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Profile of panadance
Greetings! While I am a newbie to this, I must add my personal recommmendation for SHU and Michael C Anthony's course.
In short, it truly is fabulous!

I have spent the majority of my life teaching ( I have been a professional dance teacher in universiities/ studios. etc) and I appreciate his organization, his clarity and thoroughness on the subject. He has brilliantly broken up the presentation of a show ( and the business) into segments with videos, explaining in great detail what you need to know... including all the do's and don'ts. The class itself takes months to complete. I mean, you could probably do it in a week, but you wouldn't be able to sleep...haha.... I've finished the course and I'm going to go back and review several of the chapters and am about to write my first show. He is ALWAYS there for you and willing to answer any questions in case you get stuck along the way.

I initially met him at Hypnothoughts Live. At the time, I was studying to become a hypnotherapist and taking zoom classes (during pandemic) and my tyeacher told me about HTLive. I immediately called up and snagged up a volunteer spot to assist during the conference. I wasn't really thinking I wanted to do stage hypnosis, but I saw that he was offering a one-day workshop and I was curious. After that one day, I was sold. His presentation, demeanor and professionalism sold me. SHortly after retruning home, I finished my next module with my teacher and enrolled in SHU. Unfortunately, I was given a promotion and my training was put on hold for about 9 months. Sadly, I lost my job last week but I've poured myself back into the training and I am SO excited to get going! I just wanted to put my two cents in about his work.

I AM however, going to finish my certification through Mike Mandel. I have been watching his trianing videos and am thoroughly impressed by how he teaches and the magnitude of his knowledge. That's all for now!
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Profile of Dannydoyle
So in reality you have no idea if the course works, just an opinion on how it is laid out?

Nothing wrong with that but wanted to clarify.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of Mindpro
Yeah, I agree. It is always suspect when someone new comes in here and on their first post offer reviews and recommendations. Especially newbies to the world of hypnosis and entertaining with hypnosis.

The review is based on the opinion of someone new, inexperienced, and uneducated in stage hypnosis. Trust me, almost always the actual review from those with knowledge and experience will see it much differently.

Is the OP aware of the background and reputation of these guys within the industry? I have always said be careful who you listen to and more so who you choose to learn from. All education and experience is not equal.

As an entertainment business coach, trainer, and consultant (not to mention a nationally touring stage hypnotist for years), I have had a few students who went through both Mandel's and Stage Hypnosis University. Each of them said while they learned some very basic content, they learned little or nothing about the business aspects of entertainment, and little about becoming an entertainer (with hypnosis).

Most just focus on hypnosis basics, Suggestibility tests, induction, skits and routines, a basic general structure of a "show" and some very basic marketing ideas, and direct them to markets they truly aren't ready for often setting them up for failure.

Once they became more connected with the community they expressed their regret or that they would have done things much differently.

Also to me, the Hypnothoughts reference was also an immediate red flag.

So I am glad the OP felt these were a positive experience, but let's keep it in the proper context of an inexperienced opinion of someone very new and green to hypnosis and the community.

So many people get off in a bad or or improper direction and don't realize it until they have spent a decent amount of money, still feel they are not armed with the knowledge and skills to truly perform stage hypnosis professionally (for paid clients), are unclear and still have questions and concerns, have little or no real experience, and are faced with trying to get on the proper track and restart it again properly.

Others come here for direction so this context is important to point out and understand.
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