Steve Brooks

Founder / Manager
Northern California - United States
3821 Posts
Posted: Jul 16, 2024 11:06 pm
Hey gang,
Hope everyone is staying cool from the summer heat and learning new magic!
My pal Steve Spill has forgotten more about magic than most of us will ever learn. A seasoned performer and author of numerous books on our craft.
Speaking of books, Steve has a new release today!
From my pal Steve Spill...
I’ve always cared passionately about taking pieces of the world around me and revealing their essence or how they look to me through my lens as a magician. Exposing truths through fakery is a tactic that audiences seem to love as much as I do. Since emerging as a human curiosity I’ve had what some would consider a fair measure of success with a noteworthy, abstruse, eventful career, that has spanned more than fifty years. Sparking audiences with surprise on theatrical, concert, casino, and nightclub stages as well as headlining my own decades-long running show in Santa Monica, California. HOLY SMOKE is my personal bible.
This 180 page hardcover bible includes useful creative-thinking tools, and an examination of the inventive techniques and thought processes employed throughout my career. Developing striking mysteries with presentations that audiences are drawn to, or are curious or care about, or that engage with fascinating or funny ideas, are what I always strive for.
When I face the inevitable obstacles — such as feeling I have no talent, or any burning driving passion, or I feel too old or too young or too jaded — I re-read and use what’s in my HOLY SMOKE bible to overcome these stumbling blocks. When my creativity is running low or there’s a feel or need for inspiration, reading any page at random gives me a boost. I promise when — not if — you see things in a new way and come up with your own special method or presentation, you will feel a swell of pride that’s absolutely precious and important to every performer.
Success as a magician has many ingredients: attitude, quality of material, work ethic. There’s even, I admit, a certain amount of luck involved (though successful people make their own luck by always working, always being prepared, and always being on the lookout for opportunity.).
Part one of HOLY SMOKE is called REFLECTIONS and it includes these important chapters:
- DOGMA – the why and how to flesh out magic that puts across something imbued with conflict or intrigue or comedy or drama or humanity as part of the process.
- GOSPEL – the ultimate guide to ideas, principles, and tactics that I believe are the most beneficial no matter who you are or what branch of magic you pursue or who you’re performing for.
- UNITARIAN – all about creating the connective tissue that makes a show a show. What can be done when the content is good but there doesn’t seem to be a change, or cut, or substitution, or reordering, that can rid a show of feeling “abrupt,” or pasted together?
- RESURRECTION – simply put, this is all about dealing with burnout. Breathing life back into that which periodically gets beaten down and some of the learnings from experience that have helped me accelerate the drive past negative occurrences. It’s not a simple matter of pumping yourself up with a motivational YouTube video, sometimes there’s more fundamental work to be done.
- SERMONS – When sales jargon is woven into magic it can produce faith in products and services in the same way text from scripture can be a form of persuasion in religious ceremonies. To most the words “corporate spokesman” means “trade shows” but this lucrative slice of our craft is broader. This is a deep dive into the how and why and implementation of my three best-received and lucrative corporate outings – including exactly what I did and what happened before and after those presentations.
HOLY SMOKE also contains these twelve audience-tested scripted stand-up routines:
- NAKED TRUTH – A unique piece of mentalism that’s a powerful routine with a quirky premise inspired by the late great comedy icon Mike Nichols. “It’s happened to all of us. You’ve seen things that were never intended to be seen. Quick example. As a teenager I saw my mother naked…” This mind reading escapade is like no other, with a procedure that appears absolutely fair. And it’s done without any electronics or tricky clipboards or pre-show work.
- FRISBEE 360 – This is Bob Hummer’s Flying Card as it has never been seen before, because it is impossible to do his famous card trick with a Frisbee. But that’s what this is, and you do it blindfolded. The Frisbee flies 360 degrees around your body twice and a third time as you and the Frisbee spin in tandem. This is strong visual magic.
- E-METER – “If someone came up to me on the street and challenged me to read their mind, I know I couldn’t do it. But I have a machine that can.” I am struck by how un-involving and lacking in eye-candy most mentalism can be. Not the case here. More than a mental revelation, the visual surprise impact finish is a cosmic whack that your volunteer participant will never forget.
- GRAPES I ATE ANYWAY – “I accidentally dropped a grape in onion dip. I didn’t wipe it off because I like onion dip. I ate it, but it was not great.” If you ever wanted to do a routine about adapting to whatever comes your way using four grapes… this is it. Not a version of the Three Ball Trick. No table, no net, no volunteers, no multiple phases, no pop-up move, no “one goes in the pocket still three in the hand,” and no three balls. What is here is a streamlined chucklesome waggish sequence with a surprise finish in a routine designed for large groups.
