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Profile of TH10111
Dealer looks like their adjusting the order of the cards before clearly doing a couple of push-through riffle shuffles in Legends Poker Room in Houston:
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Profile of arios0
Jesus. That is bad. Thanks for sharing.
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Profile of cbharrelson
Definitely deck stacking and a push through shuffle. I live in Texas between Dallas and Fort Worth Poker rooms are fairly recent in Texas. I have lived in Texas since 1968 in my younger years I played a lot of poker here but in private games at peoples houses cattle barns with ranchers I traveled to a lot of cities to play poker. I hustled pool and poker. I play better than the average person but I have cheated in games but I can use misdirection when I am making a move this guy is so blatant I am not surprised he got caught since he was using probable the most demonstrated and well known false shuffle. I quit playing poker semi professionally in 1987. There was some cheating in nearly all the games I played. Texas has had several good cardmen and gamblers Texas Dolly, Amarillo Slim, Richard Turner, and Gary Plants (man with the best bottom deal alive).
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Profile of tommy
If I am not mistaken that is iamslow’s smarter brother.
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Profile of cbharrelson
This guy has to be part of a crew!
Criminal crew!
Mr. Bones
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Profile of Mr. Bones
Too many breathless assumptions taking place here.
This is where we most definitely miss our dearly departed Cag's constant starting point of presuming something (especially an anonymous video) is actually completely different than what it (or it's author) is claiming to be.
For example, if we were to break the video down into quite large chunks and questions:

1) The video was sent to Deep by an ANONYMOUS person who CLAIMED to be the author of said video. Deep has no idea if the video is authentic or not ... and he may (or more importantly, may not) have knowledge of who the actual author of the video is, and/or where the video was shot.
2) The attribution to the video being one taken in Legends, and of a Legends dealer? ... based on what exactly? ... a stack of Legends chips, some blue baize, and a dealers chip tray? (anybody can, and most poker players indeed do - take chips away from the poker room as it suits them to do so).
3) An almost comedic combination of "moves" that wouldn't fly at an old ladies Miami Gin Parlour let alone in an Houston poker room.

Is this a fabricated video to imply dishonesty takes place at Legends poker room, and thus players shouldn't play there?
Is this a video designed to try and get players to play at some other card room in Houston, by "acting" out a scene at a fake Legends poker table, implying dishonesty, and all the while actually being filmed in somebody's basement with appropriate sound effects?

Or maybe this IS indeed an actual video of a dealer cheating in Legends, OR maybe it's even something far, far different than even that?
Certainly there's nobody here that knows for sure, and the critical thinking element that should be taking place (and isn't) would prompt discussion focused on confirming the actual location of the video, and the provenance of the anonymous video such that it eventually landed on Deeb's Twitter page.

There was a time when, especially in this forum, folks clearly understood that in this field of endeavour things are very often designed to appear to be something far removed from what they actually are.
The breathless hopping on board with exclamation points and an implication that anybody here actually knows what this video portrays is a bad look, albeit not surprising considering the huge loss of critical thinkers that used to haunt this forum.
Mr. Bones
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Profile of tommy
It is a parody of The Expert at the Card Table I assume.
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Profile of cbharrelson
I have been hearing bad reports from this club in Houston. The card club in Dallas is the largest in Texas I have not heard anything bad with it seems to be well run. I would not play at the one in Houston.
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Profile of tommy
It is a genuine case of cheating according to this fella:
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Mr. Bones
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Until the person who filmed the video comes forward, and is positively identified, and unit the physical location and actual situation behind the video is absolutely confirmed ... it remains just another poker side-story based on rumour.

Here's what we appear to know:
1) The person in the video does a bad push through shuffle
2) The person in the video doesn't follow accepted poker table procedure
3) The video was sent to Deep, and Deep hasn't offered the identity of who the person who sent the video to him.

Here's what we don't know:
1) The identity of the person behind the video camera
2) The identity of the "dealer" being filmed
3) The confirmed location the video was shot in
4) The situation at the poker table which comprises the actions we see in the video
5) Whether the person who sent Deep the video is also the person who filmed the video.

In the end, it's an anonymous video that was shot in an unconfirmed location. The provenance of the video prior to its arrival in Deeps hands remains a complete mystery.
So it appears that there are still too many unknowns to take the video as an accurate representation of a Houston poker club/room, all the while recalling that Doyle repeatedly identified most Houston poker rooms as dens of iniquity many decades ago.
Mr. Bones
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Profile of tommy
The video also clearly shows Legends Poker Club cash chips on the table, a croupier sitting behind the float and a player anteing up. This evidence “tends” to persuade one that it is a Legends poker club croupier in action at their club and clearly shows him using well-known cheating techniques in a live cash game. The methods used are so obvious that I first thought it was a parody. However, having listened to Houston Curtis and what Legends management has reportedly said about it, I now believe it is a real case of cheating.
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Profile of cbharrelson
The club in Dallas may have better mechanics. People are getting shot around Legends!
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Profile of badwords
What do y'all think of this one? TO claims this is actually legit. That riffle is really something, and the outjog of the first strip to what looks like catching a break wth the right hand. Holding that break before the final cut too.
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Profile of tommy
Yes, he is cheating. Throw him out of the window. Next case!
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Profile of cbharrelson
A group of investors is suing over their 950,000.00 investment in the company claims they were screwed too. Shady attorneys and businessmen are making more than that dealer.
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Profile of cbharrelson
A group of investors is suing over their 950,000.00 investment in the company claims they were screwed too. Shady attorneys and businessmen are making more than that dealer.
Mr. Bones
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Profile of Mr. Bones
On May 11, 2024, tommy wrote:
The video also clearly shows Legends Poker Club cash chips on the table, a croupier sitting behind the float and a player anteing up.

I don't live in Houston tommy, but if I did I could set all of that up in half a day with a few friends, a stack of chips I brought home from Legends, and my Saturday night home poker table (which has an unused chip tray in it).

But I do agree with you that it's likely a video that was shot at Legends, despite the fact that it could also have been shot anywhere, and could also have been completely staged for nefarious purposes.
It's just that as a matter of course, I don't put stock in any anonymous videos presented anywhere on the internet if they lack the full and complete provenance of the video's origin.
Mr. Bones
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Profile of cbharrelson
I understand Mr. Bones point of view but there is some bad crap going on at that club!
Mr. Bones
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By way of provenance from a trusted source, I have been made aware that the video is, in fact, legitimate.
Mr. Bones
"Hey Rube"!
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Profile of tommy
Thanks to social media, we are now very comfortable discussing the lives of others publicly. Gossip is now virtually normal. It has always been normal for bad losers to spread false rumours of cheating in card rooms to account for their losses. It is not unknown for a loser to break the leg of his chair et cetera. So what other gossip do you boys have to report? Smile
If there is a single truth about Magic, it is that nothing on earth so efficiently evades it.

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