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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Stage Illusions » » Magic Appearance Effect (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of bernardo_jas
Does anyone happen to know if there is any appearance effect, for the beginning of the show, for Caberet, not for the stage, that is possible to be performed entirely by the magician?
David Todd
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Profile of David Todd
When you say "appearance effect" , do you mean the sudden appearance of the performer , like the stage area is empty and then *flash-bang-puff of smoke* and the magician appears as if from out of thin air , that kind of appearance ? (for traditional proscenium stage performances this is usually known as a "Flash Appearance Portal" (because it usually takes place in some sort of doorway or frame).

Could this sort of appearance be performed in "Cabaret" conditions? Maybe ... depending on how you define "cabaret". If you have a section of the performing area behind you that is not surrounded by the audience (and there is not a band sitting behind you), you could probably work a Flash Appearance Portal in that set up. Do you know the seating set up of the venue(s) where you would be performing this effect ? Most of the time when I hear the term "cabaret magic" I tend to think of magic that could be performed surrounded or semi-surrounded (therfore, no effects that have bad angles). I think I recall seeing ads or plans for "Flash Appearance Portal" illusions that are more like a contained cabinet (closed off on three sides), so that could be performed surrounded , but would not be very effective for those spectators seated on the extreme sides or behind the cabinet. Even if you find one that can performed surrounded and by a single performer, you have to consider how you would load yourself into the portal under cabaret conditions with no front curtain and open seating.

Search the usual standard references: The Paul Osborne books , Rand Woodbury books.

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Profile of Russo
Only thing I can think of, is an appearance by the "Tri Fold Screen " - at a Library - the Librarian would fold the screen and produce Me - or I would produce My Assistant (Stage Shows). ???????
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