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Profile of deadcatbounce
Years back, when I was working the streets, I travelled in my camper van. I'm writing a novel at the moment, and a busker is one of the characters.... where do you all spend the evenings? Of course, this only really applies to travelling busker. I know some of you will go and busk in the area of your Granny's house, your Auntie Jemima's house, and of course, your Uncle Walter's penthouse.
How about the rest of you?

Thanks, in advance.

"With every mistake - we must surely be learning..." George Harrison.
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OK, I'll take a pop at this... and I ain't gonna sugar coat it..
But before I start I must admit that I ain't a busker and maybe I never will.. that being said pitchmen and buskers are very similar in many things.. and we run into each other often as many times we work the same venues..
So the question is where do we sleep?? The answer is wherever it feels good.. We travel and the purpose is to make money within our passion, so wherever we are at at the moment that's where we sleep..
I've seen many sleep in their vehicles while others get a low line motel and yet others will share a room and split costs.. and yet a very few will just sleep under the stars... yep !
Just so you know, I'm typing this from my small camper vehicle were I slept over night.
Now don't feel sorry for me sleeping in my vehicle.. cuz I ain't the only one and for the most part.. buskers and pitchmen can easily afford to pay for a motel or better and we do many times.. but this lifestyle it's part of the fun! This is the life we choose...
You see most buskers and pitchmen don't do this for the money.. we take the money but it's not for the money.. The time I ran into Jimmy Talksalot years back he came back to my joint with a hat full of money and he had to hold his hand over his hat just to keep the cash from falling out. And this was just from a short pitch from the many he repeats through the day so I'm sure they can afford it... I've even seen some buskers use buckets for collecting tips and yep many times they fill it up then repeat it all over again.. but don't think it's always gloomy.. there are times when times get hard and we blank often all because of bad weather or folks just ain't spending.. or other reasons.. but it's all good! In them times you can crash a friend's house and sleep in the couch and take a shower! Here in Texas you we have truck stops where you can shower if you don't get a room.. a few have showers on their rigs which is cool.. as I don't!
I used to sleep In Walmart lots years before it got popular. Now it's gotten too rowdy and rent-a-cops don't want you there anymore..
You see life is all about adventure and traveling and experiencing far places and enjoying your passion at the same time..
Just a few weeks ago my backyard (aka lot) where I slept was at a nature park with trees a pond and deer everywhere.. beautiful! And yet right after that I was at a plain dirt lot for the next weekend... I'ved even slept in a swamp park once as I was working a festival where the population of alligators is larger than the human population.. now those was closer to Louisiana.. a fun experience! And just last week I was at a festival in a small farm country town where they had a full enactment of the Christmas nativity with folks dressed up as Sheppards and they even used real camels for the wise men.. The whole town gathered to witness the Nativity and Christmas lighting celebration.. this one town was very Christian based and yet where I'm currently working this 4 day weekend event it's totally the opposite. Its all about Santa and Frosty the snow man.. and no nativity... Nothing Christian based, so different!
It amazes me how how so many folks live a life in the big cities and never experience the world all around them.. heck they won't even see the stars above them..
A few weeks ago when I was coming back home from a small farm town festival I just had to just pull over the side of the road as it was past midnight and I was the only one out.. I turned off the lights of my car too so it was pitch black, then I just looked up and got blown away with the beauty of the stars.. just amazing! You can even see the milky way with your bear eyes.. something not possible in the big cities because of all the light pollution..
Next weekend I'll have another farm town Christmas event to work.. we'll see what new experiences that one will bring..
But I think I'm getting side tracked so I'll stop with all my ramblings.. and I gotta get back to work but hope this helps some...!
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Forgot to mention that just because we sleep in our vehicles doesn't mean we're homeless.. Many of us own really nice homes in really nice neighborhoods...
Its just a lifestyle we choose to live when we are on the road..
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Legend says "The Wicked never rest, therefore the Master shall come to light from the shadows of darkness in due time.."

Hello demonstration!!

You hit it right on the nail. A tough life indeed!
There are some really good days (some so good many won't believe!) But yet some not so good.. so it's not for everybody.. especially not for the weak. heck I'll go even further.. if your married like myself, the pitch life is even worse! (And I believe this is true for buskers too!).. It's just a matter of time before your spouse throws the towel.. I know cuz being on the road has made it tough between me and my spouse many times and its been pretty close.. don't know why but this grind and traveling wears them out too..

Don't know how long buskers work, but it is common for pitchmen working outdoors to work till about midnight so having a place to sleep In the lot is best for me because you will be soooo tired after working 12+ hours it's even hard to explain..
But there are pitchmen smarter than myself who work the indoors instead of the midway, and gotta say they avoid the bad weather and also buildings usually close earlier in the night so they get better rest than us working in the outdoors..
But I gotta say the fun and freedom you get from this I wouldn't trade it for the world!
But then again now that I'm starting to age, I might have to make a few adjustments.. lol!
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Looks like Mark Lewis really is a magician..

He has vanished once again together with all his posts.. Lol!

Can't wait for his next appearance!
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