glowball Special user Nashville TN 937 Posts |
Suitability 3 Card trick memorized crib using special mnemonics and the Major System
The purpose of this thread is to show how this trick can be done without a physical cheat sheet and to show a few modifications that make this memorization easier. With the right kind of stack (ie: Larsen and Wright "Suitability" type) the basic idea is that if a spectator cuts the deck anywhere and deals three cards that the suit sequence/pattern will be unique for those three cards thus creates 52 unique patterns of 3 card suits. The three spectators verbally tell a magician what suit they are holding and the magician reveals the value of each of their cards. To do this trick required a physical cheat/crib sheet of some kind. This thread is about a fairly simple mnemonic method to know the value of the three cards dealt without referring to a physical crib sheet. I am borrowing pieces of techniques from the speed memorizers and made some fairly simple changes to make it easy to know what the three cards are once you know the sequence of the three suits. Specifically I am borrowing the C-V-C (consonant, vowel, consonant) idea from the Ben Pridmore system. Ben has used this to memorize numerical digits however I am simply using the C-V-C idea to convert the second card's suit letter into a vowel. Just to have a name for this system I'm going to call it the LarFin system. It is composed of two things: 1. An index word. 2. A mnemonic word or phrase (this will indicate the value of the three cards). Example: The three suits of the three cards dealt are CDS which become: CASper=ShyMuG My mnemonic story is that Casper the cartoon ghost has a shy face (ShyMuG) which using the Major System mentally converts to 637. The index word (in this example Casper) was derived from the first letter of the suit of each of the three cards but note that the second card's suit was converted to a vowel (the D in Diamonds was mentally converted to the letter A). Therefore CDS (Clubs, Diamonds, Spades) became CAS. Note that my second card conversion rules: S becomes the letter i H becomes the letter O C becomes the letter e D becomes the letter A The mnemonic word after the equal sign: This word reveals the values of the three cards. The mnemonic word was created using the Major System (I made some adjustments to the major system to accommodate the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten). I plan to make another post in this thread explaining these adjustments). Here is another example: the three suits are CHD which mentally become COD: COD=ReeLiN My mnemonic story is that cod fish are being ReeL iN which using the Major System mentally converts to 452. Using these principles the magician has 52 mnemonic stories that he uses all the time for the specific "Suitability" type stack in use. Note that my examples of "CASper" and "COD" were based on the Tritium-Jm3Lf3 Stack. ------------------------------- |
glowball Special user Nashville TN 937 Posts |
For some reason this scheme was much easier for me to memorize than to memorize an actual stack. I think it may be because there is no position numbers being memorized.
After developing 52 mnemonic "Suitability" trick stories for my Tritium-Jm3Lf3 stack it took two days (about 5 hours each day) to have this memorization down pat and can now perform this trick without a cheat sheet. Note that I do have the Tritium-Jm3Lf3 stack memorized (positions and all) in what I call my purple palace, but I do not use this memorization to do the suitability trick because the "Suitability" mnemonic stories provide all the information I need to do the "Suitability" trick. ------------------------------- |
glowball Special user Nashville TN 937 Posts |
Mnemonic words after the equal sign:
