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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » »! » » Virtual Interactive Magic show. What do I need?? (3 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of The_MetalMaster
As with most everyone on these forums, all of my shows have been canceled the next few months; however, there are still several that want to have a show only live on internet via Skype, Zoom, YouTube, etc.
I am not an expert on how to do this so I'm asking for help on here by those that are more familiar with this sort of thing. I am also aware my whole act will need to change entirely to be able to accommodate this.
My idea is to be in a room with my magic table with a web cam (or phone/device perhaps?) along with a computer screen so I can also see/hear my audience. I will also need a screen so I can see what I am doing too.
My questions is what is the best way to accomplish this? What equipment is best? Best set up? What equipment will my audience need? They want to be able to watch my show on a large HDTV, so is there a special set up/tv to make this happen?
I hope I can get help with this. I'm sure I will not be the only one that will need this help too!
Only expert help please!
Thank you so much!
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Profile of eric.qq
Hey! hope this topic helps. Everyone seems to use zoom to continue doing the gigs.
or you just need a smartphone or laptop or computer with camera. and use these apps to connect with your clients then you can do the show.

ok, not everyone. I haven't got my 1st virtual show yet. Smile
Best wishes and good luck!
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Profile of The_MetalMaster
On Apr 13, 2020, eric.qq wrote:
Hey! hope this topic helps. Everyone seems to use zoom to continue doing the gigs.
or you just need a smartphone or laptop or computer with camera. and use these apps to connect with your clients then you can do the show.

ok, not everyone. I haven't got my 1st virtual show yet. Smile
Best wishes and good luck!

Thank you so much Eric!
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Profile of Nash
The equipment will be an investment. So if you plan on doing this virtual show for awhile, I say plunge in and get what you need my friend (A camcorder with DSLR lens, game capture card to connect your camcorder as your webcam, if you want to add music to the show get a USB mixer. THe most important of all: Make sure your set is clean with some dome lights keeping you visible)

Here are 2 resources I went to in the beginning:

My homie Chris Ruggerio has a great podcast youtube channel, among his interviews/ virtual variety shows, he drops knowledge on the technical side of doing a podcast

Good luck.
I teach leaders the magic of curiosity and empathetic communication. keynote Speaker | Seattle magician
Stephen Thompson
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If you're interested in Zoom shows, check out

It's a rich collection of over 35 tricks, tools, and essays all specifically addressing the challenges and opportunities of magic over video chat. Contributors include Max Maven, Jim Steinmeyer, Luke Jermay, Pete McCabe and Richard Wiseman (and many more).

Luis de Matos said: "As magicians reinvent their performances for remote environments Video Chat Magic is unveiling the most effective ways to succeed in this new medium".

Jon Armstrong "Required reading for anyone who wants to do strong magic in this new medium".
Ray Pierce
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Let's be clear. You can do a show with as little as a cell phone. Step one would be to get good lighting which means clean diffused light for you and the area you'll be using. It can be as simple as a ring light or any lights bounced off the ceiling or wall to give you even illumination. The next investment would be a good microphone. Audio is frequently overlooked and is critical to a good show. It can be as simple as a small lav that plugs into your phone.

The next step would be the web cam on your laptop (if you have one). That will give you a larger screen to see everything and access to more elaborate software. I STILL recommend a separate microphone (ideally USB) that can plug into your laptop. This will give you access to more on Zoom or any other program you might use. Yes, there are more elaborate things you can do in time including DSLR cameras with HDMI interfaces, video switchers for multiple inputs, OBS or other software packages that allows you to do more "studio style" effects and many other options. Only get what you need. It is easy to waste a LOT of money if it's non recoverable.

I personally use my built in web cam on my laptop (with several other usb cameras for overhead and close up shots) all switched by OBS as well as a USB mic and LED studio lights for main fill and a ring light for my front camera. Just don't get more than you need. Good lighting, sound and talent are the 3 most important elements you'll need!
Ray Pierce
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Profile of suyash
On Aug 11, 2020, Stephen Thompson wrote:
If you're interested in Zoom shows, check out

It's a rich collection of over 35 tricks, tools, and essays all specifically addressing the challenges and opportunities of magic over video chat. Contributors include Max Maven, Jim Steinmeyer, Luke Jermay, Pete McCabe and Richard Wiseman (and many more).

Luis de Matos said: "As magicians reinvent their performances for remote environments Video Chat Magic is unveiling the most effective ways to succeed in this new medium".

Jon Armstrong "Required reading for anyone who wants to do strong magic in this new medium".

Thanks, just joined!
Paul Draper
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Las Vegas, Nevada
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Profile of Paul Draper
Thursday I start my final series of classes on "Succeeding with Magic on Zoom" for the McBride Magic & Mystery School for 2020.
I still have a few spaces available.

3 classes at least 2 hours each for a total of $195.
Special guest speakers from Hollywood, Broadway, San Fransisco, and Las Vegas.

Class 1: All About Technology
Class 2: Tricks and Performance
Class 3: Buisness, Marjeting & Sales
The link is in the comments! Join us.

Some of the amazing guest speakers!
Vegas Headliner: Jeff McBride
TV producer: Michael Gutenplan
Broadway Musical Director: Micah Young
Award winning performer: Christian Cagigal
Zoom stage managers: Scix Maddix & Scott SteelFyre
Broadway production manager: Tobias Beckwith
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