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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » I'm a real boy! » » Best Book or Course to learn? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

The Duster
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Profile of The Duster

I'm sure it's been asked before... but I looked back and couldn't seen any answers over the last four years...

So in 2024 - for a newbie - what's the best book or course to learn?

I have started on the free Tom Crowl videos. But I don't think I will continue - as it's rather expensive... and the first video [breathing] had too many errors. I get it - he's a 'world champion' vent and doesn't have any need to know correct 'teaching' breathing technic. But not checking up on it before hand - felt a bit lazy. I guess it's just me being churlish. It's like when the newspapers report about something you know about - and you know it's all wrong/silly. But when the newspapers report about stuff you have no in depth knowledge of - you just 'believe' it.

I guess also putting me off - is I can't seem to resize the videos to full screen. It says that he will show us in high definition. The videos are max 360p.

And it's like $100.

Yeah - it's probably the best way to learn - and I'm being churlish because of the errors on teaching breathing. But any recommendations for a best book/course?

TD;DR version bla bla bla bla, what's the best book/video to learn to vent, bla bla bla.
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So.California / Centl.Florida / retired Florida
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Profile of Russo
72 years ago found a lesson on easy vent. in a book called "Fun For Boys" . Even has some Magic in it , Boxing, wrestling, etc. Still have it (bought another on 'google' as first one wore out). Still successful with many return shows with several characters I made through the years - see profile photo RR
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Profile of Topper2
The two books I learnt on when I was young were:-

Ventriloquism for boys and girls by Douglas Houlden, and
The A.B.C. of ventriloquism by Douglas Craggs

They are both very old but the basic techniques haven't changed so they're still valid. A more modern one worth mentioning is Ventriloquism by George Schindler.

In my opinion Ventriloquism for Fun and Profit by Paul Winchell gives one of the best explanations of how to produce the ventriloquial voice (that is the dummy's voice which should be as different from your own as possible so as to create a good illusion).

There seems to be a general consensus that the Maher Course of Ventriloquism is the best source you can get, it comprises a box full of about 30 booklets each covering a different topic. I don't know whether it really is the best as I've never studied it. There are plenty of other books that could be mentioned and they are usually available at reasonable prices on ebay.
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So.California / Centl.Florida / retired Florida
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Profile of Russo
Just a note ; Last Sat, was in a play - 2 performances with CiCi (Boa Constrictor- around my neck in photo) small 5 min, bit both performances - B U T - during the second Play performance, Later on in the play, half elec (mics & 1/2 lights) went out- Director, came to the dressing room and asked me to, "to save the day " and did another bit (-10-15 min.) Ad-lib as the elec being fixed-- No Mic. so PROJECTED - at age 86 / 70 years experience helped. just sharing. fun fun fun
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Profile of Budihaha
I still say buy Maher Ventriloquist Course. It covered all aspect of ventriloquism.

30 lessons of Detweiler's version sold via Amazon as kindle edition and sold seperately per lesson. Not like the old printed version that sold as a set.
This is the link in Amazon:

Or try Ebay for the used printed one with audio cassettes or DVD.
Budi H. Hadiwarsito
Bandung - Indonesia
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