Adjustments to the Major System: Unlike the number cards the court cards have somewhat of a personality therefore I try to use the actual words King, Queen, Jack in my mnemonic stories thus bypassing the Major System for those cards. For the Jack I will use the letter J or the full word Jack (this means I will never use the J sound for the number six like the Major System does, I stick with "Sh" for the number 6 to keep the Major System happy). Here is an example: DCD becomes DED: DeDuction=QueenShem Sherlock Holmes on Noah's ark DEDuced that Queen killed SheM (Noah's son). Story not true but I will remember it based on: DeDuction=QueenShem and thus know the three cards are Queen,6,3. For the number 10 I use the letter T. For the Ace I use the letter A (reminder that we are talking here about the mnemonic word(s) after the equal sign). Even though the Major System uses consonants, I break the rules and use the A for Ace and never have an A in my short mnemonic phrase after the equal sign unless it is for an Ace. Note that the Major System uses tuh, duh for the number 1, but we do not have any cards that have just "1" therefore the tuh and duh are never used. The letter T is used exclusively for the 10. |
glowball Special user Nashville TN 937 Posts |
For those who want to do the "Suitability" trick here is my stack:
Tritium-Jm3Lf3 stack: 4C, 5H, 2D, AS, QH, 5C, 8D, 10D, 3S, KC, JD, 3C, 10S, 9H, 5S, QD, 6C, 3D, 7S, 4S, 6D, JH, 4H, 9C, JC, 4D, 6H, 6S, JS, 7C, 2H, KS, 8C, 2C, AH, 10H, QS, 7H, 9D, KH, QC, 8H, AC, 8S, 10C, 2S, AD, 9S, 5D, KD, 3H, 7D Below is my streamline mnemonics to memorize to do the "Suitability" trick using the Tritium-Jm3Lf3 stack: CiHo=MyTuB CiCada=AFT CiDer=TuNA CoStello=GuNKing CoHen=NAT CoCo=QueenFAint CoD=ReeLiN CeHorse=VeNA CeDar=BiJoR CaSper=SHyMuG CaHill=JuRySh CaCtus=KingJiM CaDdy=LoFT DISney=MuGeR DiHard=NAbooQueen DiCk Tracy=ToMbKing DiDrick(cuckoo)=APpLe DoS(floppy disk)=RuShSh DoH(Play)=ShJuRy DoC(VanDyke)=PieKingQueen DoD(Pentagon)=KingMiG DeSert=JackMiT DeHumidifier=GiRL DeDuction=Queen Shem DaSh(incredibles)=FiTMo drink DaHl(Arlene)=Li KingMidas HiS=ShShJack or God expels evil 66 Jack. HiHop=TiQueenGoo HiCk=NecKingFussing HiDe=PoLeQueen HoSpital=AuTopsyQueen HoCk=JackRoPe at a pawn store HeSton=FAF sewing machine HeHe=King Queen Funny HeCtor=RoPeJack HeDgehog=QueenLeVer HaSp=LeNA HaHa=GuPpyKing HaCkney=MuGeR SiCk=ShoeJuG SiD=GeRShwin SoS=ToPLe SoCk=AiQueenLilli SoD=QueenGiBbs SeSspool=FooTiN SeH=JackGuN SeC=KingViNe SeDative=MeeKingJack SaSsafras=NAP SaHara=RuShJack SaC=LowQueenShugar SaDdle=PLucKing You may have noticed a few places that appear to break the Adjusted Major System rules such as "AuTopsyQueen" and "GuPpyKing" but we have another rule that the word King, Queen, Jack will always be used therefore only one or two consonants that occur before that word can be used. Note that you can come up with your own mnemonic stories for the word after the equal sign or even come up with a different word that satisfies the Adjusted Major System. If you want to use my full mnemonic sentences/stories I will post them later in this thread, but for now the above is the streamline version. ------------------------------- |
glowball Special user Nashville TN 937 Posts |
For the word after the equal sign I forgot to state all the values of the Major System, so for those unfamiliar with the Major System here is my full use of the Major System to obtained the card values "2" through "9":
N=2 M=3 R=4 L=5 Sh=6 (no Ch or J because J reserved for Jack) G=7 (hard G sound) F or V=8 P or B=9 Note that one thing that makes this scheme easier is that we do not specify the card suit after the equal sign because the spectator has already told us the suit therefore the scheme only has to convey three values. Again the example of: HDH converted to HaH which leads us to the index word: HaHa mentally pulling up: HaHa=GuPpyKing Thus: The G means 7 The P means 9 The King means King Because the spectators told us HDH we know the three cards are: Seven of Hearts Nine of Diamonds King of Hearts When performing we don't even have to mention the suit at the reveal time: "Sir, your card is a seven, and ma'am your card is a nine, and young man your card is a king". ------------------------------- |
glowball Special user Nashville TN 937 Posts |
Just want to remind everybody that my LarFin encoding system only encodes 3 VALUES not the suits therefore is not appropriate for other mem decks in general. For this system to work the suit names must be provided by the spectators (or secretly marked on the backs of the cards).
This encoding memory system is very specific to the three card "Suitability" trick. A little ego creeped in by naming this system the LarFin system so I want to change the name of this system to have a play on words dealing with "suits". Here are some "suit" words that were found: Armani, Ralph Lauren, Thom Browne, Tom Ford. Brooks Brothers, J.Crew, J. Press, Todd Snyder, Sid Mashburn Anglo-Italian, Drake's, Ring Jacket, Saman Amel. Factor's, Giuliva Heritage, Husbands, Stòffa, Joseph A Banks, Hart Shaftner and Marx, Arrow, Brunello Cucinelli, Canali, Zegna A lot of these I have never heard of but I like the word Zegna because it's short and easy to say. Therefore I'm naming my memory system the Zegma System. Changed the "n" in Zegna to an "m" to avoid any hassles from the Zegna people. None of the popular mem deck Stacks can do the three card "Suitability" trick, however having four cards dealt the Aronson stack can do the "Suitability" trick and I suppose my Zegma system could be adapted for it by developing a whole new set of index words (4 key suit letters) and target mnemonic words (using 4 Major System letters) and thus do the suitability trick with an Aronson stack without a cheat sheet. But using four cards is a bit harder than three cards therefore I will be using the Tritium stack via Zegma for the "Suitability" trick. And check out Bill Hallahan's stacks to do the three card suitability trick. |
glowball Special user Nashville TN 937 Posts |
Here are the embellished mnemonic stories to mentally link the index words to my "adjusted Major System" words in order to do the suitability trick for the Tritium-Jm3Lf3 stack:
CSC becomes CiC. CiCada=AFT which is Ace, 8, 10. Envision a Cicada bug wiggling its tail (it's aft) or Cicero mooning (showing his AFT). CSD becomes CiD. CiDer=TuNA which is 10, 2, Ace. Envision Cider being poured down the mouth of a Tuna fish. CSH becomes CiH. CiHo=MyTuB which is 3, 10, 9. Envision 7 dwarfs singing "CiHo" (instead of hiho) "CiHo, CiHo it's home from work we go". Then they take a bath in My TuB. CHS becomes COS. COStello=GuNKing which is 7, 2, King. Envision Costello (of Abbott and Costello) using a nerf GuN to shoot a King. CHH becomes COH. COHen=NAT which is 2, Ace, 10. Envision Al CoHen (Washington DC magician dealer) watches NATionals play baseball at Griffith Stadium. CHC becomes COC. COCo=QueenFAint which is Queen, 8, Ace. Envision cocoa powder blown into the face of a Queen and then she FAints. CHD becomes COD. COD=ReeLiN which is 4, 5, 2. Envision a COD fish being ReeLed iN and then being packaged up (smelly package) and mailed COD by Western Union (fishy package). CCH becomes CEH. CEHorse=VeNA which is 8, 2, Ace. Envision a CeHorse chasing VeNA (Rocky Jones Space Rangers girl). CCD becomes CED. CEDar=BiJoR which is 9, Jack, 4. Envision the Cedars of Lebanon with the BiJoR girl (Kira Deep Space Nine) behind a tree. I know it's not spelled right but am spelling BiJoR this way to make the mnemonics work). Or maybe Cedar is the name of a girl who has a Bo named Jack Ryan. CEDar=BoJackRyan (of course the "y a n" is ignored because once the three pertinent values are obtained (via BJR in this case) any extraneous letters are ignored). CDS becomes CAS. CASper=SHyMuG which is 6, 3, 7. Envision Casper the friendly Ghost in a CAStle with a shy face (Shy MuG). CDH becomes CAH. CAHill=JuRySh which is Jack, 4, 6. Envision movie Cahill (John Wayne). Envision Marshall Cahill walking into the JuRy room and then saying "Sh". CDC becomes CAC. CACtus=KingJiM which is King, Jack, 3. Envision a CACkling hen and a big CACtus plant and sitting on one arm of the cactus plant is a King and on the other arm of the cactus is someone you know named JiM. CDD becomes CAD. CADdy=LoFT which is 5, 8, 10. Envision a golf CADdy picking up a golf ball in a hay LoFT. DSS becomes DiS. DiSney=MuGeR which is 3, 7, 4. Envision at the entrance to Disney World there is a MuGgeR. DSH becomes DiH. DiHard=NApaQueen which is 2, Ace, Queen. Envision a die-hard battery brought to a a counter with the words "NApa" above the counter and to the far right of the counter is a Queen wearing a crown. DSC becomes DiC DiCk Tracy=ToMbKing which is 10, 3, King. Envision Dick Tracy prying open a sarcophagus ToMb to see a King. DSD becomes DiD. DiDrick(cuckoo)=APpLe which is Ace, 9, 5. Envision a cuckoo popping out of a clock and taking a bite out of an APpLe. DHS becomes DOS. DOS(floppy disk)=RuShSh which is 4, 6, 6. Envision RuSh Limbaugh with his finger across his lips saying "Sh" as he is stealing a floppy disk with the DOS operating system. DHH becomes DOH. DOH(Play)=ShJuRy which is 6 Jack, 4. Envision the play-DOH gumby character saying "Sh" and then entering the JuRy room. DHC becomes DOC. DOC=PieKingQueen which is 9, King, Queen. Imagine Dick Van Dyke (Diagnosis Murder) In a white doctor suit as he throws a pie into the face of a king and queen. DHD becomes DOD. DOD=KingMiG which is King, 3, 7. Envision a King flying a MiG over the Pentagon (DOD Department Of Defense) to spy on it. DCS becomes DES. DESsert=JackMiT which is Jack, 3, 10. Imagine a banana split DESsert being eaten by baseball player Jack Robinson using his MiT. DCH becomes DEH. DEHumidifier=GiRL which is 7, 4, 5. Imagine DeHumidifiers being advertised by a GiRL. DCD becomes DED. DEDuction=Queen Shem(Noah's son) which is Queen, 6, 3 Sherlock Holmes on Noah's ark DEDuced that Queen killed SheM. DDS becomes DAS. DASh(incredibles)=FiTMo which is 8, 10, 3. Imagine he is drinking FiTMo energy drink (my made-up name for an energy drink to make this mnemonic story work). Or Karl Marx (DAS Capital) is drinking FiTMo which ruined his brain. DDH becomes DAH. DAHl=Li KingMidas which is 5, King, 3. Imagine journey to the center of the Earth Arlene Dahl LicKing Midas. HSS becomes HiS. HiS=ShShJack which is 6, 6, Jack. Imagine God bans evil 66 Jack. HSH becomes HiH. HiHop=TiQueenGoo which is 10, Queen, 7. Envision HiHop is a magician and waves his wand and turns the Ty Queen into Goo. HSC becomes HIC. HiCk=NecKingFussing which is 2, King, 8. Envision a hick NecKing and Fussing. HSD=becomes HiD. HiDe=PoLeQueen which is 9, 5, Queen. Envision HiDing a HiDeous PoLe dancing Queen. HHS becomes HOS. HOSpital=AuTopsyQueen which is Ace, 10, Queen. Envision a HOSpital where an AuTopsy is performed on the Queen of England. HHC becomes HOC. HOCk=JackRoPe which is Jack, 4, 9. Envision someone at a pawn shop who HOCked a Jack and RoPe. HCS becomes HES. HESton=FAF which is 8, Ace, 8. Envision Charlton HESton hitting a HESsian soldier with a FAFf sewing machine (I dropped the p in pfaff to spell it faff). HCH becomes HEH. HEHe=KingQueenFunny which is King, Queen, 8. Envision someone snickering (snickering HEHe) at the King and Queen who are Funny. HCC becomes HEC. HECtor=RoPeJack which is 4, 9, Jack. HECtor (of Troy) used a RoPe and Jack to pull the horse through the gate. HCD becomes HED. Hedgehog=QueenLeV which is Queen, 5, 8 Imagine a HEDgehog watching a Queen LeVitate off the ground. HDS becomes HAS. HASp=LeNA which is 5, 2, Ace. Imagine a HaSp on LeNA Horne's wrist as a bracelet. And David HASselhoff holding hands with LeNA Horne. HDH becomes HAH. HAHa=GuPpyKing which is 7, 9, King. Imagine laughing (HAHa) at the GuPpy King t-shirts sold on Amazon. HDC becomes HAC. HACkney=MuGeR which is 3, 7, 4. A British HACkney uses a HACksaw and mugs people. He's a MuGgeR. SSC becomes SiC. SiCk=ShoeJuG which is 6, Jack, 7. Envision a SICk person vomits into a Shoe and then stuffs the shoe into a JuG. SSD becomes SiD. SiD=GeRSh which is 7, 4, 6. Pretend that Sid Caesar was friends with George GeRShwin. We pretend it's true. SHS becomes SOS. SOS=ToPLe which is 10, 9, 5. Envision SOS from Titanic that has a top hat that ToPLes over as the Titanic topples over. Or envision SOS call to police because of ToPLess dancers. SHC becomes SOC. SOCk=AiQueenLilli which is Ace, Queen, 5. A sock types in on a computer keyboard to activate Artificial intelligence to produce Queen Lilli. Note that Queen Lilli was a Hawaiian queen. SHD becomes SOD. SOD=QueenGiBbs which is Queen, 7, 9. Imagine that SOD of grass is laid down so the Queen can stand on it and then the GiBbs (Bee Gees) also stand on the sod. SCS becomes SES. SESspool=FooTiN which is 8, 10, 2. Envision a SESspool with someone sticking their FooT iN. SCH becomes SEH. SEH=JGuN which is Jack, 7, 2. Satellite Engineers Handbook has a J GuN (which is a torque wrench). SEC becomes SEC. SEC=KingViNe which is King, 8, 2 Envision the SEC (South Eastern Conference) produced a King climbing a ViNe. KingViNe is King, 8, 2. SCD becomes SED. SEDative=MeeKingJack which is 3, King, Jack. Envision SEDatives makes a Meek King and Jack. SDS becomes SAS. SASsafras=NAP which is 2, Ace, 9. Envision drink SASsafras and