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Cool. I guess you're their #1 fan!

I need to check my deck now -- it's in a bin here somewhere -- I last took it out only a couple of years ago. I'd guess they're made in Belgium.

Are Cartamundi cards considered better than USPCC? I have a few decks that say Cartamundi on them that I bought in the last 10 years.
"Of course, it's the old marked deck trick!"
The Great Dave
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With Cartamundi it's all about the paper. It has a different feel. You could get used to it based on touch. It's like flavors or colors.
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Marked decks are a no go for me. One of the 1st rules I learned playing poker was to check for marked cards by a simple rifle of the card backs similar to a flip book. Dancing dots or dashes will animate. A large sector of the public is aware of this fact. if you do use marked decks, card management is imperative. No public inspection. I perform mostly for illusionists, so it's a dead option for me.
The Great Dave
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There is a part of me that likes to think that every Spec knows I am using Marked Cards and is amazed at how good I am with them. This is not true, of course, but it does cause me to take my card work to another level. It's a mental thing.

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OK, I checked my Deland deck. It says "Asbury Park, N.J." and "<something> Playing Card Company, Chicago, Ill". I can't read the <something> since the sticker is torn. It looks like "Ar----". The cards don't feel like high quality. When were the ones from Belgium made? Mine are about 50 years old.

Edit: Looked it up -- "Arrco". Definitely -- the joker cards match what Arrco used to look like. No texture to them -- they're too smooth.

I have several Cartamundi decks. One type is branded on the box with "Rite-Aid" which is where I bought them. The seal says "Cartamundi." Fairly low-quality, but not horrible -- I bought a few cheaply a few years ago to make some gaffed decks for fun. Then I have 2 decks branded Cartamundi, "Ace Authentic - Limted Edition." Very high quality -- with a Dallas address -- "Made in U.S.A." They are "Endorsed by Las Vegas Dealers"!!!

One thing I realized with marked cards -- I now have trouble reading the marks! I'm near-sighted, and I take my glasses off to read. I probably need a new prescription since it has been awhile. To read the cards at a normal distance, I need to have my glasses on.

My Deland pack doesn't have separate instructions -- it is part of the "Adams Chest of Magic" instruction booklet. The order they need to be in (as you of course know) is Si Stebbins. Because of this, you really don't need to read all the marks -- just the one that identifies the card. Of course you need to be thoroughly familiar with the properties and calculations of Si Stebbins, so I guess the Delan deck makes it easier.

The book list 7 tricks to explain how to use the markings. Then it has the "Stripper" section which explains 6 tricks. Is that pretty much the full instructions that you get with the Deland deck bought separately? Thnx.
"Of course, it's the old marked deck trick!"
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On Nov 10, 2024, Inert wrote:
Marked decks are a no go for me. One of the 1st rules I learned playing poker was to check for marked cards by a simple rifle of the card backs similar to a flip book. Dancing dots or dashes will animate. A large sector of the public is aware of this fact. if you do use marked decks, card management is imperative. No public inspection. I perform mostly for illusionists, so it's a dead option for me.

Harry Lorayne said in his THE MAGIC BOOK: "Know your audience." And he was right!

Also, he said in an interview I saw on youtube that he always performed with borrowed decks. He could get around missing cards, worn cards, etc. Reminds me of Thelonious Monk -- jazz pianist. If the piano he sat down at had keys that didn't work, he just avoided those keys and no one was any the wiser!

And wasn't it Ted Anneman who said: "The effect is everything -- method be d---ed!"

There is no "right" answer on whether or not to used marked decks, gaffed decks, gaffed cards, borrowed decks, newly opened decks, etc.
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Regarding the Deland deck: I found the pdf online with instructions. Same as what I have printed, but the latest version has a few tricks added by Simon Lovell.

I see on eBay some for sale that say "printed in Belgium" on the front.
The new ones come in 2 versions -- one from China, and one from USPCC. The latter comes under the "$100 Deck" banner, while the former just "Automatic Deck."

