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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Our new arrivals » » It's time to go out and perform (2 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Fabs
Dear all,

I am into magic for a couple of years. But it has always been very challenging for me to perform. I actually don't know why that is - or maybe I do know. I work as a trainer, coach and speaker. I also play in a theater group. Speaking freely infront of lots of people doesn't worry me at all. But doing a magic trick for my family scares the crap out of me. Next to being a hobby magician I really want to include magic/mentalism into my trainings as a way to inspire people. Therefore I plan to overcome my fears and get out a lot more.

I hope (and believe) that the cafe and all you lovely people will be a part of my journey.

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So.California / Centl.Florida / retired Florida
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Profile of Russo
Your in a Theater group - ( I also at 86, also the Prop builder, plus 76 years in Magic) - and through out ALL my Schooling, a Drama Major - SOOOOO when doing an effect (1 st practice) Pretend,TELL YOURSELF YOUR A "MAGICIAN" doing Magic - It's a PART, like in any other Play. - be dramatic <> to know you better, fill your 'profile out more, see mine -- Best to you > Ralph
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Profile of Fabs
Hi Ralph,
thank you so much for your reply! My extreme nervousness with magic has to do with the fear of messing up something. Talking, acting and playing a role is not so much the problem. But I also figured, that I try to be oversecure with my handlings and slight of hand. On the other hand, my experience is, that I learn so much more from performing than from practicing. For me it is a very interesting learning experience about myself.
I like your hint: Feel like a magician - not like someone who just learns to be a magician.
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Profile of imgic
Welcome to the cafe. Yes, doing magic is different than getting up and speaking...but it's just a fun once you do it.

If you're a trainer, look for books by Dave Arch on "Tricks for Trainers" various magic routines and how to incorporate them into training.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
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Profile of 55john55
Hi, Would it help if you "acted" by using whatever works for you in an improv setting? If your goal or expection is to never mess up I think you will be disappointed. When I started to accept the fact that I would occasional botch something and it was up to me to fix the situation somehow and accepT that as part of the challenge that I became more comfortable. I is certainly not perfectr, but I enjoy it a lot more! Best of luck!
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