller’s choreography on the table vanish was not good as the close was whisked away from the camera’s obstructed view way too early, and Dave could clearly see Penn grabbing and throwing the table unobstructed. It didn’t seem to me that this bit was practiced very much, if at all, before performing it live for the show. I’m surprised they didn’t perform it again to get a better performance of it, or at least perform it a few times and stitch together the best parts of each take. This is just my opinion though.)
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On the most recent episode of Penn’s Sunday School podcast (22 Feb. ‘24), Penn referenced the name of 2 tricks that they performed recently, both of which had similar silly names. Penn gets a kick out of calling tricks or props for tricks something other than what they are or what most magicians refer to them as.

One of them was the trick that they performed as their closer in Season 10, Episode 7 of ‘Fool Us’. Penn referred to this as ‘The Trick You Can do at Home With a Gold Thing’. The ‘Gold Thing’ that Penn kept referencing was actually a miniature train illusion that originally belonged to the famous magician, Mark Wilson. Mark called the illusion the “Allakazam Railroad”, named after his magic TV show, ‘The Magic Land of Allakazam’ which ran from 1960-1964. You could see Mark’s wife’s name (Nani) printed on the side of the coal car. This was a nice tribute to the legacy of Mark Wilson. In addition to all of the great framed photos of Mark, Nani & Greg on the backdrop, Penn even brought out Mark’s son, Greg Wilson, and Mark’s granddaughter, Sean. Sean is the one who got inside the ‘Gold Thing’ in order to perform the illusion, which is basically a Sawing the Lady In Half illusion dressed up like a miniature choo-choo train.

The other trick was called ‘The Thing with the Fans Underneath’. P&T performed this during the '2024 NFL Honors' event on Feb. 8, 2024 before the Super Bowl in Las Vegas. This is where they had NFL commissioner, Roger Goodell, come up on stage, while host Keegan-Michael Key picked a card (which was the King of Clubs), and then returned it to the deck Teller was holding, then Teller placed the deck of cards to a hole at the base of ‘The Thing With The Fans Underneath’. Then they had Roger climb into ‘The Thing With The Fans Underneath’ (which was a large booth with glass walls, which was supposed to be similar to a money booth that blows money all around inside) and told him that they were going to turn on the fans and that he was going to catch Keegan’s card in total darkness, which was their excuse for draping the box in cloth. As they pulled the cover over the box, you could see cards start flying up in the air, and when they pulled the cloth away, Roger Goodell was gone and in his place was retired NFL player, Barry Sanders dressed in a long, furry King’s robe adorned with black and gold clubs, a crown and holding a sceptre.
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On the most recent episode of Penn & Teller: Fool Us (Season 10, Episode 13) entitled 'Game of Drones', P&T performed the 'Drone' bit that Penn alluded to on his podcast back in April of 2023. I looked back through the history of this topic, and I can't find any mention of the idea for the bit in any of my previous posts.

Even though Penn describes what is about to happen by describing the effect called 'Card on Ceiling', he says he is going to set the record for the highest 'Card on Ceiling' ever performed and that the ceiling inside the theater is at least 70 - 80 feet high. Teller is the one who is going to fly the drone in order to capture the moment on video. Teller starts flying the drone erratically, and it gets in Penn's way as he is about to throw the cards. I was kind of disappointed in this bit also, as I was with 'Eggs (instead of paper balls) Over the Head' from 3 shows (and 2 posts) ago, because it looked like it was 'phoned in' and not practiced at all. It was quite obvious that Teller was not controlling the drone, and that someone very skilled (I'm sure) was controlling it from off stage or from out in the audience. However, when it came time for Penn to hurl the cards up in the air, not only did he not rubber band the deck together (as is normally done before the throw), nor was his attempt to throw the cards believable. He just sort of 'sprung' the cards, but they didn't get anywhere near the drone, even though the drone was not very high over his head.

Assuming the effect is accomplished the way I think it is, the execution of this effect is more akin to a 'Card Sword' / 'Card Stab' routine, not a 'Card on Ceiling' effect. Heck, I think they should have just attached either a (fake) spike to the bottom of the drone or a flat piece of ceiling tile to hit, and said that they were going to try to perform the 'Card on Ceiling' by hitting the drone with the deck of cards instead of the ceiling because the roof is too high. It would have been the same outcome, but more exciting.
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Block Off Cord (not sure what Penn & Teller are calling this bit)

In the most recent episode of 'Penn & Teller: Fool Us', P&T do something pretty neat for hostess Brooke Burke. They tell her that not only are they going to perform a trick for her, but they are going to make the trick right there on stage and then at the end give it to her and teach her how to do it.

You can see on the left side of the stage, a drill press and on the right side of the stage a chop saw. They both have the name 'REIDA' on them as if that is the brand name of the tools. In reality, the name 'REIDA' on the tools is basically crediting for magician Shawn Reida, professional magician, a member of I.B.M. Ring 47 and a long-time employee at Stevens Magic, also here in Wichita, where I live.

As Penn talked to Brooke, Teller pulled out a long block of wood, then took it to the drill press and drilled the hole in it. Then he took it over to the chop saw and cut the timber down to a square block. Attached to the side of table holding the saw, he pulled off a piece of yellow rope. Teller then proceeded to 'tie' the block onto the cord a few times, then magically releasing the block by it magically penetrating the rope. The final phase was something new that I've never seen in the handful of times that I've seen Shawn Reida perform it. The magic 'move' must have been done off camera, but Teller had the ends of the rope held by Penn & Brooke on either side of him, and he was holding the block between his hands, and Penn asked Brooke to say 'Stop' as teller moved the threaded rope back and forth along the length of the rope. When Brooke said 'Stop', Teller let the block just melt and fall into Brooke's hand. At the end of the routine, Penn hands Brooke the Block, the Cord, and then Teller pulls out a red envelope that says 'TOP SECRET - Please Do Not Open Until After the Show', which has the instructions for her to learn how the trick is done. Supposedly, they liked the trick so much, I heard they plan on adding it to their show where they will also give the props and instructions to the audience volunteers.

Since I am not on Facebook, I must have missed the photos originally posted by Shawn from when he got to fly to Vegas to (teach?) the trick to Teller last Fall. While working on it together, they came up with that final phase. It could have been solely Teller's idea, or it could have been a joint effort they came up with when working together on it. It must have been invented while they were together because here is a picture of Shawn Reida and Teller working on that final phase of the trick, where teller is holding the block from both sides and the rope is threaded between his fingers, just as he did on the show.

The name of the trick, as currently marketed and sold by Steven's Magic is 'Block Off Cord Redux'. I have also seen is listed as 'Block Off Cord Revisited'.
Here is the ad copy from Steven's website:
A classic of magic revisited credited to Lyman Allen and originally titled Blok-Kord, it has been sold in the past by various craftsman rarely who credited its history and referred to by various names such as Bloc Drop by Bill Adam’s Century line of Apparatus.

A quick Internet search (see credit below) revealed that Lyman Allen first came up with the trick circa 1941. There were also mentions here on the Magic Cafe that in the early 50's, Jim Swoger produced and marketed a trick called 'Blok Kord', and in the 60's, another was produced by Ronald Haines, which also credited the effect to Lyman Allen as stated previously. Apologies in advance if I got any of the crediting for the effect wrong.

Here is a review at Martin's Magic which I used as my reference, which they list as 'Block Off Cord Revisited'
Block Off Cord Revisited (Blok-Kord) by Shawn Reida, Louis Gaynor, Lyman Allen (c. 1941,2017)

Here is the listing on Steven's Magic where it is currently listed as 'Block Off Cord Redux'

Shawn Reida's Facebook page

Click here to view attached image.
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On the most recent episode of 'Penn & Teller: Fool Us' (S10E15), Penn & Teller performed a new bit for Host, Brooke Burke's daughter, Sierra. For this trick, Penn introduces cards, a coin and a die, as well as a black and red marker, which Teller uses to write onto the tabletop which is covered in white paper. Random is the name of Penn's most recent fiction novel in which the protagonist/anti-hero uses a pair of dice to determine his choices in life.

Entropy (21 Minute Trick)

In the most recent episode of Penn's Sunday School podcast, Penn mentions that he and Teller recently added 3 new bits to their show, but did not name what they were. He only described one of them.

On this episode, Penn is talking to the guest host, Spanish magician Jandro, about the new trick (which he does not name) but says that this particular bit has a 7 minute 'set-up' for a 7 minute 'payoff', however, the payoff has to come 7 minutes after the 'set-up', which makes the trick a total of 21 minutes long.
Incidentally, the set-up, in order for the trick to be good, has to have no magic at all in it.

Near the very end of the episode, Penn mentions that the name of the bit is called 'Entropy', but I still have no information about or description of the bit. If anyone has seen it, please add a description here.
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Starving ? / Hunger ? (don't know the name of the trick but it must have something to do with 'Food'

For the closing bit of the most recent episode of 'Penn & Teller: Fool Us', Brooke introduces Penn & Teller as their post-show meal was delivered early and they are busy 'chowing down' on it already. Penn gives verbal instructions to host, Brooke, in between big mouthfuls of food, having her pick a card from the middle of the deck, return it to the top, then do an inordinate amount of cuts to the deck (both face down and at one point, face up). After several more face down cuts, Penn tells Brooke to turn over the top card and there is her chosen 2 of hearts.