I see that in the past, they moved to or from Neptune, N.J. to or from Asbury Park. Interesting. USPCC bought Arrco at some point, too.
"Of course, it's the old marked deck trick!"
The Great Dave
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Wonderful research on the Deland's. Grab a Belgium deck for a real handling treat. On being able to see the cards - Card Shark makes a deck called the Daredevil Deck. It has the usual Phoenix back with a surprise. One inch tall markings. And, the specs can't see them. The closer they look, the harder they are to see. Give 'em a try.

Academy of Magical Arts

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Thnx. Part of the reason I never really took to my Deland deck was the cheap quality.
So the ones from Belgium are older than 50 years?

I was in Walgreens today, and they were only selling Bikes and a few fancy "Theory 11" decks that were over $10 a deck! They didn't have a house brand. I used to buy their "Stud" decks and I still have a few sealed packs since I bought them on clearance when they were discontinued. The replacement for their "studs" were just OK, and I bought a pack several years ago but those must have been discontinued, too. I enjoy getting a bargain on a deck of cards where the quality is decent. Great for tricks where you need to write on or destroy a card -- which I generally avoid anyway. I find it hard to destroy a Bike deck although I did to make some gaffed decks years ago from Fulves' CHARLES JORDAN'S BEST CARD TRICKS but it really wasn't worth it.
"Of course, it's the old marked deck trick!"
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I see there is also a "Nifty" and "Daisy" deck from Deland that was re-issued a few years ago.
"Of course, it's the old marked deck trick!"
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On Nov 6, 2024, curtiswallen wrote:
I had heard all Phoenix decks are marked, but since I'd never owned a deck myself I had never actually confirmed it. I stopped by Tannen's today and picked up a normal "Classic Index" Phoenix deck for $5.85 and it is in fact marked. Every card is marked on its back to indicate its suit and value.

The markings are much more subtle than the more expensive advertised "reader" marked decks, but I can confirm that they are marked.

Also cute how they include the Aronson/Mnemonica crib sheets in lieu of advertising cards. I did not know about that.

Thought there might be more interest in this. Waste of $5!
The Great Dave
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Sorry the Phoenix Deck is not working out for you yet Curtis. That particular deck is popular and does get good reviews. I like the decks. They are easy to read by an informed Maji and hold their markings in good positions. The one way indicator is rare and excellent for many effects. Search on-line for "A Card In Flight" in Annemann's Miracles of Card Magic which is a book in the Public Domain (Free). It is an excellent routine for marked cards with a one way indicator.

I also like the paper used in the production of the Phoenix Deck - it's unique and fun to work with. The deck also flourishes well. I hope you can give the deck a chance. Search YouTube for tricks with Marked Decks - there is some really good material on the site. Practice some routines you find there and like and see if you don't get your moneys worth your first time out. And, Trust the Cards. They are Magic!

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Thank you for the helpful suggestions, Dave!

Maybe I should have been more specific in my post. I'm not having any issues with the cards. I was just making a dumb joke.
David Numen
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I bought a brick of Phoenix decks a few years ago and they most definitely weren’t marked. The do have a one ear but they aren’t marked.
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I'd bet they are marked.

I can post a photo a little later with details.
The Great Dave
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On Nov 16, 2024, David Numen wrote:
I bought a brick of Phoenix decks a few years ago and they most definitely weren’t marked. The do have a one ear but they aren’t marked.

At one time you could purchase unmarked Phoenix Decks. They are no longer made. Having some is totally possible. Buying some today, not so possible.

Academy of Magical Arts

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Dave, do you know when the switch occurred?
The Great Dave
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The switch occurred about six years ago. Christian said that he started making all the cards marked because it was easier and more cost effective.

It was said that to tell the difference between the old and new, below where it says “Phoenix”, does the card box have a picture of the bird or a picture of the spade? The box with the bird is not marked, but the box with the spade is.

(Wow. That's about as esoteric as you can get ...)

Putting a link or description to the marking system here probably risks exposure. The marking system for the Phoenix Deck is online if you search for it.

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The Great Dave
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I should mention that as markings go on Phoenix Decks there are two types - Reader Style and Coding Style.

Academy of Magical Arts

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Thanks for the details, Dave. As I understand it, every Phoenix deck has the coding style, but the reader style is only on the specifically marketed "readers". And the reader decks are much more expensive.
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