Salby Inner circle New Jersey 1277 Posts |
I already own a couple of Z-Wallets, but never owned a Himber Wallet. I know the mechanism and effect for a Himber Wallet. It seems the same as the Z-Wallet. What is the difference between these 2 Wallets? Do both produce the same effect as their mechanisms seem the same? Pros and cons? Thanks. .
You know how to make God laugh?........... Tell him your plans!!!
MeetMagicMike Inner circle Gainesville Fl 3551 Posts |
The Himber Wallet originally had straps that only allowed the wallet to be opened like a book but it could be opened from either side.
I think many wallets that are called Himber wallets today are actually just Z wallets. They both do the exact same thing. |
Julie Inner circle 3932 Posts |
...and there's the Bendix Bombshell version of the Himber to consider.
Salby Inner circle New Jersey 1277 Posts |
Thanks for the info. I thought I was missing something. So, the Z-Wallet is the more "Modern Name" to call it, huh?... You don't want to offend Mr. Himber-- That can put us in jail .
You know how to make God laugh?........... Tell him your plans!!!
Doomo Inner circle 2378 Posts |
Neither are really good.
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Kaliix Inner circle Connecticut 2045 Posts |
I am no historical expert, but what seems to have happened is that the commercial Z-fold wallet was converted to a magicians wallet. Z-fold refers to straps crisscrossing from top to bottom on each side of the wallet. Commercial versions I've seen have to sides with x straps on one side and straight top-to-bottom straps on the other. The x-strap was to hold money etc. and only released from one side.
The magic Himber/Z-fold wallet seems to have been born when magicians took the Z-strap idea and improved it by adding a middle section with straps on the sides that blend into the wallet to hide their true purpose. This version can now be opened on one side or the other. With both sides identical looking, a switch wallet was born. The Z-straps also hold the other side closed to prevent accidental openings. The Modern Z-Fold Wallet 2.0 by Patrick Kun solves the strap problem using magnets. Short sides that meet to form a solid and slim modern look. This particular version has a built-in peek function and a solid out-to-lunch implementation as well. The Z-wallet can also easily contain Kun's Rainbow gimmick, allowing for more excellent possibilities. Kun's Triumph routine is the best example I've seen. Quote: On Aug 7, 2024, Salby wrote:
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel J. Boorstin |
MeetMagicMike Inner circle Gainesville Fl 3551 Posts |
I'm no historian either but I'm pretty sure Z-fold is the wallet with no straps. It can be opened into a Z shape. The Hinber wallet will not do that due to the straps. (opening it into the Z shape serves no useful purpose)
Kaliix Inner circle Connecticut 2045 Posts |
Oh there certainly are Z-fold wallets without straps. Historically, I have no idea what they look like but the modern versions I've seen in my short search have a money-type clip on one half of the Z.
Jerry O'Connell makes both types. The JOL Z-fold (unlike the Himber or Modern Z-fold 2.0 from Kun) has nothing to keep the other side from opening when handled. It functions as a switching wallet. So does a Himber with straps added to prevent the other side from opening. Kun's version uses a clever design and magnets to accomplish the same thing. Quote: On Aug 7, 2024, MeetMagicMike wrote:
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel J. Boorstin |
Nikodemus Inner circle 1297 Posts |
I believe that what you refer to as a "commercial Z-fold wallet" is generally known as a Magic Wallet. EG - https://www.magicwalletshop.com/collections/magic-wallet The word Magic in this context has nothing to do with magic as we mean it - it just refers to the unusual hinging mechanism. The wallet has a 'virtual hinge" effect created by the strap design that allows the "hinge" to operate at either edge of the two halves. In other words, the "hinge" can move. There are only two halves, so the wallet can never form a Z shape (even hypothetically, if you were to cut the straps) because a Z requires 3 sections, hinged appropriately. So I think this wallet is a red herring. But I think an interesting question is whether a Z-fold wallet was ever designed as a normal wallet, and then adapted to a switching design; or was it a trick wallet from its inception? Another interesting question is whether the Z or Himber came first. Is the Himber wallet a Z-fold with the addition of clever straps? Or is the Z-fold a Himber minus the straps? |
MeetMagicMike Inner circle Gainesville Fl 3551 Posts |
Well there seems to be a lot of confusion so I will take it upon my self to decree that a Z fold wallet is a wallet that can be opened into a Z shape. No let's hear no more about this.
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