take a NAP. SDH becomes SAH. SAHara=RuShJack which is 4, 6, Jack. Imagine Sahara desert RuSh Limbaugh's car broke down so he's Jacking it up. RuSh Jack is 4, 6, Jack. SDC becomes SAC. SAC=LowQueenShoe which is 5, Queen, 6. Envision a SACk race with a tiny Shoe that belonged to a Queen ie: LowQueenShoe. Or better yet at the Strategic Air Command (SAC) runway there is a 56 Chevy with the Queen between the 5 and the 6. SDD becomes SAD. SADdle=PLucKing which is 9, 5, King. Imagine a sad SADdle and then PLucKing horse hair from the saddle. PLucKing is 9, 5, King. Once the above mnemonic stories are mastered you can do the suitability trick without a crib sheet and without memorizing the Tritium stack. Note that for any one of these stories you can substitute your own story but only if your index word first three letters match my scheme and your major system word (after the equal sign) interprets properly. |
glowball Special user Nashville TN 937 Posts |
Not: "SEC becomes SEC." Correct: "SCC becomes SEC." |
glowball Special user Nashville TN 937 Posts |
Without asking all three people what their suit is, here is a method that you only ask the second person what their suit is and you will be able to know what all three cards are. This method will work about 70% of the time and the times that it does not work you can simply ask the other two people what their suit is and determine the three cards using the normal "suitability" technique.
Using any "suitability" constructed deck find four places roughly 10 to 15 positions apart where one place is a spade, another place is a heart, another place is a club, and another place is a diamond. They don't have to be in that order. Then two places above those cards make that card a normal breather card (thumb on the back of the card, two fingers on the face of the card when you make the X). If you have the spectator cut the deck several times and then deal three cards the odds are very high (70 percent?) that one of the four breathers will be on the bottom of the deck therefore all you have to do is ask the second person what their suit is. For this specific stack (Tritium-Jm3Lf3) the four cards to be breather cards happen to be the red suit male cards (JD, JH, KH, KD). At performance time after the spectator cuts the deck several times and then deals three consecutive cards: The magician asks the spectator with the second card of the three what their suit is: "Sir I'm getting good mental images on the others but not on your card, please help me out and just tell me the suit of your card". You have the four cards memorized that go with the particular suits: Spades equals the 10 of Spades. Clubs equals the 9 of Clubs. Hearts equals the 8 of Hearts. Diamonds equals the 7 of Diamonds. If you have the whole deck memorized, as I have, then you can easily figure out what the other two cards are. However you do NOT need to memorize the whole deck to do this "suitability" trick. Here are four little mnemonic stories to let you know what all three cards are: Have a separate memory palace so I use Ecuador because it is on the equator and the second card is at the equal point of the three. If the second card is: Spades: imagine a bathtub in Ecuador with the 10 of Spades floating in it and to the left side there are three battle maces (clubs) and to the right side there are nine beating hearts. Clubs: imagine in Ecuador Babe Ruth as the 9 of Clubs (the number 9 means baseball and clubs means a bat thus Babe Ruth was great with the bat). Imagine 4 heart-shaped Valentine's pushing Babe Ruth onto a pirate ship (note that the Jack of Clubs is the pirate Jack Sparrow). Hearts: imagine in Ecuador Marilyn Monroe as the 8 of Hearts (the number 8 looks like her figure and the guys all loved "hearts" her). To the left is a queen with a club hittng Marilyn on the head and to the other side there is an Ace of Clubs blocking the Queen's blows. Diamonds: imagine in Ecuador Tom Brady as the 7 of Diamonds because he won seven Superbowls and got 7 diamond rings. To the left there are three cheerleaders (three hearts) kissing him on the cheek and then he takes them to four nightclubs (4 of Clubs). If you practice the above 4 mnemonic stories you should be able to do the "suitability" trick with the Tritium-Jm3Lf3 stack by getting only the second spectator to tell their suit. |
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