- SHRINKFLATION – As a fellow magician, I know you spend countless hours wrestling with this question: “How do I do a quirky poignant Diminishing Cards effect that’s a magical metaphor for how manufacturers give consumers less and less and less product and hope we don’t notice because they slap ‘Giant Size’ on the package?” I get it. I got it. Now it’s yours. I call it Shrinkflation.
- GHOSTS – Based on the plot of Tommy Wonder’s modern classic “Ring, Watch, & Wallet,” this routine was originally developed to entertain the season 12 wrap party for a horror genre ghost-hunting Travel Channel TV show known as The Dead Files. This presentation romanticizes a crime committed by ghosts. Since I’m not now, nor have I ever been, a believer in the paranormal… this thing is a moral tradeoff of sorts. And while that fact haunts me slightly, I am still a redeemable character since the magic in question here is shared in the form of satirical parody.
- CLASSIC CAT – Just because a trick is basic doesn’t mean you can’t un-basic it. And if a trick seems stale, it doesn’t mean your version can’t be fresh. One might say I have a singular sensibility. Taste comes into play when presenting a classic like the Rice Bowls and deciding how best to relate a narrative – this laugh out loud version is presented as a commercial for a new Self-Refilling Kitty Litter designed especially for well-hydrated cats.
- IN IT FOR THE MONEY – Can I be honest with you? I hope so, and I must apologize for swearing, but this is the funniest ****ing Miser’s Dream routine ever devised, and there’s no kid or bucket involved.
- DUST – Have you heard about the magic dust? This routine documents a unique part of my personal performing history, my Highdini act from the early 1970s. And this bit illustrates the adaptive nature of our craft since the predominate gimmick ideas were borrowed from an odd combo of tricks, Cake in Hat and the Long Pour Salt Trick. Yep, this is the one you read about in my memoir I Lie for Money where I snorted tablespoons of white powder throughout the show culminating in a surprise finish. A quick word to my younger readers from Highdini: in the long run, there are three types of people who can’t handle being perpetually plastered, wasted, loaded, and stoned… magicians, comedians, and everybody else.
- SMASHED & RESTORED – After using a champagne bottle for another effect – such as Coin in Bottle or making it appear a la Bob Read – the magician, that’s you, folds a scarf or bar-rag around the bottle, crafting a sack that loosely encases it. He smashes the bottle with a violent whack of a hammer that produces a loud pop and crash sound. The broken glass is shaken inside the makeshift sack. The rough noisy twitch and hacksaw sounding shift of the jagged shards seems to antagonize the ear drums of those watching. With the snap of a finger and thumb, the empty cloth noiselessly slips away to reveal a fully restored champagne bottle.
- THUMBS UP - “Has anyone ever had a pack of tarot cards, an ouija board, or a Magic Eight Ball? Yeah me too. Nowadays when I need a little guidance I go with the Sign of the Thumbs”
A piece of cardboard is displayed, both sides are shown to have a picture of the thumbs up gesture that’s associated with positivity and approval.
“Here’s how it works. On a road trip I find myself in the middle of Kansas fueling up a rent-a-car. The nearest body of water is five states away. Should I go ahead and buy the gas station sushi?”
The cardboard is repeatedly turned over, with each turn the thumbs haphazardly change directions, accompanied by a monologue comprised of crazy queries that make it all make sense. Yep, it’s my own sweet version of the Milbourne Christopher Traffic Sign trick from the 1940s.
- BEER SUCKS – Ken Brooke is one of the heroes of British magic. He was a superb thinker, a brilliantly funny performer, and a maestro that’s famous for his Multiplying Bottles routine — a surefire classic performed by pros worldwide, including me… until I stopped. The way I see it, or at least in my hands, I think and feel this unique distinctive “Beer Sucks” version really lifts the effect into a different place, is about something, and has twice the laughs without losing one iota of the magic.
HOLY SMOKE starts shipping today (Tuesday July 16). This collection features an abundance of new stand-up magic, humor, philosophy and advice, seasoned with the personal anecdotes of a professional tricky person. Refresh those sun-addled brains with this vitalizing form-breaking hardcover book from Steve Spill.
HOLY SMOKE book (Hardcover) by Steve Spill
$125 USD plus $8 USD shipping/handling – Total: $133 USD
International Orders: $125 USD plus $25 USD shipping/handling – Total: $150 USD
Order today by Clicking Here!
“ I think Holy Smoke is terrific, and possibly the most crisply written of all the Spill books to date. The first half is an invaluable professional and artistic guide, and the material is a delightful bonus. Loved it. Another masterpiece” - JAMY IAN SWISS
“ Holy Smoke is a terrific book. Read it, study it, and apply what you learn. You’ll be a better magician for it. Highly recommended” - MICHAEL CLOSE
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks