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Perero![]() New user Skellefteå/Sweden 51 Posts ![]() |
At last after years of work, thinking, building and creating my E-Book is ready for release in english.The book is called UltiBase&UltiLegs and describe a new Utilitybase for Illusions, new ideas, cheap to build, leightweight, sturdy and with very usable futures.
The E-Book is released in sweden seens 2 month and have great respons from builders and illusionists..both amatuers and proffessional illusionist. The book contain complete building plans for the base, tips and tricks and ideas. The book is written by me Perero...with over 35 years experience in magic and with a background as an engineer and designer, and a perfectionist in many ways. I develop new plans for both new and old Illusions to fit this platform(s) and ship one free plan with the book. Click here to view attached image.
No the only Magician in Sweden, but the wurst
https://perero.wixsite.com/perero |
Mike Thornton![]() Regular user Canton, MI 109 Posts ![]() |
I love that you've copyrighted other people's designs. Pure theft. Hopefully no one buys this ripoff book.
Perero![]() New user Skellefteå/Sweden 51 Posts ![]() |
On Aug 15, 2019, Mike Thornton wrote: I suppose you regards to the two first illusion pictures with rich hills design..crystal casket and phantom cargo. NONE of these illusions with that design is included in any plan...i only used the pictures to show what you can use the platform for...and chosed to show 'known' illusions, my misstake. The book is ONLY about the platform FOR illusions...but I have plans with crystal casket, phantom cargo, shadow, konundrum, mini zag and many more that are designed for ultibase and are not copied. I ask my self this question...is a squarebox copyrighted? maybe if a add a hole in the corner..it's not a squarebox..its a squarebox with a hole but still the same box. (this is the design of ONE crystal casket plan..the simple one) Click here to view attached image.
No the only Magician in Sweden, but the wurst
https://perero.wixsite.com/perero |
Sorcerer![]() Loyal user 289 Posts ![]() |
Seriously, what are you copyrighting? Your own building technique? Regarding design I can only see a standard base with the Alan Wakeling improvement. Is there anything new in your design?
Regarding using other people's designs, not only the two first illusion pictures belong to Rich Hill as you admit, the third one is a Mark Kalin fire spiker, and the fourth is a Rand Woodbury Shadow Dancer... Do you have permission from any of them to publish this? Are you sure you'r selling anything original? ![]() Click here to view attached image. |
Perero![]() New user Skellefteå/Sweden 51 Posts ![]() |
It looks like I have to totaly remake the front picture of the book...the book is still ONLY about the base, and nothing else than the Base itself.
The base is Original...but impossible not to look like other bases without this design, the base is build with magnets, t-nuts and is built extremely light compared to any other basedesign. in wood Nothing is unique except the concept of the base itself, how to attach the illusions, how to attach different type of legs and teh construction of the base and so on. (but still I have made adjustments of well known illusions to fit THIS base)
No the only Magician in Sweden, but the wurst
https://perero.wixsite.com/perero |
Sorcerer![]() Loyal user 289 Posts ![]() |
I agree, you should remake your promo pic, it's misleading to sell your supposed novelty design appropriating other's without permission as if they were part of your concept. That don't speak very good of you and your ethics.
So, you at least admit that the design and the external appearance of "your" base is NOT original, your base externally looks exactly like many others. What you apparently claim as original is a certain building techique using magnets, t-nuts and not using wood. Apparently a "new" way to attach the illusions to a base, or a "new" method of fastening the legs to it. It's important that everyone know that they're not buying a new groundbreaking concept for a base but a "new" building technique for the same table that lots of illusions use. Regarding the "novelty" of your building technique or design, we can say very little, because unfortunately we can't see anything of it in your promo pics or your text description. I wish you had emphasised your improvements instead of showing the other's designs. Just perhaps pointing, that according to your description, maybe it's not as "new" and "original" as you think. I own bases built many years ago by John Gaughan or Bill Smith, to name a few know builders, that use t-nuts. Or that William Kennedy is building lightweight bases made entirely of aluminium as the norm from years now... let me question that your base is extremely light compared to a WK. So I'm not sure if you really know deep enough about this theme to know that you have created something revolutionary. Anyway, let other professionals talk: you claim that you have had great response from professional builders and illusionists, it would be interesting you name a few and quote what they say about your e-book. |
Perero![]() New user Skellefteå/Sweden 51 Posts ![]() |
About the deepth or knowledge about illusions and illusionsbuilding, I can tell that I am 55 years old and have been collecting blueprints, books and dvds about illusions (and other magic) props since...well at least 35 years. I can't claim that I have read ALL books out there and watched ALL dvd's and blueprints but I have seen more than a lot to make my self an opinion and discovered 2 things.1..often is the blueprints only a picture of the design, and sometimes with outer dimensions. 2 all dvd's I have seen has shown partly how to build..with no dimensions but a little explanation.
And with that knowledge I realized that there is something importent missing, first of all no book I have read has any description on trapdoors, explained why and how to, and the hiding place is..just a box, but for who with wich length. And lack of other explanations...except Jim Steinmeyer who has written excellent books with descriptions, thoughts and routines, with wise words on building. (Even if he almost never build anything himself) I have work proffesionally as a consultat in development (industries) for more then 17 years, and have had woodworking as a hobbie the last 35 years as well, and been interested in magic since I was 10-11 years old. My idea from the beginning was never to write a book in this subject, but have made so many different versions of bases and they have always end up have and 'clumsy' except this base..that a showed for a engineering friend that gave me ideas I never seen before in bases, and therefore begun to think of making a description on how to build this base...with explanations of why use every screw, bolt, magnet and so on...it's no revolution itself but it is clever ways to use magnets, holes, t-nuts and wood in dimensions that are fit for the purpose...and my requirement specification when I started writing this book was these...cheap to build, easy to build and with common tools and as far as possible with common wood dimensions...and as leight as possible bot still sturdy. I am well aware about the 'norm' of using aluminium..that is a great material...but still not everyone can cut, bend or weld aluminium so therefore wood as far as possible. BUT with all that sad, you have right...i should have concentrate to shown the concept and construction and the benefits...but at the same time don't want to lose the track of how many different illusion yo can use the base for. And the proffesionell illusionist is john martin...http://www.johnmartin.se/ hes been working as an illusionist more than 20 years, and mr Dannyman http://www.dannyman.se/ who is a clever engineer and fulltime magician as well...these are the persons that have proofread the ebok and have done some imput as well with foreword, routines and ideas.
No the only Magician in Sweden, but the wurst
https://perero.wixsite.com/perero |
Perero![]() New user Skellefteå/Sweden 51 Posts ![]() |
No the only Magician in Sweden, but the wurst
https://perero.wixsite.com/perero |
Sorcerer![]() Loyal user 289 Posts ![]() |
On Aug 17, 2019, Perero wrote: Good decision. Now it's more honest, you clearly show what you are really offering and remark your strengths. I'm still not sure if this is completely new or revolutionary (It reminds me very much of the base that JC Sum has teached to build in his books/DVD) But now your concept is more clear, potential buyers can decide if this is interesting for them. |
Perero![]() New user Skellefteå/Sweden 51 Posts ![]() |
Thanks..really glad to hear that. I have everything jc sum as published so far and he have a base that almost looks like this, but but his base or rater bases is not anything like ultibase in construction.
But I have the same type of beveled bottom in the base as jc sum...that because its a clever way to add depth in the base without destroying the deceptivnes. I have also quote him in the book about the trapdoor type he prefer.
No the only Magician in Sweden, but the wurst
https://perero.wixsite.com/perero |
FrankFindley![]() Inner circle 1103 Posts ![]() |
Only 200 Kr? That is a great deal for a quality base design even without the corresponding illusion plan. Could you give an example weight and set up time? When do you plan to release the english version? |
Perero![]() New user Skellefteå/Sweden 51 Posts ![]() |
Yes only 200Kr, the weight is around way under 20Kg for the Maxi base, and for Mini is way under 10Kg...the exact weight is depending on many variables like wood moisture content, paint or fabric and so on.
The setup time is under 1 minute if you choose legs with frames even if you have to fasten the legs in the base, with the shorter legs that you have to attach one by one is the setup time about 5 minutes. And the total setup time with an illusiontop depends on the design of the illusiontop of course...but as crystal casket as an example you are under 2-3 minutes total...from flightcase to ready. I already have the english version ready for sale...but have made a new frontpage (with only the base on the front) and have 2-3 more hours to complement a section in the book...so the book is litteraly ready for sale any moment.
