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Profile of TomBoleware
It costs an arm and leg to hire a good videographer, so him offering that with the show should be a great selling point. Especially for those that can’t afford to hire a professional videographer.

Well done with the video Sean

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Profile of Dannydoyle
Actually it costs less and less with technology being what it is. The shear amount of man hours that had to go into editing and such has gone bye bye so the cost has not gone to arm and leg any more in 2024. Yes back when it was VHS and such it really was tough, but now it is almost template stuff.

Also the combination of magician/videographer seems not easy to sell in America.

Obviously with doing 50 a year he is doing something right. The video is good quality. As I said it put me in mind of a videographer and that is complimentary.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of Fedora
The Knot claims the average cost of a wedding videographer is $2300 in 2023, a $200 increase
from the prior year.
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Profile of Dannydoyle
Yea so now the goal you have is to just disagree with me no matter what? Please do not drag this thread out into the swamp and drown it like you have been doing for whatever reason lately. Don't subject people to this. I can just as easily point out how we are finally normalizing after the pandemic, inflation and all those things. BUT that is knot what this thread is about. It is also not about your little ego hurt vendetta.

So you have said that, and nobody cares. Can we now stop? You and Tom can discuss it in a PM. Don't subject us to it please.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of TomBoleware
On Aug 20, 2024, Fedora wrote:
The Knot claims the average cost of a wedding videographer is $2300 in 2023, a $200 increase
from the prior year.

I’m sure it's even more this year too. Most people around here tend to choose the services of a professional Photographer over a Videographer for their wedding. Even hiring a Photographer can set them back a couple of thousand dollars, which can be a significant add on to the already high cost of putting on a wedding.

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Profile of Dannydoyle
Go start a thread avoid the cost of weddings since you guys want to discuss it.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of TomBoleware
Nobody has said anything about ‘avoiding’ the cost of a wedding. If we were allowed to share thoughts here, without all the snide remarks, some might say, offering more than just a few magic tricks might be a good idea for a wedding. There are many ways to add value to what you do. A magic show is rarely ‘needed’ other than the entertainment value it brings, and often, it takes a little more than that to close the deal.

There is an old saying worth remembering by anyone doing business. “Adding will always be more welcome than just taking”


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Profile of Wravyn
On Aug 20, 2024, TomBoleware wrote:
Nobody has said anything about ‘avoiding’ the cost of a wedding. If we were allowed to share thoughts here, without all the snide remarks, some might say, offering more than just a few magic tricks might be a good idea for a wedding. There are many ways to add value to what you do. A magic show is rarely ‘needed’ other than the entertainment value it brings, and often, it takes a little more than that to close the deal.

There is an old saying worth remembering by anyone doing business. “Adding will always be more welcome than just taking”



So is the videographer adding/offering the services of a magician OR the magician adding event videography for the show?
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Profile of Dannydoyle
Maybe he can add being the carter also. Great plan.
And silly old sayings don’t make sense because adding is also better than setting the place on fire. Problem is adding and taking are not the only two options now they?

So Tom you’re such an expert in the American wedding market, at the hundreds of bridal shows you must have attended in that time, tell us how many magicians you’ve seen hired there. Or Fedora same question. Or is all you two have is old sayings and links to others thoughts?
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Hattiesburg, Ms
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Profile of TomBoleware
On Aug 20, 2024, Wravyn wrote:
On Aug 20, 2024, TomBoleware wrote:
Nobody has said anything about ‘avoiding’ the cost of a wedding. If we were allowed to share thoughts here, without all the snide remarks, some might say, offering more than just a few magic tricks might be a good idea for a wedding. There are many ways to add value to what you do. A magic show is rarely ‘needed’ other than the entertainment value it brings, and often, it takes a little more than that to close the deal.

There is an old saying worth remembering by anyone doing business. “Adding will always be more welcome than just taking”



So is the videographer adding/offering the services of a magician OR the magician adding event videography for the show?

Not sure this is a serious question or not. But if it is, it Depends. You certainly don’t want to offer something you can’t deliver.

But the average magician wouldn’t be claiming to be an expert videographer who delivers a perfect video. Just a well-done video done with an iPhone. (Like the one posted above) And of course if they were already hiring a videographer, then he wouldn’t offer this. But maybe he has some other talent to throw in besides the magic. A Singer An MC, Comedian, Bartender Helper, or anything that adds value. And if all you’re good at is doing card tricks then just stick to that. I’m simple saying some magicians have other talents that could be put to good use, but they also have tunnel vision and can’t see outside the magic bubble their stuck in. They’re also afraid of doing a little something extra that they’re not getting paid to do. And again, if all you want to do is the magic that’s ok too.

And no there is nothing wrong with the Professional Videographer or Photographer that can do some magic offering to entertain during their work, or after the wedding or/and let's not forget about the rehearsal dinner. The rehearsal dinner is a big part of the wedding that can be overlooked. I’ve done magic at both the rehearsal dinner and the after-wedding party. As well as helping the coordinator in some other way that I could. For me, it’s all about becoming a part of the team when you can.

Am I a professional wedding magician? Of Course not. Do those that’s been doing it one way all their lives know it all? Of Course not. Is keeping an open mind and listening to differing opinions at times a good idea? You Bet It Is.

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Profile of Dannydoyle
Is listening to uninformed, untested and unprofessional opinions a good thing? Of course not. That is exactly what you want everyone to do. Would you intentionally seek out people with NO experience in what information is being sought? Of course not.

Sorry to inform you but not all opinions are of equal value to someone seeking information.

So can we get back on topic as per the rules?
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of TomBoleware
Just to be clear about the listening. Listening is ALWAYS a good idea. The higher up the pay scale you look, you’ll notice one trait that stands out among successful people: they’re great listeners. In the professional world, people who climb the ladder often display excellent listening skills. Listening isn't just a nice thing to do—it's a skill that can open doors, especially in the workplace and among business friends. When we think about listening, many folks ASSUME it means agreeing with what someone else is saying. But that’s not the case. Real listening is about understanding the message, no matter if you agree or not. It’s like reading a book where you may not like the ending, but you still appreciate the story.

Please folks, don’t let others stop your ears up to what’s being said by others on here. Listening is more than just a skill; it’s a superpower that can lead to success in any field. Whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder, building your business, or just trying to connect with your friends, honing your listening skills can set you apart. So, the next time someone talks to you, take a moment to listen—not just to reply, but to understand. You might just find that listening truly is the secret ingredient to personal and professional greatness.

Ok, back on topic of weddings. Anybody got married lately.

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Profile of Dannydoyle
Yes that is just not true. The higher up the pay scale you go the more people between you and anyone you listen to. The people below you weed out the nonsense for you. If the CEO had to listen to every uninformed opinion about the company from every employee how exactly can he run a company? Way too many think they know and just don’t have enough experience.

Sorry yet another swing and a miss.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Hattiesburg, Ms
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Profile of TomBoleware
I completely agree that the CEO doesn’t HAVE TO listen to every opinion inside the company. But I bet when he does hear one, he listens. And again, listening and agreeing is not always the same. Another thing you can count on him doing is not being rude in any of the discussions. You Know why? It was listening and his professionalism that got him there.

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Profile of Dannydoyle
Hogwash for the reasons I’ve said.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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