I think 'Hunger Games' would make a nice title for this bit.
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Bar Bet ? / Uncut ? / 51 on 1 ?
(again, since I have no idea what name P&T have given the effect performed on the most recent episode of Fool Us, I will just have to describe it)

For the closing bit on the most recent episode of 'Penn & Teller: Fool Us', Penn described how he and Teller used to hustle people for pocket money using 'bar bets' at the Leprechaun Bar in Trenton, NJ. They demonstrated by having Brooke pick a card from a deck that Teller spread face down on the table top. Penn then described how they would bet someone that the card they picked would be printed on a Giant Card underneath the large handkerchief that they had laid out on the table. (Obviously, the mark would think that a single large playing card matching their selection was under the handkerchief). When the sucker took the bet, and they lifted the handkerchief, there was an 'Uncut' sheet of card stock, face down and showing all 54 card backs, that Penn would explain them contains all 52 cards plus the 2 jokers and 2 advertisement cards. Even though the sheet should have been 'uncut', the sheet of card stock was actually cut into 4 pieces, supposedly cut up by someone who was a 'sore loser' to the bet. Teller then started turning the 4 large pieces over so Brooke and the audience could see, but lo and behold, when Teller put everything back together face up, the sheet was missing the same card that Brooke picked at the beginning of the routine.

51 on 1 ?

(actually, '51 on 1' would be a great, descriptive name for this effect, since it is basically the 52-on-1 gag/effect, but then followed by the chosen card being missing, so there are only 51 on the reveal).
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2 Tomatoes 4 Johnny ?
(I don't know what the name of this bit is)

On the most recent episode of 'Penn & Teller: Fool Us', P&T did a closing bit in tribute to their great friend and mentor, Johnny Thompson. Penn talked about how Johnny used to sell cheap kitchen knives on the street and at carnivals and he was successful by how expertly and thinly he could slice tomatoes. As Penn talked, he sliced a tomato until only half of it was left. Then he handed it off to Teller who cupped it in his hand (secretly rotating it around), and acted like it was 'restored' whole again, when all he did was just turn the cut edge towards himself and the uncut, rounded side towards the audience). He then placed it on the shiny, black, glass tabletop, which acted like a mirror and the half tomato now looked whole. Teller then pulled the 'whole tomato' illusion towards himself and off the table, but then revealed to everyone that the tomato was actually now a complete, whole tomato, and set it back down on the table. Penn then remarked that the whole tomato sitting on the table top now looked like two tomatoes, and then Teller picked it up and appeared to split it into two whole tomatoes (similar to how someone splits one dove or spongeball into two. Nice routine and nice tribute to The Great Tomsoni.

On Penn's most recent 'Penn's Sunday School' podcast, Penn talked about the bit where someone's borrowed credit card vanishes and appears in a hamburger box nested inside 3 chained and padlocked trash cans. He still did not reveal the name of the bit.

Haystack - Penn confirmed the name of the trick where a volunteer selects from among 52 different types of 'Needles of the World', and then they select a playing card, then the volunteer climbs a tall ladder and tosses both the selected needle and the entire deck of cards into a large box of hay made of wood and chicken wire. The volunteer descends the ladder and walks over by Penn who instructs them to grab the rope connected to the box. Teller then walks over and stands underneath the box of hay holding only onto a white piece of thread then the volunteer pulls the rope and dumps the entire container of hay onto Teller. Teller emerges with the selected needle now threaded onto the thread and the selected card skewered by the needle. I failed to talk about this bit after it aired on Season 10, Episode 3 of 'Fool Us' back on 10 Nov. '23

Ring on the Rose - P&T's version of 'Ring on Wand' using a borrowed ring and a long stem rose. Penn referred to it as 'The Ring on Rose' trick.
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Jazz Magic - I didn't add anything for P&T Fool Us Season10,Episode 19, because technically, P&T didn't perform any magic themselves. Instead, Penn played his bass while Jonesy (Mike Jones) played piano. As the duo played Jazz music, Eric Mead and Shoji performed 'Jazz' card magic for Teller and Brooke Burke (respectively).

In the Episode 20 (the final episode of Fool Us season 10)

Teller & Penn (is what they had displayed on the backdrop behind them during the bit)
“Teller Won’t Shut Up” (was the name of the P&T ‘Fool Us’ episode)

Teller was dressed up like Penn (with a dark wig, fake glasses and a fake goatee), while Penn had a lighter colored, curly wig on and was standing on his knees with fake shoes under his knees, (similar to Tim Conway’s character, ‘Dorf’ ). Teller spoke in a gruff, gravely voice, as they performed the classic P&T ‘Hand Stab’ bit, but with the roles now reversed because of each of them playing the other.

On the latest episode of Penn’s Sunday School podcast, Penn confirmed the name of the bit called:

Gift Shop Trash (confirmed name)

Penn mentioned that the following bits were 'forever' bits in their show:
and Gift Shop Trash

In next season, P&T are doing a bit with:
Piff, Mac King, Moxie & one with Jandro

Palm Springs - is the (confirmed) name of the bit which is the first ‘Team Up’ between Penn & Teller and Jandro

Penn also stated that going into the live show are 2 new bits called:

The Battle of Dreams (a trick developed by Jandro)
Kazoo Blues

No description of either bit was given
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On the latest episode of Penn's Sunday School podcast, Penn said that they recently played Foxwoods Casino in Atlantic City, NJ on May 19th, and performed both
'Battle of Dreams' and 'Stooges' in the show.
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