No the only Magician in Sweden, but the wurst
https://perero.wixsite.com/perero |
Perero![]() New user Skellefteå/Sweden 51 Posts ![]() |
The UltiBase book is finnished in the english version, and I have made a great package deal with 6 books total for ONLY 300SEK or 30USD, that is unbeatable. The package include UTBBase E-book, plans for Crystal casket, phantom cargo, shadow, and unjamed, and the E-Book Wow I'ts almost magic a praised book about the business side in magic, how to, why and a lot of tips the book I wish I had 35 years ago when I started perform. And at last the first attempt to write a simple book about basebuilding everything in english.
This deal is only available for 5 days, if you are intrested send mail to perhakansoderstrom@gmail.com Click here to view attached image.
No the only Magician in Sweden, but the wurst
https://perero.wixsite.com/perero |
thomasR![]() Inner circle 1210 Posts ![]() |
Seems like you’ve really been... “inspired” by Rand Woodbury.
![]() |
Perero![]() New user Skellefteå/Sweden 51 Posts ![]() |
On Sep 5, 2019, thomasR wrote: Truly yes, becouse it's a boxbase like woodbury's but that's the only simularity...this base is much leighter and prepared for more options, and has som clever solution, and is much easier to build...even do its more 'complex' Regarding the shadow illusion shown in the picture so its that not woodburys design, its a much older illusion but shown as a picture in one of his illusionwork books.
No the only Magician in Sweden, but the wurst
https://perero.wixsite.com/perero |
thomasR![]() Inner circle 1210 Posts ![]() |
And the tilted cage, and the duplex,
Perero![]() New user Skellefteå/Sweden 51 Posts ![]() |
On Sep 5, 2019, thomasR wrote: Yes, there is pictures showing examples of illusiontype you can build with the base...but there is still NO plans what so ever in the UltiBase book of illusions...the whole idea was to show examples and made a lot of plans with old classic illusions...adapted to the UltiBase platform. And I have brand new illusions never seens before in the pipeline that I have plans to realease. If you discover a brand new method and handling for the impossible matrix as an example....that would seams as a direct copy becouse you use 4 cards (or hands or..)and 4 coins (or pokerchips or..) that's what the audience see...but how would you present that idea? The effect is the same in a lot of tricks and routines, and its almost impossible not to make a box....a box even if it is painted or ornamentet in some way...its still the same box as other boxes.
No the only Magician in Sweden, but the wurst
https://perero.wixsite.com/perero |
Perero![]() New user Skellefteå/Sweden 51 Posts ![]() |
I almost begin to regret that I ever decide to write this book..with hundred of hours spend to illustrate, cad and testing.
The only thing I have done here at magic Café is to defend the idea all the time...I know that I took a bad decision when I made the front page of the book, but I have never claimed that the illusions are my creations...on the contrary I mentioned all sources and point out other peoples work with tribute for them in the plans. Its like I have 'invented' a new wheel for a car but can't tell which car it fit. (and god forbid to mount the wheel on a car and take a picture) that is my feeling at the moment
No the only Magician in Sweden, but the wurst
https://perero.wixsite.com/perero |
bcstoner![]() New user 24 Posts ![]() |
On Sep 5, 2019, Perero wrote: You're fine. Don't let others bring you down if you know you did nothing wrong. The internet can be a harsh place at times. |
Perero![]() New user Skellefteå/Sweden 51 Posts ![]() |
On Sep 10, 2019, bcstoner wrote: Thank you bc stoner, I needed to hear these words, even do I know it's very truth. I was a little down when I wrote that message becouse I have spent so many hours on the plans, and so many hours of solutions and helped from proffessionals here in sweden. I am well aware of the magic world and working on a new disembodied Illusion as an example...and have spent days to find out if its legal to sell plans for the illusion, with a lot of help from people in the goverment, patent workers and proffessional illusionist as well, and have green light to create and sell the plans from everyone. But still thanks for the worlds I needed them. best regards Perero
No the only Magician in Sweden, but the wurst
https://perero.wixsite.com/perero |
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