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Special this week...
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The Magic Café
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Profile of Special this week...
Hey gang,

If you like what you read below, you can get it right now at your favorite Murphy’s Magic retailer including:

Hocus Pocus

Uncle Chops magic Shop

Be Amazing magic Shop

MJM Magic

Big Blind Media

This fries magicians and laypeople. It even slayed Murphy’s in house magicians!

Want to do diabolical, psychological card magic right through your screen?

Learn 5 knock out card effects that will take your Zoom performances to the next level!

Click Here!

"With this new project of Alejandro Navas you will not only learn how to perform "miracles" in the hands of the spectators, you will also be able to connect with them at a deep level where astonishment and mystery will leave their mark"
- Adrian Lacroix

"These effects are magic in its purest state. Everything happens in the spectator hands!!!. The cleverness of Alejandro to design these routines is INCREDIBLE ! Thank you for this ! Some of these effects will become part of my professional repertoire"
- Luis Otero

"Ale is one of the best and most creative magicians that I know. When I heard that he was putting together a new project on virtual magic I said SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, then when he performed for me and I felt the TRANSPOSITION happen by distance and in my OWN hands I almost die!!! This project will open you a whole new world of possibilities and that is one of the best things a RELEASE can do for us. Thank you Ale"
- Nicolas Pierri

"Those wishing to add some interactive card magic to their next Zoom show will find some clever thinking in the Evolution Project!"
- Shawn Farquhar

"If you are one of those who think that the magic has ended... You are wrong, Alejandro Navas has made the magic change and continue to escalate. This material is more than incredible, since the deck is never touched. Simply FASCINATING!"
- Ernesto Melero Empathy

Here are just 2 of the 5 effects on this DOWNLOAD


A virtual two card transposition! The spectator looks at one card from a group and remembers it. The spectator places a card between his own hands. The magician now tries to guess what card the spectator has chosen, an incorrect indifferent card is shown. The magician now changes the indifferent card into the spectators selected card and the one between the spectators hands is now the one the magician made vanish just moments ago. A psychological masterpiece!

Berglas 2.0

ACAAN through the screen. The perfect virtual closer. A spectator chooses a card and a number. Their chosen card appears at the chosen number.
What are you waiting for? You’re on your device anyway so why not Download it Now!

The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » What's Cooking? » » Take your Zoom performances to the next level! » » TOPIC IS LOCKED (0 Likes)
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