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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Gambling Spot » » Where to buy devices like a puncher and a rig for making belly strippers? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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I am not looking for the cards be of a quality that would pass in a real card game, I just need them for practicing some gambling themed card tricks.
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So just to clarify about the belly stripper jig, it needs to be able to shave the cards in both ways, starting from the unshaved middle towards the edges, leaving the belly sticking out, and the opposite, shaving from the ends towards the middle leaving the ends unshaved, because you need both of these cards to have a belly stripper deck.
Mr. Bones
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On Apr 22, 2023, Mr. Bones wrote:

Can you create belly strippers with the stripper jig? All I need is a deck where I can strip out a group of cards, possible two or more different groups of cards (which is not possible with a normal belly stripper deck). If I create a deck with a negative middle, then by just having a group of normal cards in that deck I can strip them out. So I would actually need only to be able to create a concave notch in the deck. if I then have another notch at a different location of the deck, and two sets of cards like the aces and kings and the aces have one notch in them matching the deck and the kings have the other notch matching the deck, I can now pull out either the kings or the aces depending on which notch I pull fromw
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Sorry, I wouldn't have a clue about that.

Looks like you might need to do some more research.
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On Apr 22, 2023, 1tepa1 wrote:
On Apr 22, 2023, Mr. Bones wrote:

Can you create belly strippers with the stripper jig? All I need is a deck where I can strip out a group of cards, possible two or more different groups of cards (which is not possible with a normal belly stripper deck). If I create a deck with a negative middle, then by just having a group of normal cards in that deck I can strip them out. So I would actually need only to be able to create a concave notch in the deck. if I then have another notch at a different location of the deck, and two sets of cards like the aces and kings and the aces have one notch in them matching the deck and the kings have the other notch matching the deck, I can now pull out either the kings or the aces depending on which notch I pull fromw

Good luck accomplishing that with a stripper deck...
"Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face" Mike Tyson
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On May 1, 2023, iamslow wrote:
On Apr 22, 2023, 1tepa1 wrote:
On Apr 22, 2023, Mr. Bones wrote:

Can you create belly strippers with the stripper jig? All I need is a deck where I can strip out a group of cards, possible two or more different groups of cards (which is not possible with a normal belly stripper deck). If I create a deck with a negative middle, then by just having a group of normal cards in that deck I can strip them out. So I would actually need only to be able to create a concave notch in the deck. if I then have another notch at a different location of the deck, and two sets of cards like the aces and kings and the aces have one notch in them matching the deck and the kings have the other notch matching the deck, I can now pull out either the kings or the aces depending on which notch I pull fromw

I don't see why not. Not with a normal stripper deck, but one that is cut differently. Like every card in the deck apart from the ones you want to strip out is a short card on the long side, and the sets you want to pull out have different areas that stick out kind of like belly strippers. Depending on which part you pull from, you get the appropriate set of cards to strip out.

Good luck accomplishing that with a stripper deck...
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In England, we used to call them combination strippers.

That is if I understand what you mean correctly. With a quick search of the term combination strippers, I found this;
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Profile of JasonEngland
On Apr 22, 2023, 1tepa1 wrote:
So just to clarify about the belly stripper jig, it needs to be able to shave the cards in both ways, starting from the unshaved middle towards the edges, leaving the belly sticking out, and the opposite, shaving from the ends towards the middle leaving the ends unshaved, because you need both of these cards to have a belly stripper deck.

This is an accurate description of how bellies were made 150 years ago. Back then, they were commonly called "hollows and rounds" and that accounts for both shapes you mention above. However, you don't really need to make the "hollows." Just cut a tiny, straight sliver off all the cards you don't want to pull and reround all the corners. Think of this new version as "narrows and rounds." Works just as well and much easier to make.

Of course, a nail file and 20 seconds of work and you can "negative" your way into exactly what you're saying you want. Not sure why you wouldn't go that route.

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On May 12, 2023, JasonEngland wrote:
On Apr 22, 2023, 1tepa1 wrote:
So just to clarify about the belly stripper jig, it needs to be able to shave the cards in both ways, starting from the unshaved middle towards the edges, leaving the belly sticking out, and the opposite, shaving from the ends towards the middle leaving the ends unshaved, because you need both of these cards to have a belly stripper deck.

This is an accurate description of how bellies were made 150 years ago. Back then, they were commonly called "hollows and rounds" and that accounts for both shapes you mention above. However, you don't really need to make the "hollows." Just cut a tiny, straight sliver off all the cards you don't want to pull and reround all the corners. Think of this new version as "narrows and rounds." Works just as well and much easier to make.

Of course, a nail file and 20 seconds of work and you can "negative" your way into exactly what you're saying you want. Not sure why you wouldn't go that route.


Maybe I should go with the negatives instead, my problem is that I have found the negatives are hard to pull when the deck is no longer in good condition. I often stretch my practice decks really far, so I have decks that are in a really really bad condition, but I can still do my sleights with them, I can still do push through shuffles for example, even when the deck feels like it is rough and smooth. Then when I do a push through with new deck it feels like the cards just melt through each other. I have decks that if I lay them on the table and push down with my finger contacting the top card and slide my finger, the entire deck will stay together and slide as a single block instead of spreading. I can still do a push through shuffle, stack hands with riffle shuffles and other sleights with these cards. The things I cant do are anything that requires a ribbon spread or false deals because the cards clump together.

So my idea was that as a practice deck, I can still pull cards no matter if the deck is in a bad condition, if I have a stripper deck where the cards stick out. However if I have negative strippers, I can not pull them when the deck gets a day or two of heavy handling in. With a a used deck, I don't care how bad it is, I can still work it. This may be a bad habit, coming out of necessity as a younger person who had no money to get a new deck every few days so I would use the same deck for months. Its just that if I have a practice deck with negatives, how long is it until I can no longer reliably pull the cards? After 2 hours, 5 hours?
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YOure just wasting everyones time... you want everyone to answer you yet you have never owned let alone handle a stripper deck and say you can improve on it lol.... then youre here already assuming the negative strippers wont work after a day or two lol.... You seem to be the new clown in town lol


"Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face" Mike Tyson
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On May 16, 2023, iamslow wrote:
YOure just wasting everyones time... you want everyone to answer you yet you have never owned let alone handle a stripper deck and say you can improve on it lol.... then youre here already assuming the negative strippers wont work after a day or two lol.... You seem to be the new clown in town lol



I never said negative strippers wont work, I only said I have found them hard to pull when the deck is not in a good condition, so I looked for an alternative which is easier. I asked a question, there is no obligation for people to answer to me, anyone who chooses to respond does so out of their own volition. Yes, I do want people to answer me, that is why I asked the question. But I am not demanding answers from anyone. I don't appreciate your remarks about me, it is alright to tell me I am wrong, but you know you can do so with respect and without calling me a clown?

If you are an old timer here instead of a new clown as you chose to call me, surely you have read the Café etiquette during your many years as a Café member? This part in particular:

Staying on topic is a must here at the Café. Personal attacks or insulting opinions and statements regarding other posters can not
and will not be tolerated.
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Also I have never said that I can improve on the stripper deck. I merely had an idea about a differently constructed stripper deck and came here to ask for advice about it. I never made any claims that what I am suggesting is "an improved stripper deck".

There have been many people who have responded to me with respect and tried to help me. In fact everyone who commented to this very thread apart from you, iamslow, has tried to genuinely help me without putting me down, without being condescending or mean towards me.
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"The issue is you've never owned or used a Stripper deck and refuse to do so, but you want to modify or improve something you've never touched with theory and mental !@#$%^&*()_+."

"I am open to being wrong with my theory, but I would appreciate it if people who know my theory is wrong could tell me why it would be wrong. Even though I have never had a stripper deck, I know how it works, and I don't see how handling a stripper deck would change anything. But if I am wrong I am open to people explaining to me why what I am suggesting would not work."

that's a quote from your post in the workers forum.... even though people have tried to help you, its you that keeps refusing the help... you keep insisting on something you have never even tried out.... The simplest answer is why don't you get a deck, and shave it however you think will work and see for yourself how good it is and if it will work and present it here.... anyways, I'm done wasting time... see ya.... Smile
"Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face" Mike Tyson
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On May 17, 2023, iamslow wrote:

that's a quote from your post in the workers forum.... even though people have tried to help you, its you that keeps refusing the help...

You are being dishonest here. You say people have tried to help me but I keep refusing the help. This is not true, I have gotten many helpful replies, and just because someone suggest that I buy a normal stripper deck and I don't do that does not mean that I am "refusing help" in any kind of blanket statement way. If you ask for help on any subject and you get 100 pieces of advice from people, are you "refusing help" if you choose to not follow all of them?

The simplest answer is why don't you get a deck, and shave it however you think will work and see for yourself how good it is and if it will work and present it here.... anyways, I'm done wasting time... see ya....

Yes, that is a good answer. Maybe it should have been your first comment to me, instead of what you chose to say instead which was "good luck doing that with a stripper deck". From your very first replies you have been less than nice towards me, your replies are not helpful or aimed to help. They are condescending. And when I enquired back what you mean with that, you never answered. I bet you would get yourself less often in these "wasting time" type of a situations if you conducted yourself better and tried to have conversations with people respectfully instead of starting your conversations with condescending remarks and then escalating the language to outright insulting comments, despite the other person trying to keep the conversation civil.
Mr. Bones
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Let's put this thread to bed.

Folks have offered you very informed advice, and you're free to do with that advice as you please.

We don't need any updates regarding your success or failure with your experiments as this isn't a "magic" sub-forum.
Mr. Bones
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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Gambling Spot » » Where to buy devices like a puncher and a rig for making belly strippers? (0 Likes)
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