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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Association of Family and Kidshow Performers » » Thanks to some MC members for the help with sick kids! (1 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Dallas, Texas
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Profile of CarlEJones
Dear Magical Friends:

Many of you know that we are gearing up for a special show at a Dallas area children’s hospital shortly. We’ll be outside and the kids will be inside watching through the glass (very protected) and they’ll hear the show through an inside speaker.

Many well-known folks have really been a HUGE help. Without their incredible generosity, we couldn't do what we need to do right now.

I’m adding the name of Brian Kralik from here on the CAFÉ FOR AN INCREDIBLY generous gift. The kids will love it and he said he's adding more to the box too. So very much appreciated!!

I had already added Jef Eaton's name from KANDU MAGIC but the box arrived last night and it blew me away! The Comedy Carton will rock the kids and it is so well made and professionally put together, it will last for years! It's A HOME RUN FOR CERTAIN~!~!!

Jef also has a Mickey Mouth prop that is 'MUST BUY TODAY" if you do kids shows. I've used Axtell boards with moving parts for years and they are fantastic!!! But if you are on a budget it might be better to invest only $39 for Jef's moving mouth board instead of $179 for an Axtell board. They do not do "EXACTLY" the same thing but I GUARANTEE YOU, you'll get the same huge reaction from both boards. Just a thought... And in days of TIGHT budgets, $39 is a great number for this SUPERB device!!

Here are the links to both sites:

Steve at Axtell did reach out to offer us some help and we appreciate it very much. However, it wasn't something we could take advantage of now. But thank you anyway Steve.

Jef and Brian are real blessings to us right now, along with all of the other fantastic folks listed below.

To all of them, my deepest heartfelt thanks!

Christopher Taylor of Taylor Imagineering, Tom Burgoon, Penguin Magic, Shaun Dunn, Silly Billy (David Kaye), Trevor Duffey, Richard Osterlind, Jef Eaton, Kandu Magic, Brian Kralik, Chris Philpott, David Ginn, Barry Mitchell, Brother Paul West, Tim Sonefelt, Pricilla Mooseburger, Karen Bell, Anton Nova, members on The Magic Café, including; aheller5, D Byrd, olivertwist, chanor, TheAmbitiousCard, john c, Norman Charles, Poof-Daddy, Graymatter_Fireworks, JSBloom, and more.

Also a quick word about a sad point too. But first - to be clear, what I'm about to say has NOTHING AT ALL to do with anyone on our list or mentioned in this email. Nothing. The dealers shall remain nameless and life will move on. But -- it's amazing to me how a dealer who got thousands of dollars in profit from me for years before I retired, could not only say no to a request for help (even just $20 worth of retail) but be rude about it. This happened maybe 6+ months ago and as I promised him, I'll never visit their cash register again. It's OKAY not to help (I guess in some universe) but to be rude to a long term customer when they are trying to help sick kids?? ****Not a good idea.***** I don't know why someone would do that but it calls to mind 2 things -- #1 How much these folks mentioned above are appreciated and #2, that's why the percentage of second-generation family owners of a business fail miserably so very often. And even if a dealer isn’t rude -- should you say no way, in the same email you are thanking the customer for a purchase to replenish some supplies, etc...That stung too...

So again, thank you to everyone on the list so far!!! MUCH APPRECIATED! YOU are responsible for making so many people smile and forget about their troubles!! Especially sick kids.

PLEASE watch this 32-second video --- https://youtu.be/2DbAdXKIf-A

Best Wishes!
Zanyologists Hospital Entertainers

Videos about us from parents, patients and more
THANK YOU for helping us carry on our laughter ministry in hospitals to kids of ALL ages. Our visits are ALWAYS free. We NEED & DEEPLY appreciate your gifts of magic so that we can do what we do. Please PM me with questions or, for a faster reply, in most cases please text or call 214-578-1601

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Profile of Russo
WONDERFUL ! ! ! - may I mention - years ago we did our club act at a cer.palsy (sp?) camp, buy the Shriners - it was enjoyed by all as it was quiet./smooth etc. The reason I mentioned smooth/quiet, right after our show, a bus of Clowns pulled up and LOUDLY yelling jumped out of the Bus. Never saw so much PALSY, SHAKING, Nurses running to quiet the affected kids. SO be Quiet, if ever for a Palsy group. Best to You. Ralph
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Profile of dbaltes1520
Thank you for sharing! Really wonderful to read about and such inspiration! I hope to do more kid shows and want to reach out to kids who need special attention and smiles!
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Association of Family and Kidshow Performers » » Thanks to some MC members for the help with sick kids! (1 Likes)
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